Oh Thats Awkward

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"he's a reaper, he just looked right through me," octavia whispers as we crouch down to hide, "how is this possible,"

just as that happens, lincoln walks through the door, spitting blood from his mouth and then falling.

"i'll get him back, i promise," bellamy responds. and i start wondering how that will happen.

even if we do get inside of mount weather, they'll know who we are instantly. we don't have what it takes to kill them from the outside. even then, we don't know how to get to the inside.

we decide to stand up and start moving again, but i'm not sure where.

"draw him in," bellamy says as octavia stands and starts calling for lincoln. when lincoln comes, he runs for octavia as bellamy zaps him with one of the guards sticks.

"now we take him home," i say as we grab lincoln again and pull him with us.


when we get to the drop ship, bellamy decides to leave to get clarke. octavia asked me to go, she needed a minute to process everything.

on our way to the ark, bellamy and i stay silent for a while. we hardly even look at each other.

"finn said something the other day," i break the silence, "he said that you've been a walking bomb just like him since losing us,"

"losing the 48 of you didn't make me a bomb, losing you did," he says back. his tone isn't calm and sweet like it was before, it's just like it is when he's talking to anyone else.

"what's going on with you? why are you pulling away from me?" i'm trying not to sound like a desperate little girl, but i know i'm probably coming off that way, "me getting along with murphy made you cold towards me,"

"you and murphy have a history of being together when he comes back around," he stated simply.

"so you're worried that that's going to happen now?" it's my turn to sound like a dick, and i know my tone isn't helping that.

he took a minute to answer and i knew we were getting closer to the ark, we didn't have much time to converse like this.

"i never thought you were dead," he starts, "but the thought that you could be dead, killed me,"

"you act cold to me about murphy, you start pulling me away whenever i come back. but you say things like that, you take care of me, you hold my hand when you think i'm going to fall. what are we doing?" i've stopped walking and he stops too.

"before all of this, you said that you wanted me. the whole thing. i don't want you to change your mind." and with that, we start walking.

"i haven't," i say to him as i pass him and walk into the ark.

after clarke follows us to the drop ship, she sees lincoln tied right where he was last time he was here. he's grunting and screaming at us.

"can you help him?" i ask, "they turned him into a reaper,"

"i didn't know they were creating them," she responds, looking terrified.

"if they can do that to lincoln, what can they do to our friends?" bellamy asks out loud.

where are we even supposed to start? before we knew it, lincoln starts seizing.

"shine the light on his neck," clarke says, "needle marks,"

and after that, lincoln ripped his restraints from the walls, knocking clarke to the ground and bellamy soon after. i tripped and fell on the ground as he hit me in the face repeatedly. when bellamy tried to get to me, lincoln got him. his legs were still restrained, and as he beat bellamy, octavia knocked him clean out.

as clarke and bellamy started trying to get the bullet wound in his leg out, i stood behind and tended to my own wound. he didn't hit me as hard as he hit bellamy, but my eyebrow was bleeding and blood was coming out of my nose. i started getting dizzier so i sat down, trying to excape passing out.

as bellamy made his way over to me, a grounder man came up out of the floor with octavia as lincoln started seizing again.

bellamy started wiping the blood from my face as the grounder man made his way over to lincoln. he said something in their language and then started pouring a liquid in his mouth.

"wait," clarke yelled as she grabbed the liquid. she repeated the words he said, "you're trying to kill him,"

"nyko, is it true?"

"yes, death is the only way," nyko answers. these people are so violent, but then again so are we.

"there could be a way," clarke responds as finn comes into the room.

"we need to leave, the ark is evacuating," finn says as niko takes a swing at him and starts choking him. this is clearly about the massacre that finn created. before bellamy can grab his gun, clarke stuns him and then does the same to lincoln.

"he's not breathing," i say as i start preforming CPR. it takes a few minutes until lincoln coughs and starts breathing again, almost as if he never died.

"i know how to stop the attack," clarke says.

finn and clarke leave the room, bellamy and i are the only ones watching lincoln as nyko and octavia talk in the corner.

"i'm fine," i say back, "just dizzy is all,"

"dizzy like you're going to pass out?" bellamy asks in a sarcastic voice. he already knows the answer, but my vision is clearing up and i can see better now. so i doubt i'll pass out.

i lay my head in his lap, but i keep my eyes open. i can't keep thinking about everyone else and what they're thinking, so i think about mom instead.

she used to say that she didn't mind that my father verbally abused her, she said that it didn't matter as long as we were fine and safe. i think she would've liked my friends now.

"hey morning star," bellamy asks, "what was mount weather like?"

"there are all kinds of people," i start, "elderly people, children, families. breaking in isn't going to be easy,"

"don't worry, i have a plan," he responds lightly. i worry about that last thing he says, he has a plan? i can't help but feel like that means he's going to do something reckless.

when finn and abby come back, clarke isn't with them. abby starts pulling things from her back so that she can help lincoln, and we all hold him down.

"his heart stopped," abby says as more people come up into the drop ship. they give more CPR to lincoln and i finally look at the people who have come up.

clarke stands next to a grounder woman with dark brunette hair. octavia starts crying and i try to reach for her but she pushes me off and starts doing CPR herself.

the brunette grounder woman comes up and bellamy starts reaching for his gun. the grounders around us draw their swords, bellamy raises his gun.

"please, you don't have to do this," clarke says.

"you lied. and you're out of time," the brunette girl says back, and as that happens abby strikes lincoln with electricity and lincoln wakes up.

"octavia?" he asks. all across the room, people go silent. clarke and the girl share a look before we all go downstairs. something tells me that this girl isn't an ordinary girl, the grounders around her respect her. i soon learn that her name is lexa.

i can tell this isn't going to be good.

little morning star  | bellamy blakeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum