Sabrina x Odette

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Sabrina's POV

Me and some of my friends were going to this new cafe that just opened up down town. It was called Odeta or something.

Anyways we started making our way over there. First thing I noticed when I entered was that it was French themed. It looked amazing, that's all I'm trying to say. I already started feeling hungry and ordered us some food quickly. Then we went and sat down at a random table.

After just 5 minutes, yes 5 MINUTES!!! It was so quick! Our food finally came! It didn't take so long, it was well done, baked correctly and tasted amazing!

I was a bit of a foodie and it's in the name, I LOVE food! And when it tastes like this, Mwa. It's perfect! Once we were done we payed for our food and left. It was so good though, I didn't want to leave. My friends even started dragging me outside when I didn't want to leave. Now that's true friendship right there!

The next day we came back- Errr, I came back. I couldn't help it!!! The food tasted to amazing, any foodie like myself will agree with that! And after a few days, weeks and even months! Of coming back and ordering, I became a regular there. Everybody there knew me as the "Regular Foodie" which I didn't mind the name at all! It was true about me. And finally I HAD to meet the person behind making the food!

They agreed that they'll let me see them. They took me out back to meet them. I was so excited! Once I was in there, I kind of expected a male to be working on the food. I'm not really saying that all people that make amazing pieces of art are males. But, uhm... yeah, anyways once there. The amazing artist behind this wonder food turned around and looked at me.

Sabrina: "Uhmm... Hello?"

The girl smiled as she stopped what she was doing, washed her hands and shook my hand! I was expecting her to be mean, since that's what happened when I always watched food channels on TV. She quickly introduced herself as Odette. After a long time of talking to her, coming back and talking to her. We became friends, and then later on lovers.


Requested by: yuana_theweeb

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