Omar x Jean-Claude

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Jean-Claude's POV

I laid my head on boyfriend's shoulder. Me and Omar just started dating few weeks ago. I was planning on moving in with him since... Well- Let's just say my family isn't the best. We may be high class, but that doesn't mean I treat everybody who isn't like us with respect. I guess that's how I met Omar.

Omar: When do you plan on moving in?

Jean-Claude: I'm not sure, maybe in a week or so...

Omar: Alright, well... I can walk you home if you want.

Jean-Claude: No, it's fine... I can walk home on my own.

Omar: Oh...Okay, bye Jean.

Jean-Claude: Bye...

I felt kind of rude when I told him I didn't want him to walk me home. Its just cause...never mind. I sighed as I walked all the way over to my house. It was cold outside and it was dark. On my way back home, I noticed a large bag outside of my house. I felt uneasy just staring at it. I quickly rushed inside my house and locked the door. Once I was inside, I got asked a ton of questions by my family. I would get it if they were worried. But I know them, they aren't...not even a little.

Omar's POV

I sighed as Jean left. I didn't really want him to leave. But, what can I do about it? Not much. I went over to my bedroom and laid down on my bed. I set my alarm to 30 minutes from now, only because I wanted to take a quick cat nap and then text Jean all night. Once my timer set off, I rubbed my eyes and got up. Once I checked my messages, I got a ton of messages from Jean. The one that worried me the most was this one,

[ 2:49 am ]


I quickly got out of bed and called the police. I ran as fast as I could all the way over to Jean's house. Once I was there. There were police cars, news reporters, firefighters and an ambulance. I looked over at Jean's house to find it on fire.

I looked inside the ambulance and find Jean there, who looks scared out of his mind. I sat next to him and cuddled with him for the next hour as the fire was getting put out. Once it was, They found everybody but Jean dead inside the building. I held him close to me, he was scared. So was I, but I just kept calm and told him it was alright. I sighed as Jean was taken to the hospital, he was hurt badly but he was okay. I walked him back to my house and left him on my bed.

Omar: ...Are you going to be okay?

He only looked at me and nodded. But I could tell he was lying. I sighed as we cuddled for a little before he fell asleep. I kissed his forehead and fell asleep with him.

Omar: I love you...


Requested by: saikxu

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