For a Moment, I Forgot Gravity

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cool, cool, cool, cool

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cool, cool, cool, cool.

i'm so not freaking out.

i woke up on the drop ship, surrounded by people my age. on the bright side, i wouldn't need to socialize since i didn't know who most of the people around me were. the best part of being imprisoned at 13, was that i never really knew these people in my teenage years. the worst part, was that i was going to have to go to Earth with them. i knew a few of them, not personally, and definitely not enough to start braiding hair and talking about boys.

they would probably already have their friends picked out, meaning when they started killing eachother, i would be on my own. i make a mental note to remember that.


by the time i woke up, we had already been dropped. about 45 seconds after i came to, a crash and a girlish squeal followed.

this was turning out to be an annoying day.

a screen lit up near us, displaying Chancellor Jaha as he says, "Prisoners of the Ark, hear me now. You've been given a second chance..." i stopped listening to take in my surroundings. we were all strapped into the seats, and people were only watching Jaha, so this was the perfect time to start watching them.

John Murphy. finally a familiar face.

i can't say much about John Murphy, i didn't even know why he was imprisoned. before i was arrested, he was my only friend, and if i remembered correctly, it was more than that. we had a lovely, prepubescent middle school romance. it was nauseating, but i'm not surprised that he's here. other than our little relationship, John Murphy was a pretty good friend if i remember correctly. very loyal.

i briefly continued listening after some kid in the back yelled, "your dads a dick, Wells,"

so Jaha has a son, and his son is one of the lucky imprisoned teens sent to death? how disgustingly ironic.

before Jaha stoped talking, i noticed some of the kids unbuckle themselves and start floating inside the ship. i'm sure that's going to turn out to bite them in the ass, when the ship lands it'll land hard. and so will we.

"so instead of having the people of the Ark float you to your death, you're doing it yourself?" I yelled over the machines, one of the kids turned and winked playfully before people started to notice them as well.

before i knew it, the ship seemed to start spiraling. along with all of the people in it, the people floating crashed and started banging inside of the Drop Ship like rag dolls.

after what felt like the worst seizure of my life, the machines shut down and everything went calm.

"Listen, no machine hum." some skinny kid on the wall said, right before the buckles holding us inside the ship unbuckled. Some people started helping the people hurt, i was definitely not one of those people. it's pointless to help people who only hurt themselves.

"We can't just open the doors," a blonde girl said.

"Just back it up, guys," another guy said while climbing down a latter i didn't even know existed.

"The air could be toxic," the blonde girl said again, something nobody else seemed to care about.

"If the air is toxic we're dead either way," I hate to say that random latter guy was right, but he was. We're stuck on Earth, what are we going to do? not go outside?

"Bellamy?" i guess i was too busy wrapped up inside of my own head to witness a family reunion i cared nothing about, but based on mutters from the crowds, those two are Bellamy and Octavia. how long can i go pretending that i don't know them, before they remember who i am?

before i knew it, the door is open, Octavia stepped out first. the ground doesn't eat her alive, so i pushed my way through the crowd.

"don't be a pussy," i stepped onto Earth right after her. everyone else followed.

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