Pain, Suffering, and More Pain

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when clarke comes back from grounder territory, she has a grave look on her face. we follow her right as a crowd forms around her, everyone desperate to hear if we can have a truce with the grounder people.

"is there a chance?" abby asks.

"yes," clarke responds, "but if we want a truce, we have to give them finn,"

everyone starts whispering around us as we all look to find any sort of answer amongst everyone.

"that's not an offer," i say back to her

"it's a punishment," finn says back, "for what i did at the village,"

"if we refuse, they attack," clarke says back.

the crowd starts attacking back at us, all of them objecting that we should sacrifice finn. when raven started fighting them back, the guards took her into the Ark.

"clarke's not going to let anything happen to you," i say to finn, "okay? don't be worried,"

bellamy grabs my hand, pulling me back away from the crowd. he doesn't want me to fight them back like raven did, and i can tell.

we all give each other looks and start walking to a secluded area we could discuss this. when we finally get somewhere we can talk, clarke doesn't miss a beat.

"you should be inside," she says to finn

"i'm not going to hide," he responds back. bellamy starts walking with finn inside as they debate on what they should do.

"any orders for me princess?" murphy asks as he joins our little group.

"stay away from me," she responds back, she still hasn't forgiven him.

"just trying to be helpful,"

she turns back around to face us and says, "you were with him at the village. you couldn't stop him?"

"i tried. he was out there looking for you. we all were," he shot back at her. she started to walk back to where the others were, but i took a seat next to murphy.

"you didn't even try to hang her, what's her problem?" i joke towards him.

he laughed and said, "guess when it was bellamy she didn't mind, but now that it's her boyfriend she cares,"

he had a fair point, and when she comes back out of the ark i can tell that lincoln didn't give her good news.

"they're going to torture him if they get him," she says, "i can't let that happen,"

"i don't want finn to get murdered just as much as the next guy. but they'll murder us if we don't do something," i say back.

knowing finn, he won't let us die just so that he might be safe. it's unlikely that he won't sacrifice himself.

"maybe death is what i deserve," finn says from behind us.

"you were trying to find our people," clarke says back him.

"not to mention that they've killed our people too," i agree.

i take a look at the two of them staring at only each other, i decide i need to leave this conversation. this is a conversation for the two of them, it has no place for me. and i can tell they need it.


"i can tell you're thinking when you make that face," i say to bellamy as i join where he's standing at the wall.

"finns inside, and they haven't stopped chanting, this isn't going to end well." bellamy says to me. sure enough, the grounders circling our camp were chanting something in their language.

"open the gate," abby says as she walks to the grounder guards, "we are ready to fight,"

and after she says that, they head back to grounder territory. almost instantly, Marcus Kane comes out of the woods. he speaks with abby and i start wondering what is happening.

he heads inside with abby and clarke as bellamy and i walk back to the wall to guard.

"go inside, venus," bellamy says to me, he needs to stop trying to protect me from things like this.

"stop trying to protect me, i can handle this," i say back to him, "now let's go figure out what kane is saying,"

when we get outside the room the three of them were talking in, raven is already there waiting. i can't say i'm surprised. when abby comes back, raven and bellamy jump on her immediately.

"what's going on?" raven asks, practically yelling.

"we are all trying to find a way out of this. now step aside," she says back

"they're going to give him up," i say as soon as she's out of earshot, "now lets go protect him,"


"finn," i say as soon as we find him and clarke, "we're bringing you to the drop ship."

"no, this is the safest place," clarke argues as she starts to get closer to us.

"they're turning on him and we need to protect him," bellamy says back as we all start walking out of the Ark.

"nobody is coming with me," finn argues

"that isn't up for discussion, princess now let's fucking go," i shoot back at him, earning a playful glare from finn.

as soon as i finish my sentence, the other people of the ark start walking towards us. all yelling at finn about how he was going to get us murdered.

bellamy hits the guy closest to us, and clarke and finn start running in the opposite direction. i grab bellamys hand and start running after them.


when we finally get to the drop ship, murphy and raven were already there. we waited for finn and clarke as i sat next to murphy on the ground. raven and bellamy waited near the door.

"this shit makes me miss a little innocent grounder altercation," i joke to murphy.

"seems like it was only yesterday jasper was getting shot with a spear," he joked back.

when i looked up at bellamy and raven, bellamy was staring at murphy and i. i rolled my eyes and waited for finn.

finn came in carrying clarke, he said that she hit her head. we put her down as raven and finn talked to each other. soon after, they stormed out of the drop ship angrily.

"he's going to let them kill him," i thought out loud, "that's who he is,"

bellamy gave me a look, "i hope you're wrong about that,"

we all came outside with guns, prepared to fight our way out of this. clarke joined us soon after she woke up, but we ordered finn to stay in the drop ship.

"we're surrounded"

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