Ed Sheeran Wouldnt Treat Me Like This

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apparently, when clarke and i came into the camp they thought we were grounders. they hit us a few times, but clarke's mom knew her instantly.

i was still out cold, and when i woke up, i was in a tent that looked all too familiar. bellamy and clarke were sitting on the bed. bellamy was holding my hand.

"hey you," i say to bellamy, interrupting the conversation he and clarke were having, "whatd i miss?"

"finn and murphy are missing," clarke says, "they went to look for us with the grounders,"

before i could even respond, abby walked in motioning for clarke to leave, "venus, i have some news for you,"

bellamy looked at me just as confused as i was.

"we think that the cause of your fainting is internal bleeding, and you could've honestly gotten that from anything. we could possibly be wrong, but we aren't sure even still." abby said, once clarke was out of the room.

i didn't miss a beat, i stood from the bed and started to make my way out of the tent, bellamy grabbing my hand to stop me.

"venus you aren't going to look for finn and murphy with clarke," he said simply.

"you aren't my dad, if i want to put myself in danger, i'm allowed to do so," i shot back, "they risked their lives for us,"

"so did all of us," he said.

"i never asked you to do that, and what's with you forgiving murphy? you've forgotten so soon what he did to us?" i reply back, not sure where all of my anger is coming from. i started walking away again, pulling my hand from his.

"you don't get to decide if i'm going to risk my life for you or not,"

i stopped in my tracks as i turned back to him, "i'm not upset at him or you. but you don't get to risk your life for me."

"you don't get to decide if i risk my life for you, it's my life," he starts yelling back at me, "i will never not risk my life for you, okay?"

i rolled my eyes and continued walking after clarke side by side with bellamy. but when he intertwined our fingers together i didn't stop him.

when we get to where clarke is standing at the fence surrounding the ark, raven is there with guns.

"we should leave," clarke says as octavia joins us, she sees me and hugs me slightly.

"you can't stop me from going bellamy," she says as she looks at our hands together.

"trust me i'm done trying to convince people not to do things," he laughs, "here's your pack, lead the way,"

we waited for raven to give the signal for us to go, before we went through the fence and walked back into the same woods we almost died in. octavia led the way and clarke walked with her, leaving me and bellamy in the back. i let go of his hand and held my pack. when it got dark we decided to make camp and set a fire, octavia was out in the first five minutes.

"losing you changed finn," bellamy said, "he lost his mind. finding you was all he cared about,"

"every girls dream," i laughed sarcastically, "i'd drop dead if a guy felt that way about me,"

"how long before chocolate cake turns into being hung upside down and drained for their blood?" bellamy asks

"i don't know," clarke says before we all go silent.

"we've slept for long enough. let's go," octavia says before we get up and proceed walking through the woods.

as we walk, i think in my head. octavia and clarke lead the way, bellamy walking in front of me. i can't help but wonder what it's going to be like to see them all again. murphy is with them and even hearing his name makes me feel nervous. why would they let him back here? after he did to bellamy and i, why does he even deserve a second chance? and why was bellamy allowing this?

"get out of your head, princess," bellamy says lowly, "what are you thinking?"

"why did you let murphy here? after everything," i say back but i won't let my face meet his.

"when we found him, he was with raven. i had met with the people of the Ark. your Uncle is here," he said but i could tell that he had something else to say, "he told me that i don't get to fight your battles for you, he said that if you wanted to forgive Murphy it would be your own decision,"

"and you listened to him? that's a shock,"

"when he first got down here he asked me who you turned out to be. i said 'good intentions, bad temper' and that's when he told me that i don't get to make decisions for you. he was right," bellamy responds as he soon gets quiet.

"i don't know what to do," i said back. i could tell he wanted to say something else, but he chose against it. i'm glad, i have nothing else to say.

we continued walking until daylight, when we stopped walking octavia pointed us to the village.

"i couldn't save him," she said as she grabbed onto her brother for support. when she started crying, i motioned for Clarke to follow me away from them. they needed a moment alone. apparently lincoln was in their territory, but nobody knows what happened to him for sure.

when we started to walk in the direction, we heard gun shots from where we were headed. nobody took a moment to think, we all just ran.

the gun shots continued and got louder as we ran, this couldn't possibly be good.

when we got to the end of the woods, we could see everything clearly. there stood finn and murphy, in front of everyone in the village. so many people were dead around but we all just stopped.

octavia ran towards the people, trying to help. but we were all shocked with fear. why would they do this?

"i found you," finn says as clarke walks backwards in fear. i could feel bellamy and murphy looking at me, but my eyes didn't leave the bodies on the ground.

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