-Part six-

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Akaashi was woken up by Bokuto, or more like he heard Bokuto run into the door..

Akaashi's POV

I was woken up by someone running into the door of the room I was staying at, I quickly got out of bed to see who or what it was, when I opened the door I saw Bokuto running to the bathroom. I will never understand that guy..
I decided to go and change in the room I am staying at.
I took out my clothes, I would want to wear something casual today but I can't because I need to wear my school uniform. I took off my shirt and my shorts together with my boxers so that I could change into new ones, but of course Bokuto had to walk in when I was butt naked..

He was opening the door and yelling '' Akaashi time to wake up we've gotta go in- OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY'' and he ran out of the room..
I just sighed and put on my clothes then walked out of the room.

-Boktuo-san when do we have to go?

Bokuto couldn't really look me in the eye after seeing me naked so he just blushed and looked down at the dinner table.

-Uh we have to go in around 20 minutes so you can eat and pack you backpack.

I went to sit down in front of him and started to eat my sandwich that Bokuto had prepared for me earlier.

-Bokuto-san, please knock on the door before you walk in.

Bokuto looked up at me and nodded, he then stood up and walked to his bedroom to probably grab his laptop and all the books that he needed.


We arrived at school about 40 minutes before school actually started, I went to the classroom with Bokuto and sat at my desk then took out my laptop to waste some time.
Oikawa then walked in with Iwaizumi and spotted me almost immediately so they walked over, Oikawa stood over me and looked at me with a really mad look on his face.

-Why didn't you come to school yesterday?

He pouted when he said that and I just sighed and look at him.

-I... I cou-

Bokuto didn't let me speak because he cut me off and said ''He wasn't feeling well and please sit down class starts in 10 minutes'' I don't really know why but they smirked at me then walked back to their respective seats, Oikawa sat right in front of me so he of course had to talk and I think he was messaging Iwaizumi? anyways I just remembered that I was supposed to stay at Oikawa's today so I better go tell Bokuto about it, then I'll just go home with Oikawa. I can always take some clothes from him.
I stood up and walked up to Bokuto.

-Bokuto-sensei I'm going home with Oikawa today, he wanted to have a sleepover. But I'll be back tomorrow at around 6 PM so that I'm not late for the meeting.

Bokuto nodded and stood up from his chair to start class.
I sat down at my desk and thought a little about what we would do at the sleepover.. ''he is probably not gonna leave me alone about it that I now live with our teacher''


It was lunch, I sat at our usual table and waited for Oikawa and Iwaizumi to get here, after about two minutes I spotted the two when they made their way to the table.
The two guys sat down at the table and smirked at me, I begged to god to send someone here that could save me from these two.

-So you live with Bokuto-sensei? is there something between you two?

Iwaizumi smirked when he was saying that, I ignored him and put on my headphones.

Oikawa pouted and yelled at Iwaizumi ''You scared him!''
I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to my right to see Bokuto, I took off my headphones and he just said ''We have to talk, those teachers said that they'll be here in 10 minutes, I already told the principal to find someone who can teach my class and nothing will happen to you because this is important'' I nodded and stood up to walk away with Bokuto, Iwaizumi stopped me by grabbing my wrist I flinched a little, he noticed it and loosened the grip and said. (The teachers said that they all have time so they could meet now instead of meeting on Saturday)

-Please don't take too long you know that I suck at math and I need your help.

I smiled and nodded then walked after Bokuto, I heard the two giggle behind me but I ignored it and kept walking.


We walked into some sort of meeting room and sat down Bokuto told me that I would have to show them the scars and tell them everything that happened and the names of the students that bullied me, of course I didn't feel comfortable taking off my shirt in front of so many teachers but I guess I could pull thru.
Three of the teachers walked in and I remembered them immediately, but one of them was a teacher that did something else to me..

-Hello Suzuki, Sato and Goto this is Akaashi, you probably remember him.

