Wheres My Epic Background Music

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clarke will never disappoint me, will she?

before clarke came in to save us, i noticed that i was in a cage near the grounder queen called Anya. Anya looked small and fragile like they hadn't been feeding her or taking care of her at all. after clarke got her free, she got me free next. but when someone walked into the room wearing a lab coat, she jumped into the cage with me.

when the doctor came in, she started messing with something i hadn't even noticed. a person hanging by their feet, blood pouring out of them into a clear tube like an IV. a blood transfusion. when the woman walked out, we were quick.

"come on. we're getting the fuck out of here," clarke said as she ran to a door near us, she was sure that this was an exit. Anya was limping but i was fine, so i let clarke help her and i helped lead the way.

when we got out the doors, the sirens started blaring throughout mount weather, then the floor underneath us gave out. like a trash chute of some sorts. but we were the trash.

at the bottom, there was a giant machine and when we all looked around, we noticed that other people were with us. but they were dead. clarke and anya groaned and freaked out as i said, "this is what they do to the people when they're done draining their blood,"

we got out of the container, and when i looked around we seemed to be inside of a tunnel, the floor was covered in dirt.

"i won't leave my people behind," anya says.

"we leave. then we kill them," i say simply, handing Anya clothes from the other people around us so that we can change. we were interrupted by loud movements at the end of the tunnel, "reapers," i whispered.

we ran back into the container and played dead. something i've been doing a lot lately.

when the reapers came, they paid no attention to us as they started throwing more bodies onto us, then rolled us down the tunnel slowly. what the fuck were they going to do with us?

when they finally stopped pulling, clarke looked over the side of our cart and motioned for anya and i to follow her move. before saying anything, she moved out of the cart and ran in the opposite direction of the reapers. we followed, and ran as fast as we could. it seemed they didn't notice us because it felt like nobody was following us from there.

halfway through the tunnel, anya stopped to ask a question, "what are they doing to us?"

"they use your blood to make themselves less sick," i respond, "they take it and kill you. so that they live,"

she started running in the opposite direction, and whenever it seemed like she wouldn't come with us, we ran anyways. she did not follow.

it didn't take too long for the mountain men to find us, and take us back in the direction we ran from.

"you're going in the harvest chamber with them," one of them said.

"harvest chamber sounds like a place to make crops, not a place you murder people," i respond as i spit at his face.

at that second, anya jumped down from the ceiling and started taking their masks from them, instantly killing them from radiation.

"i found the way out," anya yelled as we ran as fast as we possibly could. we soon reached the end of the tunnel, on top of a majestic waterfall, anya took the first jump. i took the second one, and clarke followed. probably just because i jumped, but nevertheless she jumped too. we reached the bottom and i fell hard. my body hit the water like nothing had ever hit worse. grounders don't even hit harder than this.

they got to the shore faster than i did, when i got there they were already prepared to walk again. but when i stood up, i didn't know how long i could walk without fainting again. i noticed clarke bleeding from her head, and anya take off running. i gave her a questioning look before rolling my eyes and starting to take off after her.

when we got into the woods for a while i knew we were close to home. "they found us," anya said as we got low in the bushes and arrows started flying.

"run," so of course we followed the grounder princess and ran as fast as we could. we started walking quicker and quieter, hoping to lose them eventually. after a while, the arrows stopped and after we stopped to cover ourselves in mud and dirt i didn't really think that i could go on much longer.

my vision started to delay, like my movements were happening four seconds after they actually were. i knew i would pass out soon, but i didn't care. after what seemed like forever, it started to get a little bit darker.

"how the fuck are they still tracking us," i ask as i look around, "we're completely covered. fuck. a tracking device,"

before i can even think about what anyone else is doing, anya bites herself in the arm and ribs a piece of machinery out of it, "it's me,"

and then we take off running again, arrows flying after us as they notice that we're moving faster through the trees. before i can think, clarke picks up a dart from the ground that the mountain men shot and hits anya in the neck with it.

"she'd kill us as soon as we got home, now let's go," clarke says as i run after her. she grabs anya and takes off. surely our princess knows how to get home from here.


when we got to the drop ship, nobody was there. the place was a dessert land. clarke seemed worried, she dropped anya and ran inside.

"clarke," i yelled after her, "you know them. they wouldn't stay here,"

"they'd be at the ark," she thought out loud, we shared eye contact and then took anya and ran through the woods once more.

we started hearing voices once it got dark, "look, clarke. home."

the ark was lit up, and we started to make amends with anya, but as soon as we were done she was shot.

"my fight is over," she said as she died right in front of the ark. our people ran near, hitting clarke in the head as i stood up, but as soon as i stood up i fainted yet again.

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