Don't Almost Die This Time

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"we are going to TonDC," clarke says the next day, "we leave in an hour,"

bellamy and i look at each other, not knowing what to say. we gather our things and head out with the rest.

as we keep talking to where the massacre took place, i notice clarke seeming on edge. i know why, and i don't expect her to be doing great. however, she looks like she's seen a ghost.

"you did the right thing," bellamy says

"now i get to live with it," she responds, "you still think this truce is a bad idea dont you?"

"i think we're wasting time," he responds, "we need an inside man,"

"it's too dangerous," i argue as clarke nods in agreement.

"if the two of you can make it out, i can make it in," he says back, "and since i don't take orders from you, i'm going to need a better reason,"

"i can't lose you too, okay?" clarke says. we stay silent after that, there's not much to say anyways. i know what bellamys going to do, just as i knew what finn was going to do. they both think the same in that sense, doing whatever needs to be done. and if anyone can fuck up mount weather from the inside, it's bellamy blake.

by the time it's night time, we set up camp to sleep. some people decide to stay awake, but most decide to sleep. i start laying down my jacket to sleep on, bellamy takes his off and rolls it up as a pillow. i know he's going to stay awake, he always does. he takes a seat right next to me and watches as i drift off to sleep.

in the morning we finally get to TonDC, and it feels like a ghost town. the grounders that live there give us dirty looks as we pass into their village and i don't exactly blame them. they carry finns body behind us, and it's honestly torture for raven and clarke.

we gather around as they put his body on a fire, handing clarke the torch to light it with. while we stand there and watch the body of our friend burn, the entire world feels silent. when his body is completely burned, we stand there and stare. then, we make our way into a room with a long table, food all around it.

"please accept this gift," Kane says as he hands Lexa a bottle of alcohol, "we drink it on special occasions,"

someone comes and brings two glasses out, one for lexa and one for clarke. luxas guard takes a sip before she does, making sure it's not bad for her to drink. instantly after he drinks it, he drops to the ground and starts coughing.

"it was the sky people," Indra, lexas right hand woman yells as she draws her sword.

the grounders rush out of the room, before someone said that they found the poison in ravens backpack. raven might be a cold hearted bitch, but she wouldn't choose poison.

bellamy looks at me, and i can tell we're thinking the same thing. no person in this room would risk this losing this truce, if we did it meant that finns life was lost for nothing.

"you're the only murderer here," raven yells as she punches clarke in the face.

when lexas guards come in, they take raven into the same area we watched finns body burn. we all rushed outside to stop what was happening.

they had her tied to a tree, arms above her head. lexa neared her, pulling out a knife and starting to cut her all over her body.

"we have to stop this," bellamy yelled as he tried to grab for her.

raven screamed in pain, and i closed my eyes.
when clarke came to the area with us, she walked with determination.

"one of your people tried to kill you, not one of mine," she said as she showed lexa a glass laying on the floor, "he poisoned the glasses. not the drink,"

clarke took a long swig of the alcohol, and after a minute of nothing happening to her, lexa looked pointedly to her guard.

"he tested the cup, he searched raven," bellamy said, pointing at the man, "you weren't the target, clarke was. that's why he tested it first,"

"this alliance would cost you your life," the man says, and the grounder people take him and put him on a tree just as raven was.

bellamy is the first to cut her down, he picked her up and carried her bridal style. i couldn't help but dislike that.

the grounders took their time cutting the man, before it was lexas turn to end the mans life. bellamy set raven down to let abby tend to her, before he grabbed my hand. i let it go.


at that night fire, kane asked bellamy how he knew it was Gustus who poisoned the drinks.

"he'd do anything for her to protect her, just makes sense,"

"look at the thanks he got," octavia said back.

raven ran over, interrupting the conversation and showing us her radio. she had been listening to mount weather on the other one, before clarke had an idea.

"we need an inside man, you were right," she said to bellamy, "turn off the acid fog. go."

"thought you hated that plan," i shot back at her, i don't like this plan at all.

"i was being weak," she responded shortly. she handed him the map of mount weather, and all went silent.

"i can get you through," lincoln said to him.

octavia and lincoln spent the next minutes arguing over if that was a good idea or not, but i grabbed bellamys hand and pulled him to the side.

"what the fuck? are you trying to die?" i asked angrily.

"you have no faith in me," he responded back, "thought you were mad at me,"

"me being mad at you doesn't mean i want you to die," i shot at him, who the hell does the think he is.

"i'm not going to die, okay?" his voiced turned soft, "i'll be safe,"

"being safe isn't good enough. be alive," my voice didn't get soft like his did, the fear of him dying made my blood pressure sky rocket.

"i'll find a way to talk to you through the radios just like i said i would," he said, "why would i die out there when i have the perfectly brilliant chance to die here with you?"

i knew he was joking about the last part but i felt nauseous at the thought that he might not be okay.

"why-" he interrupted me to kiss me passionately, i couldn't tell if it was to shut me up or because he just wanted to.

when he pulled away, he didn't even miss a beat to start talking again, "okay? now i love yo-" but i interrupted him again, to kiss him one last time.

"i love you, now go,"

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