Funny Story, Octavia Drowned

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sitting at the fire that night, Bellamy decided to be the biggest dick of all

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sitting at the fire that night, Bellamy decided to be the biggest dick of all.

he started his dicketry by taking off people's wrist bands as if it was a sport. it took a minute for me to finally say something, but after him triumphing in victory i didn't feel like i had much choice.

"Blake, if you think for a second you're taking my wristband off, you're daft," i knew people were looking at me, and that was perfectly fine with me.

"What use do you have of it being on?" he asked. people stopped cheering and hollering, and everything was silent other than the fire. there was an entire crowd around the fire, as everyone watched him do this. there was a lot i could say, but to be honest i didn't even know the real reason i was so keen on keeping mine on.

"So people know we're alive? Sorry but i don't find it 'liberating' dying down here while everyone else dies up there," i was getting closer to him, but not in a hot, sexual way, in a 'i might shove your face in the fire' type of way.

"Who do you have up there that needs to know you're alive?" some kid in the crowd asked, "didn't you kill your only family?"

well that's fucking great. people are recognizing me. before i could even ask who said it, John Murphy punched someone in the throat.

"I don't need you fighting my battles," i start, "but thank you."

i smiled at Murphy, an actual genuine smile.

"Bellamy, i'm not sure what you've done that you think needs to be hidden, but these people have families," he looked angry at me for saying this, as if whatever he's done is worth more than all of their families, "And Jaha will never forgive you for what you did, if this is your next step,"

i know i'm right, when not even he can come up with something to say back.


the next day, i wake up from sleeping on the ground to Bellamy talking to Wells about something i probably also don't care about.

shirtless Bellamy talking to sweaty Wells with a bunch of clothes in his hands? i take this in, assuming that he's had sex. that seems to be the only reason for him to be out in the public without a shirt. i turn my head, Murphy looks at me, nods and continues listening to the conversation between the two.

i didn't know coming to Earth meant i'd have to watch Murphy turn into Bellamys bitch.

when i look back, i hear something interesting.

"if you want it back, take it," Bellamy says. i know Bellamy will never stop being a dick to Wells, and something tells me that this is about a lot more than clothes. this is about the only thing Bellamy cares about; control.

"i pray for whatever girl he just fucked, she needs therapy," i know he hears me, but still says nothing. smart.

all of a sudden, a scream from the direction the fire pit is at, when we all come running, Murphy sits holding a random girls arm over the fire.

"we want them to think we're dead, why not suffer a bit first," he says. psychopath Murphy shouldn't be this hot.

Wells and Murphy then get into a fight, both landing some solid punches, but Murphy starts to get the lead on this poor crippled guy.

I have to stand in the way, right? this is wrong. i decide to jump in front of Murphy, it takes him one second too late to notice, and he lands a punch right in my jaw. I land one in his. this emotionally stuns him enough for the fight to end, he starts to say something but i know it's not going to come out.

only a few moments pass when Clarke and the guy i hear is called Finn come back. Octavia looks like she's had the worst night of her life and from what I hear, so has Jasper.
that is, assuming he's the skinny kid they left with.

"you're going looking for him? cool," i start, "i'll come." anything beats having to be near the entire cast of High School Musical.

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