I stood up and bowed, they looked at me. Sato and Goto looked at me normally without any feelings, as always they looked like they were dead inside but Suzuki looked at me kind of like he was scared but there was some lust in his eyes.
I sat down there after and looked at Bokuto who then motioned for me to say whatever I had to say, ''Suzuki eh.. he isn't really involved in this situation...'' Bokuto looked at me confused and I said ''we'd have to call the principal over if we would talk about what he did'' Bokuto looked me with wide eyes and nodded.

-Okay! so please sit down, and we'll start talking.

Bokuto kept his eyes on Suzuki for the whole meeting, he noticed how much he started at me and he also noticed the way he looked at me.

-So lets start the meeting! I am Bokuto Koutarou and this is Akaashi Keiji your old student, he told me a while back that he had been bullied pretty badly in middle school and apparently none of his teachers reacted, did you know that ha was bullied and decided to ignore it or didn't you see it?

They started talking and I kind of dozed off, then I felt Bokuto put his hand on my shoulder.

-You can take off your shirt and show them the scars all of that bullying caused.

I nodded and stood up, I unbuttoned the shirt I was wearing and let it slid off of my arms, the teachers looked shocked and I just stood there trying to stop myself from covering myself up. Bokuto then looked at me and a tear ran down my cheek.
Bokuto bowed down to me and whispered to me to put on my shirt and go take a break, and that he knew how hard it was and that I was brave or some shit that I didn't believe in anyways.
I put on my shirt and then walked out, I got a message from Bokuto that he would message me again when I had to walk in again.
I went to the bathroom and washed my face, I looked in the mirror and was disgusted by what I saw.
'' So ugly, dirty, full of scars, worthless, stupid, dumb, Ugh I'm just a fucking faggot!'' was what I yelled out then I heard a light knock on the door ''wait there should be lessons going on no one should be here.. if it isn't a teacher'' was what I thought to myself before answering.


-Uh Akaashi.. are you alright?

It was Bokuto, but he was supposed to message me? I checked my phone and didn't see any messages.

-You were supposed to message me when I had to go back, why are you here then?

-I wanted to go out of there so I said that I'd go and tell you to come back.

I opened the door and started walking towards the room that we were having that weird meeting, but Bokuto stopped me and looked me in the eyes.

-Don't you fucking  dare ever say those things to yourself ever again! Don't even think about it.

He was dead serious and it felt like he would punch me if I would argue so I just nodded.

-I want to hear it from you, tell me that you will never say such things about your self ever again.

-I promise I wont say anything like that about myself, ever again.

I started walking back to the room I felt Bokuto's eyes on my back, he got pretty pissed there, I've never heard him swear.

I opened the door and sat down where I sat earlier, Bokuto stood behind me and put both of his hands on my shoulders, I flinched at the sudden touch, and because I fell off of the bed at night and hit my shoulder..
Everyone was staring at me. Everyone except Suzuki had a worried look on their face.
''Akaashi go ahead and tell the whole story, don't forget any details'' I did what Bokuto said and started talking.


So here's kind of a TW: rape. There is going to be a little more about rape in the next few chapters, if you want to skip and just want to read the rest except for the parts without the rape part skip to chapter eight where there is only one mention of it and I put a warning before it was mentioned.

At the end of the meeting I felt like vomiting, I felt disgusted by myself.
We were going to say our goodbyes and Bokuto was supposed to go and plan another meeting with the teachers, but Suzuki wanted to talk to me. Alone.
Bokuto tried to tell him that I didn't feel comfortable talking to him alone but he insisted on doing so, so I had to listen and go back to the meeting room meanwhile Bokuto and the other teachers were outside discussing the whole situation.

I walked in to the room with Suzuki and I barely closed the door behind me when I felt his hands on my hips, he turned me around and pinned me down against the wall, he put his leg in between mine and made sure that I wouldn't be able to escape.
I closed my eyes and let him do what he wanted to do, I couldn't find it in myself to yell, I couldn't do anything I felt... weak so I just stood there when he started to do whatever he was doing.
My vision got blurred and I couldn't even see him, I got all dizzy and the last thing I saw or heard was Bokuto storming into the room. Then I passed out.

hheheheheheh so here we got another chapter it is longer than usually because I wrote it during a boring geography lessons so YEAH.

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