-Part thirty five-

143 11 9

January 12th

Akaashi's POV

Our first lesson just started and Koutarou was talking to the class while I just sat there silently, I've been getting a lot of messages from my classmates about me and Koutarou asking if we were fucking or other things like that.
It was sad to think that people who once didn't care about me now do care about me just because I live with our teacher.

Suddenly Terushima raised his hand on the google meet, we changed from zoom to meet because its more convenient or something.
Terushima was smirking and he held his phone in one hand, I knew what this could've meant but pretended to not know anything.

''Yes Terushima?'' Koutarou said giving him the word, ''Sensei is it true that you and Akaashi, the kid next to you are fucking?'' People started laughing and I just sat there with a bored expression, I knew this would happen.
''Terushima, for one that is inappropriate and two, You know that we're meeting up today because of your behavior. Do you need me to add more to the list of things your mother is going to have to listen to?''

Terushima seemed surprised and people started laughing even harder, even I laughed a bit.
Koutarou nudged me and I looked at him with a smile, he rolled his eyes and also wore a smile on his face as he continued with the lesson.

-- 3:34 PM -- 

I just ended my last class and was getting ready to go out, Koutarou had to meet up with Terushima, his parents, Oikawa and his parents so I decided to join them since I knew Terushima would be humiliated by it.
Koutarou didn't have anything against me going since he didn't like leaving me home alone.

I put on a over-sized sweatshirt and a white button up underneath it, I also had a pair of slightly ripped skinny black jeans.
My belt had a chain attached to it while I'm wearing rings with thin chains in between them on my left hand, on my right hand I only have two rings on; One on my middle finger and the other one on  my thumb.
I wore a beanie with my black face mask.

Koutarou is wearing black jeans with a turtle neck tucked in them, he has a black coat on and a thin chain hanging off of his belt but only slightly visible.
Koutarou has a necklace on which is a pretty thick chain he also has the earring I gave him on his left ear while he has just a normal stud on his right one.
Koutarou also has a black mask just like me and his hair is spiked up.

We were now arriving at the mall where we were supposed to meet up with the Terushima's and Oikawa's.
Me and Koutarou walked in to a small cozy cafe and sat down to a table a little further in to the cafe but still visible, A waitress came up to us and asked what we wanted.

''What can I get for you today?'' She asked while looking at the both of us, I noticed that most of her attention was one me though.
''I'll have a black coffee'' Koutarou said as he smiled in her direction, the woman now turned to me and her smile became brighter as she waited for me to order ''I'll have a small cappuccino'' I smiled in her direction.
The woman nodded and wrote it down, she winked at me and turned around and walked away.

I let out a heavy sigh and laid my head on the table, Koutarou laughed at me a bit.
''Did you see how she stared at me?!'' I asked embarrassed, Koutarou nodded but never stopped laughing at me.
I rolled my eyes and looked out the window, I noticed Oikawa waving at me; He was walking with his mom who smiled at me, I smiled back at them and waved.

Oikawa soon walked in to the cafe and came over to our table sitting down next to me, his mother sat next to him leaving two chairs empty next to her and Koutarou.
Koutarou smiled at them and everyone greeted each other.
We had to wait for Terushima and his mom to show up so I started talking to Oikawa.

''Hey Tooru, I sent you what we worked on at school'' I smiled at him and got a smile in return, Oikawa was about to speak up but was rudely interrupted by Terushima who put on the worst fake smile and greeted us.
I rolled my eyes and they sat down, I was mostly there to support Oikawa mentally and because I wanted to have something I could laugh about later.

I went on to the group chat on my phone and read the messages.

Yamamoto: Bruh Bokuto-Sensei roasted the shit outta Terushima today LMFASIUJDIUAD

Iwaizumi: You do know that he is currently talking to our sensei? XD

Akaashi: I'm witnessing that rn :)


Akaashi: No thank you, I rather flirt with the waitress than give you any of the information.

I put my phone away knowing that Yamamoto wont leave me alone if he doesn't get the information he wants.

Koutarou was still talking to Terushima's mom and Oikawa's mom about what happened between them and I just sat there in silence.
The waitress finally came with our coffee's, they were a bit late since Oikawa's mom, Terushima's mom and Oikawa also ordered some for themselves.

The waitress gave everyone their coffee and she chose to stand next to me so she could flash her tits in my face, I was visibly uncomfortable but she didn't see that.
The woman gave me my coffee and a small note, I already knew what that was but smiled at her anyways.

Terushima glared at me while Oikawa just laughed it off, ''Thank you ma'am'' me and Koutarou said at the same time which made us throw in to a fit of laughter.
Oikawa nudged me and whispered ''Poor girl, she doesn't know that you prefer men'' he then smirked and took a sip out of his coffee.


After the thing in between Oikawa and Terushima was solved Koutarou had to talk to Terushima and his mom more privately, and when I say more privately I mean without Oikawa and his mom.
''Bye! Oh and Tooru I'll message you later!'' I said as they walked out of the cafe, I saw Oikawa's mom whisper something to Oikawa which made him flustered and I immediately had to know what she said.
I took out my phone and sent a message to Oikawa.

Akaashi: What did your mom tell you that you got flustered? ;)

Oikawa: She said, and I quote ''Akaashi is a nice guy, maybe you could get closer to him?'' AND THEN SHE WINKED AT ME ASHJDKGASKJHD


I chuckled a little and put my phone away, I listened a bit to what Koutarou had to say to Terushima's mom but that got quickly boring so I decided to stare out the window.
I was lost in thought as I heard Koutarou saying my name twice ''Keiji? Hello Keiji, are you okay?'' I quickly turned my head towards him.

''What's happening?'' I asked confused and Koutarou just sighed chuckling a bit ''Nothing, Terushima left. Did the waitress actually give you her number?'' Koutarou said in disbelief I nodded shyly and hid my face in my hands.

[Hello! So the IwaOi story is out and I'll be posting two more chapters today since it's my birthday and I'm trying to forget about the fact that my mom is in the hospital rn]

Have a nice day!


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