-Part thirty two-

173 12 3

25th December
5:58 PM

Akaashi's POV

We had already picked up Astaroth and we were on our way to the pet store, Bokuto offered to stay in the car so that we wouldn't have to stress Astaroth too much.
I handed her to him since I had her on my lap when Bokuto was driving and said my goodbye and got out of the car, I closed the door and walked over to the small mall that was close to the school.

When I walked in to the store I immediately saw Oikawa looking at birds, he was pointing at one and talking to someone.
When I walked closer to him I saw that Iwaizumi was there trying to stop Oikawa from buying himself a bird, you see Oikawa likes to make random decisions just like that.

''Hi Iwaizumi and hi Oikawa'' I said as I walked closer to them and waved, I was wearing sweatpants and a turtleneck so I probably looked a bit weird, considering the fact that I was still a bit sore and was walking like a penguin.

''Hey 'Kaashi!'' Oikawa almost yelled as Iwaizumi muttered out a 'hi' I smiled at them and started ''What're you even doing here guys?'' I looked at Oikawa and at Iwaizumi with a questionable look, Iwaizumi just sighed and spoke since Oikawa didn't seem to want to talk any time soon.

''I was here to buy food for my dogs and shittykawa had to join me of course'' He scoffed, I looked at them and nodded.
''What're you doing here?'' Oikawa asked finally looking over at me, I looked at him and a smile crept up my face.

''Bokuto got me a cat on Christmas and I'm here to buy it some essentials '' Iwaizumi looked at me a bit shocked but Oikawa on the other hand seemed very happy.


I talked a bit with Oikawa and Iwaizumi then after we found a cat bed, small cat tree, a pair of bowls and food for the cat of course with the help of Iwaizumi and Oikawa.

All three of us were walking out of the mall and I walked towards Koutarou's car and opened the trunk, after me and Oikawa put the stuff away I walked over to the passenger seat. 
Koutarou noticed Oikawa and Iwaizumi so he waved at them and said ''Hi Iwaizumi, Oikawa'' and they also greeted him.

I got in the car and said my goodbyes to Iwaizumi and Oikawa as I took the cat back on to my lap.
When we drove home we listened to some music and talked a bit, I was trying to pet Astaroth a lot since she needs to get used to us and she was probably stressed.

As Bokuto started driving towards his apartment I spoke while petting Astaroth, ''Hey Koutarou?'' he hummed in response and looked at me for a split second to show that he is listening ''What are we exactly? like the relationship between us'' Koutarou was silent for a while before answering.

''What do you want it to be?''I stayed quiet thinking.
What do I want it to be?
Koutarou looked over at me and I just shrugged since I didn't have a real answer in mind, he hummed as he thought of something.

Koutarou got a idea and started '' For now we could label ourselves as lovers, is that alright?'' my ears perked up as I heard that, and I blushed intensely as Koutarou looked over at me for an answer.
I quickly nodded as I looked down at Astaroth trying to hide my blush.

I saw him smile in the corner of my eye.


When we arrived at Koutarou's apartment I was carrying one grocery bag with the cat food in one hand and Astaroth in my other hand while Koutarou was carrying all the other stuff, to my surprise Astaroth was really calm and nice especially in the car and when I was carrying her to the apartment.

I placed Astaroth down as Koutarou closed the door gently, I pet her head and let her wander away as I took off my shoes.

I helped Koutarou to take all the stuff to the living room and I put on some music as he went to grab a sharp knife, to make it easier to open the boxes with the cat stuff.

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