-Part seventeen-

181 12 4

-Time skip-
December 12th Saturday
8:47 AM

Bokuto's POV

Akaashi is still asleep, Oikawa slept over since it's Saturday today at it was Friday yesterday so I was okay with it. They have slept over a few times ever since Oikawa and Akaashi hung out for the second time, and honestly I'd have to be blind to say that I haven't noticed how close they have become.
I was quietly working on the couch as I heard whispers from Akaashi's room, I guess the boys have woken up now.
I got up from the sofa and walked over to the kitchen, I made a cup of coffee for myself and for Akaashi because I knew that Oikawa doesn't drink coffee so I just boiled some water to make tea for him instead.
I heard Akaashi's door creak open and soon enough I heard footsteps getting closer to me and a head popped out of the corner of the room, I laughed at Akaashi's tired face as he made his way over to me.
Oikawa trailing behind him with a tired face as well, ''You guys haven't slept much have you?'' I asked already knowing the answer.
Oikawa leaned against the wall and rested his head against the wall as he answered with a grunt, Akaashi on the other hand walked up behind me and leaned on me while placing his head on my back and answered.
''No, and I regret staying up that late with Oikawa'' we stayed in the same position for a while until I spoke again, '' Why's that?'' I asked chuckling and turning around as Akaashi straightened up, I gave Akaashi his mug of coffee and Oikawa his tea.
'' Oikawa can't shut up about his 'Iwa-chan' especially at night'' Akaashi answered teasing Oikawa who glared at him and said '' Well you can't shut up about the person you love either so don't be mad at me'' Oikawa pouted and I was quiet confused, who could Akaashi love?
Yes he did mention that he might be in love but he never said who it was.
Akaashi blushed and hit Oikawa in the head yelling ''shut up before I expose you to Iwaizumi'' now fully awake, I laughed at them and started preparing breakfast.


Everyone sat around the table, we were eating breakfast and chatting a little. I remembered what Oikawa said earlier, 'Well you can't shut up about the person you love' who does Akaashi love? I thought and asked after a few seconds of thinking and being unable to come up with and idea to who it could be that stole Akaashi's heart.
''Akaashi, Oikawa mentioned earlier that you love someone?'' I could see in the corner of my eye how Oikawa smirked at Akaashi, who glared at him.
Oikawa spoke instead of Akaashi ''He loves someone but doesn't have a chance with him, a little because that guy is about a decade older'' I looked at Oikawa tilting my head to the side.

-If he loves someone he shouldn't really care about what age they are? only if Akaashi would be like 7 and in love with a 80 year old guy.

Oikawa nodded and Akaashi sighed, '' I don't have a chance with him, he would lose his job if he dated me or overall had some sort of relationship with me'' I sighed and answered Akaashi quickly ''Oh alright I understand, but you shouldn't give up that fast'' I tried to give Akaashi some courage to not give up that fast.
Akaashi shrugged ''maybe.. anyway what are we going to do today?'' Oikawa's eyes lit up with excitement as he answered almost yelling at us ''We should go gift shopping! but only me and Aka-chan'' I nodded, I had to work anyway so I was okay with them going shopping without me.
I got up from the table taking everyone's plates and placed them on the kitchen counter, I went to my laptop bag which had my wallet and I took out some money for Akaashi  because I knew that he probably didn't have much and I wanted him to have some fun.


After Akaashi and Oikawa got out to go shopping I walked back to the sofa and sat down, I put on music on my TV and let it play in the background.
''Survive Said The Prophet-RED'' Was the first thing on my playlist so I let it play as I worked, on my laptop.
After working for two hours straight I got a message from my boss.

Boss: I know that Christmas break
 was supposed to start next week
but we need to close the school
quicker so you don't have to come
 to work on Monday.

You: Alright, thank you boss for
informing me.

I placed down my phone and got up from the sofa, I stretched out my muscles.
I took my laptop and put it on the charger because the battery was almost dead, as I did that I heard the front door open and two cheery voices were heard.
''Oya?'' I sighed to myself, Kuroo came probably with Kenma his boyfriend.
''I'm in my room!'' I yelled to the guests as I plugged in the charger into the electrical outlet, I heard footsteps approaching me from behind.
I turned around and to my surprise it was Kuroo but not with his Kenma but with Akaashi and Oikawa, ''Hello Bokuto-san we met Kuroo-sensei while on our way to the apartment and he said that he was going to visit you'' Akaashi said while standing behind Kuroo who was talking to Oikawa in the doorway.
I nodded in response, I walked over to Kuroo and hugged him as the teenage boys walked out of my room to Akaashi's.
''Haven't seen you in so long outside work!'' I exclaimed happily as Kuroo hugged me back.


Kuroo was now going out, finally. I was tipsy because of course he had to bring alcohol and had to guilt trap me to drink.
Oikawa had already left long ago, Akaashi walked him to the bus station.
I closed the door behind Kuroo sighing loudly, Akaashi walked up to me and asked '' Are you going to sleep now or not yet?'' I looked at him and answered him quickly ''I'm only a little tipsy, if you want to watch a movie or something I could'' I smiled at Akaashi.
Akaashi nodded and skipped to the sofa as I walked behind him smiling like crazy, I always thought that Akaashi was adorable and I have only been proved right these past months.
I have been trying to take care of him and make sure that he doesn't self harm much, the last time he did was around a month ago when he had a panic attack.
Akaashi has been having more and more panic attacks and I have been trying to be with him every time something like that happens, every time Akaashi had a panic attack or just overall felt any sort of anxiety Oikawa has been with him at least when I wasn't there for all the different reasons.
We sat on the sofa and I turned on the TV, ''Akaashi what do you wanna watch?'' I asked skipping thru the channels on the TV.
''Maybe Given?'' Akaashi asked looking at the TV, I nodded and put it on.
While we were watching the series Akaashi somehow managed to cuddle up to me without me noticing, we made small comments every now and then about the series as we watched.

[Hello! I hope you liked this chapter, it might've been boring because I didn't really know what to write.
I would really appreciate it if you guys voted on this story, it'd make it to more people's front pages which would really be a boost for me. I would update more frequently and maybe even update two chapters in a row like I did with the two chapters before this one.]


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