-Part two-

388 17 0

4th April
9:08 AM

3'rd persons POV

Bokuto and Akaashi knocked on the door to the principal's office, they soon heard a 'come in!' from the man inside. When they walked inside Akaashi stood next to Bokuto looking down at his hands as Bokuto spoke with the principal. Akaashi was very confused why he ended up here instead of the classroom where he was supposed to have his next class
''Hello sir!'' Bokuto greeted the man ''Akaashi Keiji, my student has been feeling sick today and asked me to come in here and report that he was going home.'' Bokuto placed a hand on Akaashis head and smiled to the principal ''Oh I understand'' the man typed on his keyboard and then responded ''Okay, I have reported him absent for the rest of the day, if you will still be feeling under the weather tomorrow please ask a guardian to email the school'' Bokuto and Akaashi thanked the man and walked out.

When the door closed Akaashi turned his head to Bokuto and asked ''What was that about'' Bokuto looked deep into Akaashi's eyes and sighed ''You can't be staying home alone for so long, we both know it's not legal..'' Akaashi was about to make his own remark about that but Bokuto didn't let him, instead he said ''And you say you can't stay with a friend.. I can't just stand by and watch this unravel-'' Bokuto took a deep breath ''- It might be looked down upon for a student to live with his teacher but it's not that bad when it is a male student and male teacher'' Akaashi's eyes widened and all kinds of scenarios started running through his head. ''I guess what I'm saying is... you can - actually should stay with me''.
Akaashi stood there dumb founded and watched as students passed by next to him because he couldn't look his teacher in the eye right now.
After a few seconds passed by (and students) Akaashi looked at Bokuto '' I can't possibly do that.. You're my teacher and it'd be weird'' Bokuto's face didn't change, he still had a very serious look on his face, he was nodding slightly as he pondered on what to say next ''Well either that or you stay with a friend, I'm sorry but I can't just stand by and watch this happen and you should know that''.
''What if I just stay where I am right now-'' Bokuto cut him off ''I'll be forced to tell the principal''


As they arrived at Bokuto's place he went ahead and immediately showed Akaashi around the apartment, until they came to Bokuto's bedroom ''You can sleep here and put your stuff in there'' he pointed to a dresser that was surprisingly empty. Apparently Bokuto kept his clothes in a closet in a different room which didn't make much sense to Akaashi
''Where are you going to sleep then?'' The black haired boy asked as he looked over at his teacher.
''It'd be wrong if I slept in the same bed as you so I'm going to sleep on the couch'' He shot the younger a friendly smile as he took a step as to walk out the room and give the younger privacy, but Akaashi grabbed his arm and spoke '' I can sleep on the couch, I wouldn't wanna take your bed and make you sleep elsewhere''
''Don't worry about me Akaashi. I'll go prepare food and you can make yourself feel at home here, just please don't go through that pile of papers on my desk, they're tests of other students that I still need to grade'' He got out of his grip and walked out the room with a small smile on his face, Bokuto closed the door behind him and Akaashi just stood there unable to move.
He was thinking how weirdly Soft and comforting Bokuto's smile was, his parents weren't exactly around when he was younger so it was rare for him to see someone genuinely smile towards him with such sympathy.

After a few seconds of just standing there he finally came back to his senses, 'I'm in my teacher's house and I'm going to sleep here-' Akaashi thought to himself before slapping himself and actually looking around the room, it looked good. Very colorful, there were a lot of blue, yellow, red and green accents which really represented his teachers personality.
Akaashi then took a deep breath and walked over to the bedroom door before opening it and walking towards the kitchen that Bokuto had shown him earlier.
''Um Bokuto sens-'' Akaashi started but got cut off my Bokuto ''Just Bokuto is enough, you can call me sensei at school'' he smiled.
''Ah okay Bokuto, I was wondering how I'd get to school? And of course after school..'' The latter spoke slowly with a small blush tinting his cheeks. It felt weird to call his teacher just by their last name without any honorifics
''I'll have to change my schedule and leave a bit later than usually and after school you might have to join me after class while I'm still teaching since I teach for longer than you have classes'' Akaashi nodded his head before adding ''Or I could just hang out with some friends after school...'' He trailed off as he remembered that he hadn't called Oikawa yet ''Shit! I forgot to tell Oikawa that I was skipping the rest of the day'' Akaashi jogged over to Bokuto's room, closing the door behind him.
He took out his phone and looked for Oikawa's contact ''Where the hell have you been?!'' Oikawa shouted not letting Akaashi even say a word.

I'm willing to take you in. [BokuAka]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя