-Part seven-

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SOOOOO eh sorry but TW: rape. 

Bokuto's POV

I rushed in the room because I was worried, Akaashi didn't respond to any of my messages in about a minute then I heard some noises. Those noises worried me so I hurried in there and saw Suzuki pinning Akaashi against the wall, I grabbed him by the collar and threw him on the floor, I stood on his chest with one of my feet and told the teachers to call and ambulance and police.
I looked over in Akaashi's direction and saw him fall on to the ground.
I told Sato to make sure that Suzuki doesn't get up and ran towards Akaashi, I caught him just in time. I laid him down on the floor and made sure to check if he was still breathing.
I was really lucky, he was till breathing, it seemed like he had passed out.

Akaashi was rushed to the hospital when the ambulance came and I had to stay to talk to the police officers about what had happened, I called the principal who was in the middle of a meeting..

-Hello sir I am really sorry to intrude but I won't be able to work today.

-Hello, why is that? 

-Akaashi Keiji just passed out, I need to go to the hospital with him and the police is here, because of one of his old teachers who tried to.. r- rape him.

I stuttered and barely heard what my boss said to me after that, but I heard enough to know that I was free for today.
I ended the call later on and went to my car so that I could drive to Akaashi.


I came to the hospital and asked the receptionist if he had arrived, she told me to go to room ''F 438'' I literally ran there, when I got into the room I saw a doctor standing next his bed. He was talking to Akaashi who seemed to have just woken up.
The doctor looked at me and I introduced myself and said that I was his teacher and guardian. 
Me and the doctor went to talk about Akaashi's health.

Akaashi's POV

I saw Bokuto rush into the room, then he and the doctor walked out.
''I'm so fucking tired'' was the first thing I thought about but then I remembered what had happened '' I'm so fucking disgusting! I couldn't even stand up for myself''I yelled that without even noticing and then I hit the bed with so much force that I could hear it creak.
Bokuto walked in to the room with a furious face on, my eyes widened at the sight of him.

-I talked to your doctor, he is gonna do some tests on you later, but that is not important to me right now.

Bokuto looked me straight in the eye, his golden eyes looked like they were about to murder me.

-You promised me something, and you are already breaking the promise?! I can't believe you Akaashi I thought you were better than that.

I looked away, until my eyes stopped on the bed sheets, I was fiddling with my fingers.
I wanted to say something...

-How am I supposed to feel after being..

I was quiet I couldn't get the word through my mouth, so after a few seconds of trying to say it I got pissed and yelled ''Fuck! I can't even say it!'' I hit my fists at the wall behind my bed, I didn't stop until Bokuto ran over to me and stopped me.

-Akaashi stop!

I stopped when he yelled that, I flinched and froze.
Bokuto took my hands into his and saw that I had bruised them pretty badly, he walked out of the room and I sat there still frozen. I don't know why I reacted like that when he yelled at me but I just did I guess.
Bokuto came in to the room after a while with a doctor. The doctor then sat on a chair next to the bed and tried to talk to me, he was asking for something but I couldn't hear him all I could hear was Bokuto yelling at me, it was playing in my head on loop.
I didn't notice when the doctor took my hands and put on some bandages, I didn't even notice when I started crying.
Bokuto said my name and I came back to my senses again, I looked really confused like I didn't know what happened, but that was kind of true I totally froze and didn't know what was happening around me.

-Akaashi, are you alright? I'm sorry that I yelled at you but you wouldn't stop and I just needed you to stop.

I looked at him and then realized that I was crying, I quickly put my hand to my cheek and tried to wipe away the tears but the more I tried to wipe them away the more of them were falling down, I gave up after a while and just curled up in my bed hugging my knees and cried my eyes out.
Bokuto let me cry, he probably knew that it was all he could do.


After a short while of me sobbing I heard the door open and someone walked in, they greeted Bokuto and tried to talk to me. I wasn't able to turn around, I didn't have the strength.. I was too weak to do so, just like I was too weak to push Suzuki off of me.
I only heard that person talk to Bokuto after they gave up with trying to talk to me, they then walked out and I heard Bokuto walk closer to me.

Bokuto's POV

It hurt a lot to watch Akaashi cry so much, I just wanted to go to him and hug him and never let go. I wanted to protect him from everything and everyone because he looked so fragile, the principal walked in after a while and tried to talk to Akaashi but he didn't even look in his direction.

-Bokuto, I heard about you being his guardian now and I hope you'll take good care of him, I heard what happened with the teacher. I've talked to the police and they said that they would have to call you in and Akaashi to say everything that happened.

I nodded slightly and waited for him to get out, when he was gone I stood up from the chair that I was sitting in and walked up to Akaashi and hugged him. The boy flinched a little but when I whispered some soothing words into his ear his muscles relaxed.


I heard Akaashi's phone go off, I've been sitting on Akaashi's bed trying  to talk to him.
I got up from the bed and pick up, I know I shouldn't do it but Akaashi wouldn't be able to even look in the direction of his phone.

-Hey Akaashi! where did you disappear? there were cops at school.

-Hi Oikawa, it's me Bokuto your sensei. me and Akaashi are at the hospital, I'm sorry but he wont be able to make it to your house.

-Oh Hello Bokuto-sensei, could you tell Akaashi to call me back when he is able?

Akaashi got up from his bed and stretched out his hand gesturing to me to give him his phone, I nodded and said ''Oh wait Akaashi wants to talk to you'' I gave him the phone and sat down at the chair with my own phone.

Akaashi's POV

-Heyaaa Akaashi why thew fuck are you in the fucking hospital?!

I was too tired and got so scared when Oikawa yelled in the phone, I can bet that even Bokuto heard him.

-I'm sorry I won't be able to go to your  house today.

-You still didn't answer my question.. are you alright? I heard that someone got raped  or something on the school grounds...

Oikawa almost whispered the last part and my eyes widened, I almost dropped the phone before answering him.

-Oh Oikawa I will call you later okay? my doctor is here.

I ended the call before letting Oikawa speak, then after that I got tons of messages from both him and Kuroo asking if I was okay which annoyed me so I turned off my phone.
I turned towards Bokuto and asked ''when are they letting me out of here?''
He looked at me and shrugged.
I have a button next to my bed that I pressed, and after a few seconds there was a doctor who walked in and asked what I needed help with.

-Yes Akaashi Keiji, what do you need help with?

I looked them straight in the eyes with a dead look that made them flinch.

-When am I allowed to get the hell out of here?

Bokuto looked at me, probably mad because I just said a swear word to a doctor or whatever.
The doctor didn't seem to care.

- Maybe in about a half an hour, first we need to get the results of the tests that we took, they should be done in about 20 minutes.

I nodded and went back to bed, still curled up in a ball.

[And here I end this chapter I have been writing A LOT of chapters now, you know during some boring lessons and like I really like to write those now lol]

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