the Fine Art of Bullshit

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inside Murphy's tent, we sat on his cot facing eachother

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inside Murphy's tent, we sat on his cot facing eachother. we've been talking for a while about before, and how irritating we find both clarke and bellamy. he seems to be more real now, than when he's with the guys. through this entire conversation, i'm still angry at everything going on outside of this tent.

"i don't know, john," i laugh, "maybe Bell and Clarke will hate-bang and this entire thing will end,"

he laughs too. he starts saying, "or octavia and jasper will, and bellamy will have his head,"

"sooo not funny," but i'm laughing too, "someone get him a xanax and some sex, he's becoming an uptight prick,"

"i'm going to be honest, i've always thought you two would end up together," he says, not breaking eye contact.

"oh no," i'm slightly disgusted to be honest, "i think i'd rather get floated than be with someone that narcissistic,"

he laughs and scoots closer to me, "well in that case,"

he lifts up slightly, and puts his arm on the bed behind me, so that he's pretty much on top of me. before i can even think about what either of us are doing, i kiss him. it's starts sensual, and ends up with a full fledged make out. he moves from my mouth to my neck, his hands find their way under my shirt but only stay on my hips.

he stops with my neck and asks, "do you want to?" i know he's asking if i want to have sex, but it makes me laugh that he asks.

"aw are you asking me if i want to have sex?" i laugh, "that's sweet,"

"everyone says consent is sexy," he laughs back, "now shut up,"

he goes back to attacking my lips, but his hands move from my hips to my breasts. i flip so i'm on top, and i remove my shirt, then remove his. he stops to start undoing his pants, and i start undoing mine.


an hour later, Murphy wakes me up to tell me that we have to go into the drop ship. putting my clothes on i ask him, "what's going on?"

"one of the guys just came in, told me that the air is burning people's skin," he starts, handing me my clothes, "the drop ship is the only place we can get to safely,"

after we get into the drop ship, Murphy and i find a place to sit. i quickly fall back asleep on his lap.


when bellamy came back, atom was dead.

they said that the fog almost took him out, and clarke had to put him out of his misery herself. murphy said that he needed to talk to bellamy, so i stood near the drop ship and waited for him to be done so we could go back to his tent and get a proper nights sleep.

when the crowd cleared, murphy walked back over to me, "hey, you ready?" he asks.

"uh yeah," i start, noticing Wells sitting near the fire alone, "give me a second, i'll meet you in there,"

he nods and walks over to his tent without me, while i walk over to Wells. "hard night?" i ask, sitting down.

"something like that," he doesn't seem to happy but i don't press it.

"so, chancellor of the Earth," i start, "i'm sorry,"

i don't think he expected me to say that, "for?"

"everything. people are mistreating you for the things that someone else did, people are mistreating you for trying to save us," i start, "i don't know. that was all i wanted to say,"

i get up and start walking away before he says, "goodnight, venus,"

"goodnight," i say back, walking into Murphy's tent before laying down with him and falling asleep.



I KNOW YOURE MAD, but i love Murphy so much and he's so hot. YES Bellamy and Venus get together, but it all comes together. TRUST ME. xoxo.

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