Here on Dr Phil- A Traitor Comes Back!

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i wake up to three glasses of water and a note that says 'drink them all' - b

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i wake up to three glasses of water and a note that says 'drink them all' - b

i groan and sit up, i usually don't have hangovers and i know this one isn't nearly as bad as the one jasper is experiencing, but it's still very irritating.

when i finally come out of the tent, everyone else is gone. octavias says that they're going to find a ship that came from the Ark last night, clarke's mom was on there. nobody survived.

"so," octavia laughs, "you and bellamy?"

"we didn't fuck," i say, grabbing my head from the pain of having to be alive, "pretty sure we kissed, but that's all,"

"wow that's spicy," she laughs, "people are gawking over jasper and he's eating it right up,"

"let him have this," i laugh back, "he's a hero, let him be,"

"someone hit a trip wire," someone yells, and someone falls to the ground outside the edge of camp. i run in the direction, who knows who it could be?

"john murphy,"


once murphy is inside the drop ship, nobody else comes near him other than octavia and i.

"where is he?" bellamys voice echos through the drop ship, everyone else was silent before.

murphy looks terrible. he's covered in blood head to toe, when bellamy looks at him i'm cleaning up his wounds.

"everyone out. now," bellamy says, the people clear fast, not wanting to see someone like this. especially not one of our own.

"he was running from the grounders," i say, "he says he was with them, that's why he looks like this. he was tortured,"

bellamy raises his gun and points it at murphy, i jump in front of him, "what the hell? what if he knows something about the grounders?"

"we were clear about what happened if he came back," he says, "nobody else saw grounders. think about charlotte,"

"fuck you," i say as clarke analyzes him.

"and what did you tell them about us?" bellamy asks.

"everything," murphy responds.

"can you fucking blame him?" i ask, "he was tortured. he looks like hell."

"we figure out what he knows, and then he leaves," clarke says, leaving the tent.

everyone else leaves the drop ship, bellamy last. i don't leave, i stay with murphy.

"here," i say, sitting down next to him, "you can lay in my lap. you're okay, i promise,"

a few hours pass and bellamy comes in, "you can leave, i'll watch him,"

"i'm not watching him, i'm staying with him. and i'm not going," i say.

he huffs, then turns back like he's going to say something. he leaves, but twenty minutes after he leaves, he comes back with clarke.

murphy stands up, vomiting a pool of blood in the direction opposite of me.

"murphy, look at me," clarke says, "i need you to tell me how you escaped from the grounders,"

"i woke up and they forgot to lock my cage," he says.

"they let you go," she says, piecing something together. it's only then that i notice the blood coming from her eyes. biological warfare. you only vomit when you're sick, or dying. and you only vomit blood if you're dying.

"bellamy, stay back," i say.

"did he do something to you?" i shake my head, "what the hell is this?"

"biological warfare," clarke says, "murphy's their weapon,"

"you're helping the grounders kill us?" he asks.

"i didn't know about this," murphy responds weakly.

"stop lying. when are they coming?"

murphy says nothing, and some other kid in the corner starts seizing. he vomits blood, before he dies on the ground of the drop ship.

"octavia," i say, "she carried him in with me, get her please,"

bellamy gives me a grave look, before walking out of the drop ship to gather anyone sick. i grab murphy's head and put his head in my lap.

bellamy comes back into the drop ship, "you shouldn't touch him, venus," he says, giving me a look that says every emotion he's ever felt about me.

"if i'm not sick already, i'm fine," i say back, murphy opening his eyes to give a death stare to bellamy.

more people are moved into the drop ship, meaning more and more people are getting sick. when octavia comes back from seeing lincoln, she tells us that the grounders are coming at first light, and that this sickness isnt to kill us, it's to weaken us.

"v you can sleep now. it's your turn," murphy says, standing up from a cot.

"but i'm not sick," i say.

"but i feel better," he says back. i finally give up and go to the cot, falling asleep fast.


when i wake up, bellamy is here too. so are a lot of other people, but bellamy was the one that shocked me.

"im not taking that from you," he says to murphy as he tries to get him to drink water.

"you'll take it from me," i say, handing him the water, he drinks it but stays silent afterwards.

"smoke," someone says, coming inside of the drop ship and ushering us all outside.

we walk outside, to see a huge explosion in the distance, "what the hell did i miss?" i ask.

"they had to explode the bridge, it was our only chance," bellamy says.

"theyre here, open the gate," someone said, i assumed it was the others, and that they had all returned safely.

when they come into camp, i notice that raven is sick, i help grab her and pull her into the drop ship, murphy helps put her into the cot.

"i've got it," he says, "you can go to the tent, sleep there tonight,"

i smile at him and squeeze his hand before walking to a tent, but not mine.

"ah welcome back," bellamy says, turning around to face me.

"you told me to say it sober, so i'm saying it sober," i started, "i want you. i want to have sex, i want to be more than friends, and i want you to be happy,"

he starts to come closer to me, grabbing me by the waist, but before he can lean in, i say something else.

"but not while murphy is here," i say, catching him by surprise.

"if you mean that you want him to leave, i can arrange that," he says back, still holding me by the waist.

"i want you to be nice to him, meaning no hateful comments to him. but i can't be with you, while he's still here. let me figure out us, before i can figure out us,"

"anything for you, princess,"

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