-Part twenty four-

198 13 10

8:23 AM

Bokuto's POV

We had just arrived at the front of my family home, there were three cars already parked. One of them was my moms and the rest were my sisters.
Me and Keiji chatted a lot on our way here so the trip went by fine.
When we got out of the car I saw Keiji looking around, I went to take our stuff out of the trunck as he got comfortable with the area.
''Keiji don't worry I'm not gonna murder you or anything'' I said laughing as he was looking around, to which I earned a glare.
'' Yea yea, wouldn't be surprised if you actually did murder me, I'm probably a huge burden to you'' Keiji laughed but I didn't, I looked at him a little agitated by now, ''Don't say shit like that'' I said with a firm tone.
Me and Keiji took our stuff and walked over to the front door, ''You ready to meet my family?'' I asked before knocking on the front door, ''I guess'' Keiji said sighing.
''Don't be surprised if my mom comes out running towards you and hugging you, she has been wanting me to have a partner or someone for so long because she thinks I'm lonely'' we both chuckled while I knocked on the door which sprung open immediately and my mom stood there.

She stared at Keiji with a huge grin on her face, the fact that she ignored me totally made me pissed. She hugged him and me (Weirdly enough).
After we hugged, she backed away and spoke, ''Hello! Koutarou and Keiji! I've heard so much about you!'' she said cheerfully which shocked Keiji a little by the way his face expression changed.
I chuckled and spoke, ''jeez give him space he is a quiet kid unlike the rest of us'' my mom looked at me and raised an eyebrow and moved out of the way so that we could walk in.
When you walked in there was a door leading to the basement and a pair of stairs leading up on the left, to the right there was the living room which was together with the dining room area. In front of us there was a short hallway leading to the kitchen.
I placed down our stuff on the floor next to the stairs and took off my shoes, I didn't wear a jacket so I didn't have to care about that.
While Keiji was taking off his shoes I spoke to my mom.
'' I am going to lock the door to my room, y'all don't know what privacy is '' I frowned looking straight at her and saying the part 'y'all don't know what privacy is' louder so that my sisters who were watching TV could hear.
When Keiji took off his shoes I lead him to my room, we went down to the basement and I opened the door to my room.
It had three white walls and one that was a darker blue, my bed was a big double bed with many pillows, they were black,white and dark blue.
In one corner there was my desk and over it there were small windows which were looking towards the garden, but I had short curtains that I could cover them with.
''Keiji you can do whatever you want to do in here, I don't care as long as you like don't bring any dead bodies in here.'' I stated looking into my room, while Keiji tried to pop his head around the corner because I was literally standing in the middle of the doorway and forgot about it.
I quickly moved when I realized that he couldn't see anything.
''Oh your room is really pretty!'' He exclaimed cheerfully, ''Can I hide here before meeting everyone else?'' I chuckled and nodded answering ''Of course if you feel overwhelmed with everything that is going on just tell me'' I smiled.
Keiji nodded and threw himself on the bed as I laughed at him.
My back was facing the doorway so I never noticed when one of my sisters walked in and watched us.

''Y'all sure you ain't dating?'' Yua my sister asked us scaring both of us.
''Yua for gods sake don't scare us like that!'' She raised an eyebrow while looking at Keiji who sat up now on my bed, ''Keiji this is Yua one of my sisters and Yua this is Keiji that mom has probably told you lots about'' I said sighing.
Yua looked him up and down then shifted her gaze to me and looked me up and down, ''Wow can't believe mom is letting two gay guys sleep in the same bed together, when she is not even letting me have a guy friend over'' she said walking out of the room.
''what the fuck?! '' I said while she just ignored me.
Sighing I walked over to my door and closed it this time locking it too, ''Sorry for that'' I said while scratching the back of my neck.
Keiji laughed it off and said ''It's nothing, but I can't believe that she guess that I was gay by just looking at me''.
''She has always been good at reading people, when I wanted to come out as gay she had already known it'' I laughed trying to hide my embarrassment.


After me and Keiji had settled down a little we decided it would be best to say hi to the rest (which is only like one person, my other sister).
When we walked up the stairs I saw my mom in the kitchen cooking, and Yua next to her trying to help.
I soon noticed Yui on the sofa setting a volleyball to herself while laying down.
Me and Keiji walked over to her and I sat on the other sofa (we have like two sofas where like three people fit) with Keiji who followed me close behind.
''Yui are you dead?'' I asked her confused to why she hasn't said anything.
''No but mom told me to be calm when your boyfriend or whoever comes'' I facepalmed, ''Who told you that?'' I saw Keiji bringing his knees up to his chin while trying to hide his red face.
''Yua told me'' I looked in Yua's direction and she only smiled at me, ''Oh god first of all he has a name, second of all he is my goddamn student!'' I said looking now at Keiji.
Yui stopped setting the ball and held it in her hand as she sat up now looking at me and Keiji, ''So whats your name?'' she asked probably trying to sound nice but she sounded very rude instead.

Keiji looked up at her and said ''I'm Akaashi Keiji, and you're Yui I'm guessing?'' I looked at Keiji as he spoke but drifted my gaze as Yui was about to speak yet again, ''Yeah I'm Yui. so Akaashi why are you living with my brother and not with your family?'' Yui spoke nicely but the way she looked at him was not friendly at all.
Before I could even stop that conversation Keiji spoke, ''My family's dead, they died a few months ago and your brother was kind enough to take me in, I don't know why though'' Yui raised an eyebrow and was about to say something again but I cut her off knowing that it was probably going to be something stupid.
''Yui don't ask him any more questions about his personal life okay?'' I looked her straight in the eyes but she didn't even spare me a glance, ''Well I'm sorry for that, and by the way if you ever get tired of that piece of trash next to you, you can go play volleyball with me, I'm less annoying''
Keiji nodded in agreement totally ignoring me.
''Yeah no that's it I'm not gonna let you talk shit about me in front of me'' I said as I stood up and picked Keiji up bridal style and walked over with him to the kitchen, on my way there I glared at my sister. Keiji yelled at me to put him down but I didn't listen until I was in the kitchen.
I placed him down on the chair and took a plate of cookies from my sisters hands placing them in front of Keiji, I then sat down next to him taking one.
''Are you sure you two aren't dating?'' Yua asked us glaring at me as she gave one cookie to Keiji and took the rest.
'' Damn everyone here wont just leave us alone '' I pouted while putting my head on the counter.
''And yet again you didn't say no'' Yua smirked at me and Keiji even though I couldn't see it but I felt it.
''It would be kinda weird for me to date my teacher though'' Keiji spoke.
He seems to be getting comfortable.
''Still there are people that do date their teachers, it's not like I'd judge I myself fucked my teacher for better grades'' My mom looked at her with a deathly look in her eyes, Yua turned to her and just said ''What? Remember how I sucked at chemistry but then magically my grades went up?'' my mom sighed and her eyes widened in shock, '' I thought he was tutoring you!'' I laughed.
''I mean he was my mentor and even I knew about it'' I said laughing, I could feel Keiji's stare on me, ''What the-'' Keiji was cut off by Yui who ran into the kitchen yelling ''And I witnessed when it happened once!''

[They're something different]


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