The Shaquille O'Neal of Almost Dying

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being chained to a wall next to raven and wick wasn't ideal. but watching another member of the Ark get drilled into right in front of us wasn't exactly ideal either. and if our people don't come for us, the exact same thing happens to us.

some of the guards came in, two other prisoners with bags over their heads having the same fate as us. when the bags were removed, Kane and Abby were also on the wall with us, and when a man came in i immediately knew that he was the new man in charge.

"where's my daughter?" abby asked.

"i'm sorry it had to come to this," the man responds.

an hour later, we got news that the kid on the table previously had died. it wasn't shocking, it also wasn't shocking how little the mountain people cared.

"she's next," the guard said as he grabbed for raven. i kicked him in the crotch and defended her.

"dont fucking touch her. she's crippled. i'm the one you've heard of, the only one that's got away. take me bitch," i yelled as i kicked at the man.

the guards all looked to each other, thinking for a second.

"i hear it's rude to single out crippled people," the guard joked to his friends as he uncuffed me and started pulling me to the table.

"she's got internal bleeding, you can't take her," abby yelled on my behalf.

"then she's going to die anyways," the guard responded, strapping me to the table by my arms and legs. i can hear people in the room yelling and i want to tell them to stop screaming on my account like that, but i decide against it.

i hear the drill start, and feel a piercing pain on my hip, i refuse to scream. i refuse to let them hear me scream. i grit my teeth down as i try and not feel the amount of pain that i am in this moment. i finally start screaming, right as my eyes start watering.

my body starts feeling heavy, but i won't allow myself to pass out.

"take her off the table," the man in charge says, "and put her on it,"

he grabs for abby, putting her on the table. kane begs and pleads for abbys life, but they put me on the wall near kane, he holds me up and abby lets out a scream. 

"let her go," i thrash in the restraints, until jasper walks in the door, "no not you too,"

he notices my hip bleeding and he makes his way over to me, but the guards don't let him any closer. after that, people around us start coughing and the mountain men start developing radiation burns.

"they did it," i said, "bellamy did it,"

the man in charge bolted out of the door, jasper soon after him. it didn't take long for everyone to set us free, bellamy instantly going for me and kane instantly going for abby.

he ran for me, and with everything i could i hugged him.

"dont use all of your strength," he said jokingly, his eyes were tearing up, "i thought you were going to die,"

"i couldn't die even if you wanted me to," i said back with a laugh as i started to cry, "please bring me home. i want to go home,"

"we're going home. i promise, we're gonna go home," he said back, holding me tighter.


when we got back to the Ark, i was better. i wasn't scared for my life, i wasn't scared for anything. bellamy was safe, i was safe and we were together. i didn't really care passed that.

"what happened to clarke?" i asked him as i laid down in bed, holding his hand.

"she left," he responded back, "she wanted to get away, she'll be back. she'll be back,"

but i think he was convincing himself more than me. i'm not surprised, but i do feel worried for her.

"lay with me?" i ask him. he nods as he takes his shoes off and pulls his shirt off, he lays behind me and holds my hand.

"i was so worried about you, seeing you on that table.. i don't know what i would've done," he said, i couldn't tell if he was crying or not. but i was.

"it's okay, bell. i'm safe, you're safe. everyone is safe, just like we planned," i said back, "okay?"

"i love you, i hope you know that," he said softly.

"i love you,"

and everything was okay, just as i said. because i loved him and he loved me. and that was enough.

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