-Part eleven-

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Akaashi' POV

Me and Bokuto were now walking out of the little shopping center and heading to his car, it was an Toyota C-HR, [Not me loving the car Toyota C-HR and using it here knowing that I will never have one] it was dark grey and the seats were black. The car smelled nice when I got in again, it smelled like Bokuto but still fresh.
When we sat in the car I got out my phone out of my pocked feeling that I got quiet a few messages, Bokuto stayed quiet just humming to the song. ''Egoist (Olivia Hye) (Feat.JinSoul'' by loona [Totally not someone from wattpad that made me start listening to them XD] I was honestly a little shocked that he likes k-pop but I just went with it and listened together with him.

Oikawa was trying to get in contact with me so I just texted him back.

You- Hey Oikawa what is it?

Oikawa- I saw you and Bokuto-sensei today ;)

You- Hope you know that I still have that one pic of you in a bunny costume.

Oikawa- You said you'd delete it KSJFHBJSHDFA

You- Never it's a good pic to threaten you with.

Oikawa- OK I won't bother you anymore for now, go have your date with Bokuto-sensei ToT

Oikawa is offline 

I turned off my phone and looked at Bokuto who was staring at the road still humming.
''Bokuto-san I didn't know you liked k-pop'' Bokuto Finally looked at me and smiled, ''Was Oikawa messaging you earlier?'' I chuckled and answered him ''Yeah but I didn't want him to bother me any longer so I told him that I still have one special photo of him'' Bokuto looked at me again and raised an eyebrow ''A special photo you say? is it something like a nude photo he accidentally sent you or you took a picture of him when he wasn't looking?'' I sighed.
''Bokuto-san I would never take a picture of someone without their consent'' Bokuto looked at me and laughed a little before answering ''I know you wouldn't but I had to ask just to be sure'' He sighed looking at me for a split second before looking back at the road ''What kind of picture is it then?'' I put my hand in my pocket and grabbed my phone then unlocked it choosing the picture and showing it to Bokuto who then yelled ''Oh my fucking god! I regret ever seeing that, why would you even keep that photo of him!?'' I laughed ''To blackmail him of course '' Bokuto looked at me.
''No I'm not trying to get money out of him, just to make him shut up and stop annoying me sometimes'' Bokuto sighed and we chatted a little on the way to Bokuto's apartment.


When we were back I helped Bokuto unpack all the groceries and then quickly went to my room and changed my clothes after I had changed into some comfortable sweatpants I heard Bokuto yell my name so I went to check out what was happening.

-Yes Bokuto-san?

Bokuto was in the living room as I walked out of the room with my shirt in my hand, I put it on as I walked in to the living room. I felt Bokuto's stare but pretended like I didn't.

-Movie night, sit down next to me I got some popcorn ready when you were changing.

That was all he said while patting on the sofa next to him to motion for me to sit down, so I did what he wanted me to  and sat down next to him.
Bokuto had chosen a series I don't know what it was about but it was alright, I then after a while noticed how close I was sitting to Bokuto, so I decided to be sneaky and cuddle up to him.
Bokuto didn't seem to mind, he waited a while before putting his hand on my shoulder trying to not make me uncomfortable. I appreciated it, I really did.
I soon dozed off to sleep.

Bokuto's POV

I was sitting on the sofa with Akaashi, he then tried to be sneaky or something because he cuddled up to me thinking I wouldn't notice but of course I did notice it quickly, I waited a while before putting my hand on his shoulder. I slowly placed it there trying to not make him uncomfortable but I still wanted to show him that I was there with him and that I didn't mind him cuddling me.
I wasn't really watching the series I put on but I don't think Akaashi was watching it much either.
I was thinking, thinking about the kiss. I couldn't get the thought out of my head and it stressed me out because I didn't know if he just did it because he was bored and wanted to see my reaction or if he did it because he wanted and felt something towards me.
We haven't spoken a word about it since that happened and i'm not gonna lie it was killing me from the inside to just ask him about it.
It was around 7:30 something and Akaashi shouldn't sleep right now because if he does he wont be able to sleep much at night so I had to wake him up.
''Akaashi wake up, if you sleep now you wont be able to sleep at night'' Akaashi hummed and slowly opened his eyes. I think he forgot that he was sleeping on me because he tried to snuggle up to me more after jolting up noticing that I wasn't his pilow.
I chuckled and Akaashi just frowned getting up.

''Is it alright if I make myself some coffee?'' I hummed in a response, I couldn't wait any longer and I needed answers so I asked Akaashi ''Hey uh Akaashi?'' he hummed in response ''Why did you kiss me?'' it was quiet for a while before I heard the coffee machine go off and footsteps behind me. Akaashi was standing behind me and he put his hands on my shoulders then looked at me from the side, I glanced at him and looked back at the tv trying to not let in.
''Are you asking because you didn't enjoy it or because you enjoyed it too much?'' he asked with a grin on his face, I looked at him for a split second before sighing heavily and looking back at the TV ''That is a little inappropriate don't you think?'' Akaashi's smile faded away and he made a 'tch' sound before walking towards the kitchen.
''It's not like anyone can see nor hear you'' He mumbled, I looked his way and saw him putting some sugar into his coffee.
''Ugh okay you saw the reacting my body gave off didn't you?'' Akaashi hummed quietly ''Yea you got your answer.'' Akaashi walked up to the sofa and sat next to me again, ''so you did like it?'' I glared at Akaashi for a split second but he couldn't see because he was staring into his cup thinking about something ''I guess? but why did you even kiss me?'' this made Akaashi smile a little then he sipped on his coffee and after doing so he looked in my way ''Because I felt like it.. I don't just go around kissing people you know'' I laughed then the realization came into my head ''Wait was that your first kiss?!'' Akaashi chuckled and answered me after taking another long sip from his coffee ''mh and it was stolen by my teacher, or at least my first kiss that I actually wanted to happen and that wasn't forced by someone'' I huffed ''It's not like I was the one kissing you so you can't say that it was stolen by me'' I tried to stay away from the topic of his old teacher knowing damn well that it was a kind of a sad topic for Akaashi.
''But you still enjoyed it, maybe you enjoyed it too much'' he smiled in my way eyeing me, I then felt it.. I have been thinking too much of us kissing ''God you did that on purpose didn't you?'' I glared at him before standing up.
''I wasn't the one who started the topic'' Just as I was about to walk into the bathroom I heard Akaashi say ''Ya need help?'' he sounded serious, too serious.
''What the fuck Akaashi?! I'm still your teacher!'' Akaashi smirked looking at me ''And you still got hard because of your student'' I then huffed and continued walking to the bathroom.

[Totally not putting my sleeping problems into Akaashi, I did it in the last chapter too but here I added something else SHHSHS because I sleep during the day but then I'm not tired at night. AND even if I try to sleep during the night (even if I didn't sleep during the day) I cant sleep because I know everyone is sleeping and if something happens we might not wake up lol, anygay isn't Akaashi a little too forward? ;) he might be out of character but keep in mind he is just a teenager who is experimenting with love and doesn't know why he feels that weird feeling towards his teacher.
Bye its currently 1AM and I'm gonna edit this and post it for yall so I'm posting it ish the same day I wrote it, be proud :} ]

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