Lukey x Vinny

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Believe it or not but, I got this request by somebody on roblox. I forgot their username sadly. Anyways, this is what they requested. Also...This is really short, soorrryyyyy blame my lazy ass for being lazy.

Tip of the day: Vinny will murder you if you take away his muffin

Lukey's POV

I yawned as I woke up next to Vinny. I kissed his forehead as I got out of bed. As I got out of bed, he woke up as well.

Lukey: "Mmmmm...Morning love."

Vinny: "...Morning.."

I smiled as I gave him another kiss and changed into a warm sweater. I yawned once more as I started making breakfast for the both of us. Once we finished eating we decided to watch the news. As we were about too, we heard thunder from outside our house. I quickly looked outside from our window and see there's a heavy storm heading our way. I sighed as I locked the door and turned off all the electronics in our house. I looked up at the lights and noticed them flickering. I sighed as I turned them off. I quickly, lit a candle and placed it on the table.

Vinny: "Hey Lukey..."

Lukey: "Yeah vin?"

Vinny: "Do you know what this reminds me of?"

Lukey: "What?"

Vinny: "Don't you remember? Flicker!"

It's been years since I heard that name...Once the game was complete and the professors let us free. After everything we've been through together...we, just grew apart as we left each other. I smiled lightly as I kissed Vinny.

Lukey: "Yeah... I remember."

I smiled as I sat down with him and waited for day to go by.

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