-Part thirty six-

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12th January
6:45 PM

Bokuto's POV

As we arrived at the apartment I flopped myself on to the sofa, after we were at the cafe me and Keiji decided it'd be a good idea to get ourselves something to eat which in our case was sushi.
As I was saying, I flopped myself on the sofa but Keiji still stood in the hallway as he was greeting Astaroth.

I looked back but not for long since Keiji flopped himself on me, his face fell on to my back and his beanie fell off of his head and landed next to us.
''Keiji I still need to change you know?'' I said as I tried to get out of his grip but failed miserably, Keiji just laid there on my back with his hands wrapped around my waist.

I somehow got out of Keiji's grip but he still laid there on the sofa, pretty sure he fell asleep.
I smiled to myself and went to change into sweat pants.
I also put on a t-shirt and walked out of the room to see that Keiji was still laying there on the sofa, I sighed and tried to wake him up.

''Keiji?'' I tried to shake him a bit but that didn't help.
I guess you're tired huh?
I picked him up bridal style and carried him to my room since Astaroth was taking up his bed and mine is more comfortable.
I laid him down on the bed and took off his sweatshirt, button up shirt and jeans.
As I was taking off his button up shirt I saw his scars, I've never really seen them up close except for that one time at my family home.

Just remembering everything that happened there makes me..
Anyways I took off his shirt and tried to not look at all the scars, I walked to my wardrobe and took out a t-shirt.
As I put it on Keiji it went almost to his knees which was adorable to me, I quickly tucked him to bed and went to my desk.

I needed to check a few emails and also send a few, Terushima's mother said that she couldn't stay for the whole talk since she had work so I told her that I'd tell her everything I can in person and the rest I'd email to her.
I sent a quick email to her, that read:

Your son has been making very inappropriate comments about his teachers and classmates, for example today he was asking if me and my student were, and I quote ''fucking'' I of course shrugged it off but I'd like you talk to him.
Yuuji has also been picking fights lately with many students one of them being Oikawa Tooru whom you met today.
Please talk to your son about his behavior I don't want to hear more inappropriate comments from him nor do I want to hear more about his fights, if it doesn't stop soon I'll have to involve the principal.

-Bokuto Koutarou.

I sent the email and sighed, I stretched my arms behind my back.
I quickly went back to reading the emails.


It was almost twelve and I had just now stopped reading all the emails, I looked over to my bed and saw Keiji still asleep.
He looked so at peace and calm, it was now that I realized that he usually isn't really calm whenever we are doing something, he usually just puts on a bored expression and that's all.
I walked over to my bed and snuggled in next to Keiji.

My bed was a queen sized one so we fit perfectly in it, I turned my head so that me and Keiji were facing each other. His face was so cute.
I kissed his forehead and let myself fall aslepp.


I opened my eyes and saw my mom, she was much younger than now.
I looked around just to see my dad leaving, I cried ''Don't leave us, dad!'' I tried to run towards him but was stopped by my oldest sister whose face I couldn't see.
I saw the door close.

I hurried and looked out the window, I watched as he drove away.
I cried.
The worst thing was that I actualy loved him, after all he is my father right?

I looked in the house and now there was a christmas tree standing there, mom was cooking and my sisters were talking.
I looked outside the window again to see a slight bit of snow.
A car pulled up.

Out of the car got out someone who looked a lot like me, I took a quick glance at the calender that we always had in the hallway.
It was 15th of December, the day before me and Keiji came to visit.
The man walked over to the door and as I was walking up to it my sister walkted next to me, as if I was invisible.
She opened the door and the look on her fac eshowed just how terrified she was.

Why are you scared of the man?

She yelled for my mom and waited a few seconds for her to get to the door.
''What are you doing here?'' My mom asked the man who seemed familiar to me, too familiar.
My mom slapped him across the face and started cussing the man out, I stood there shocked unable to move.

The man pulled out a knife and put it my moms throat, she gulped and looked me dead in the eyes.
Someone finally noticed me.
''Goodbye'' She said before her throat was cut open.


I woke up sweating and breathing heavily, I looked around just to see that Keiji wasn't next to me. I got out of bed and hurriedly made my way to his room, I didn't find him there.
''Keiji?'' I yelled as I felt tears start to well up in the corner of my eyes, I heard footsteps behind me and turned around.
Keiji was standing there, he ran to me as he saw that I started crying. He enbraced me into a hug and patted my back in a attempt on trying to calm me down.

IHave you ever felt like a hug is all you need? Well right now it was all I needed, I always thought 'Keiji's past has been worse than mine and I don't see him crying over it' so I usually didn't let myself be 'weak' even though crying doesn't mean that you're weak.
It shows that you've been strong for too long, or that someone hit a weak spot that you now need to protect.

We stood there in the middle of his room for a second and just hugged, I calmed my breath and felt my heart slow down a bit.
I pulled away from Keiji and he gave me a toothy smile that I barely saw, all the lights were off and we could barely make out the others figure but..

''Keiji, I love you''

''I love you too''

Our love led us to each other.

[ OM I LOVE THE ENDING IDK WHY, anyway any ideas on how to stop nightmares?
Like I have nightmares that are kinda like things that have actually happen, I have to scream myself awake sometimes and it's even worse when I can scream and I just lay there trying to tell myself that it's just a dream even tho it has happened IRL and I know that it is something I've actually been thur.
Any ideas on how to stop something like that? It has started to kill me from the inside.]


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