Now Your Mess Is Mine

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waking up sucks

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waking up sucks.

waking up with bellamy there sucks more. i miss a time when i could see his face and not become angry.

"morning sunshine," he says as he sets a cup of water down next to me.

"it amazes me how you can turn a morning into a list of reasons why i hate you," i state as i pick up the water.

"think i'd like to hear these reasons," he says as he sips his own cup of water.

"reason one: breathing. reason two: banishing my boyfriend," i grit my teeth as i say it.

"venus," he starts, "can we talk about this? like actually talk?"

i nod but i roll my eyes as i do it.

"i had to banish him," i wonder if the ends of these conversations with him ever end well, "he's not going to die, okay? he was cruel, you have to see that."

"i can see that," i say as i sit up, "but he never would've been cruel to me. as selfish as that seems, i deserve someone like that."

"you can do better." and with that sentence, he stands up and walks out of the tent.

i wait a few minutes before i follow, i don't want to run into him again and risk having unpleasant encounters, when i leave the room it's not exactly morning time. it's still dark so it's probably just becoming 5am.

there are shouts for bellamy, he arrives and they point out something falling in the sky. like a ship.

meaning someone from the ark came down.

but if it's someone from the council, bellamy is dead. they'll kill him on sight if they know he's the one who shot Jaha.

i walk with Bellamy and the others to the tent so that we can discuss what goes on from here.

"it's not safe in the dark, we'll head out at first light," Bellamy says. everyone nods and agrees, i pretend to agree but i guess my curiosity got the best of me, there's no way i'm not going to check that shit out.

"not so fast," he says and since im the last person in the tent, i know it's safe.

"i'm going, see you at first light," i say before i leave the tent. i can hear him following me, so i start running. maybe he'll give up, but i know bellamy blake and i know he probably won't.

"venus angelo if you think-"

but i cut him off by pushing him against the nearest tree, i start getting close to his face and his face is getting closer to mine.

he tries to lean in, but i step back. before he can even think, i run towards the ship.

"bellamy," octavia yells.

they both stop to talk so i know that i have time to get there first. after running for what seemed like forever, i get to an open area and see something that looks like a ship.

i approach it and open the door to the ship, on the inside there's someone in a suit passed out.

"venus," someone says behind me. i'd know that voice anywhere, bellamy blake.

and before i can think of what to say next, a loud noise and my vision goes black.


when i come to, i'm being carried back to camp. my head is bleeding, and i know he was the cause of this.

"the radio, wasn't it?" i asked.

"let's not do this v," he says back, not making eye contact with me.

"you knocked me out," i say, "for a fucking radio that could've saved our families with?"

he didn't speak, but i was too weak to walk. so i allowed myself to fall asleep on him, and waited until we got back to camp.

when we got back to camp, finn and clarke start yelling at bellamy for what he did, along with a girl i'm assuming came down here.

"were you with him?" clarke asks.

"i'm bleeding from my skull does it look like i went with him, princess?" i grit my teeth.

bellamy hands me to jasper, "take her to the Drop Ship and tend to her wounds,"

i push myself out of jaspers grasp, "no offense jasper but i'm fine,"

"and you," i start, shoving towards bellamy, "what the hell do you think you're doing?"

"bellamy blake?" the girl asks, "they're looking for you everywhere,"

"looking for him why?" clarke asks.

i interrupt whatever the other girl was going to say, "he tried to kill the chancellor."

everything started putting pieces together about Bellamy, "where's my radio?"

Bellamy grabs her and shoves her against a tree, only not in the sexual way i had done to him earlier. and before he can make another move, she holds a knife to him. ballsy.

"you're a lousy shot," the girl says, "jaha isn't dead,"

"the radio is in the river," he says, "it's too late."

and before you can say crisis, the entire camp was searching the river. bellamy sat on the grass while his loyal subjects found the thing that he had so selfishly thrown away. they found the radio, and pretended to have hope that they would fix it. but i was more interested in something else. why isn't octavia here?


raven says, if we send flares into the sky, the ark will see them and know we are down here. it's a shot in the dark, but she really believes it. when we got back to the Drop Ship, it was complete ordered chaos. chaos that made sense, if you will.

we immediately started work, and before we knew it, the flares were sent. people cheered, and for the first time since being sent to the ground, i asked myself a question i never wanted to answer.

can i forgive bellamy blake?

i looked next to me where he was standing, watching the sky just as i was. i reached for his hand, grabbed it and gave it a squeeze. he turned to me, smiled and then gave me a squeeze back.

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