All The Women Stronger Than Bellamy Blake

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i should've known that Murphy, Wells, and Bellamy would've come too

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i should've known that Murphy, Wells, and Bellamy would've come too. if having someone in my corner meant that Murphy was there, i don't think i'm too excited to have someone in my corner. he was fully willing to hurt Wells, and hurt me in the process.

luckily, i'm finding more out about all of these people. monty and jasper were arrested for stealing medicine, finn for illegally space walking, and clarke for helping her father commit an act of treason. fun crowd.

the woods all look like woods, i'm not even sure how they know where we're going. we pass a few branches before Bellamy decides to speak.

"what's the rush," bellamy starts, "you don't survive a spear through the heart,"

"jasper screamed when they moved him," clarke turns around, allowing us to catch up, "he would die instantly if he were going to die,"

she turns to leave but Bellamy won't let her, "and as soon as you take this wristband off, we can go," he's proving to be an irritating person.

"the only way the Ark is going to think i'm dead, is if i'm dead," ballsy chick, and while i don't really like her, she's still got a lot of balls.

"brave princess," ew. something about bellamy saying that really made me cringe.

"find your own nickname," finn says, joining the worst rescue party ever, "got to split up, cover more ground,"

"you heard the jester," i joke, turning to everyone else.

clarke and finn are on their own team, which makes no sense for me, wells, murphy, and bellamy. i think about splitting up with Wells, but decide against it. team up with him and leave the other two to plot? no way.

"so," murphy starts, walking next to me, "how do you figure he's the jester?"

"the way i see it," i elbow him jokingly, "she's the princess, Wells is the prince, finn is the jester, Bellamy is the king, and you're the kings' bitch,"

bellamy laughs, and i can tell i've struck a nerve with Murphy, "and what makes you think i'm his bitch?"

we've stopped walking, and i can feel him getting closer to me, his breath is on my neck. am i uncomfortable or not?

"stop following him in everything he does, and we'll see whose bitch you become," two can play at that game, you don't intimidate me, John Murphy. and while i'm somewhat aroused, i fight the urge to make him MY bitch by pushing past him.

when i catch up to Wells and Bellamy, Bellamy is saying, "guess we have more in common than what meets the eye, huh?"

no idea what that means.

"we have nothing in common," wells responds.

"your secrets safe with me," Bellamy says, "with finn around, clarke doesn't even see you,"

"don't be a dick, Bell," i don't even think he realized i was behind him, "you two are very different."

"for instance," i continued, "he's probably way better in bed than you are," wells laughed, so that was a good sign. i feel for this kid, i really do.

"why do you still have your wristband on, venus?" bellamy asks, attempting to grab my arm as we walk through the branches.

"aw, don't study me so hard blake," conversations with them are taxing.

it wasn't too long before clarke and finn yelled for us, finding something that belonged to jasper in the lake.

"how do we even know this is the right way?"

"we don't," bellamy says, "space walker thinks he's a tracker,"

"blood. on the ground," i state, finn and clarke squat down to look, getting too close for comfort.

"see," bellamy whispers to wells, "you're invisible,"

"suck a dick," murphy says, earning a laugh from me, until a loud groan cuts our laugher off.

i was the first to run towards it, i don't really care much for grounders or what they're capable of doing. when we all arrive, there sits jasper, bleeding as he's tied to a tree. i can't help but feel sorry for him.

we all rush towards him, but clarke falls through what seems to be a trap set by the grounder. a hole with sharp things at the bottom, inevitably leading to death. bellamy grabs her arm to hold her up, and before he pulls her back up i can see him contemplating murder.

"bell," i say softly, he hears me enough to snap back into reality.

"i'll climb up there and cut him down," our beloved jester says.

"i'll come with you-" wells tries to say before finn cuts him off, telling him not to. i don't really care who plays hero, but the battle leading up to who gets to is nauseating.

"there's medicine on his wound," i notice.

"that doesn't make any sense," Wells also notices.

"thanks for the statement nobody needed, it's obvious it was either a warning, or a trap," i stated bluntly, "either way, it's best we leave soon,"

before i can even think, another groan comes from the woods as murphy and finn try and free jasper.

"bellamy get your damn gun," i yell just as an animal of some sort comes at clarke. but bellamy doesn't have the gun, wells does. Wells shoots the animal, killing it before it can get to Bellamy. he looks like he's going to shit his pants.

"invisible my ass," i state, walking past bellamy, "that man you tried to kill, just saved your life, and bought you dinner afterwards."

he grabs my wrist, "we need to talk,"  but i don't respond, i walk towards the Drop Ship. no way in hell am i talking to that thing.

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