-Part thirty three-

149 12 7

26th December
9:21 AM

Bokuto's POV

Yesterday everything was going alright until Keiji got a call from Oikawa, it looked like he was having a panic attack and honestly I was worried.
We picked him up and they talked a bit, I didn't hear what they talked about but after a while I stopped hearing Oikawa's sobs so I guessed that he fell asleep, I have numbers to every parent at least those that are my students. I dialed Oikawa's mother and she soon picked up ''Hello I'm Bokuto Koutarou you sons teacher'' I said as I heard the woman on the other side, ''Oh hi is there something wrong?'' she spoke calmly.

I sighed '' You know that your son is friends with Akaashi Keiji right?'' I asked the woman on the other side formally ''Yes of course Akaashi is an great boy, why do you ask?'' the woman said.
She probably doesn't know what happened.

''Your son is here with Akaashi, he called him while having a panic attack..'' I said a bit quieter trying to not disturb the boys in the room next to me, ''R-really? he said that he was going to sleep over at some friends house, I-I can go pick him up if he is a burd-'' I cut her off before she could speak any more.

''No it's alright he can stay here and we'll drop him off later, right now he and Akaashi are talking about what happened. I'm sure he'll fill you in on what happened'' I spoke firmly until I heard a sigh on the other side and the woman spoke up again ''Thank you, but if there is a problem please contact me'' I stayed quiet for a second before I saw Keiji walk out of his room.

I quickly said my goodbyes and ended the call, ''Something wrong?'' Keiji asked me as he noticed the frown on my face, I nodded and walked with him to the kitchen.
''Are you two hungry?'' I asked as I took a glass from the cabinet and filled it up with water, ''No,'' there was a second before Keiji continued.

''thank you for picking him up at 2 AM, no one knows what he could've done if no one did pick him up'' I smiled at Keiji and leaned against the kitchen counter, while Keiji did the same ''What did actually happen?'' I asked as I took a sip of my water.
''He was supposed to meet up with someone, but ended up getting into a fight with them'' Keiji said, I was wondering who he got into a fight with and who he was supposed to meet up at goddamn 2 AM.

I nodded and turned around to open the cabinet, I took out the aid kit and looked at Keiji who was not looking at me instead he was looking at the floor.
I turned around and said ''Keiji, is he awake? I saw some bruises on him yesterday, maybe we should treat them?'' I asked Keiji as I walked closer to him.

He looked up and nooded and walked out of the kitchen with me following him, he walked in to the room and we saw Oikawa sitting on his bed cuddled up under the sheets.
Oikawa was just sitting on the bed staring down at the floor thinking about something until he realized that me and Keiji had walked in, he forced a smiled and moved a bit to give us some space.

Keiji sat on the desk chair while I sat next to Oikawa, ''Is it okay if I take care of the bruises?'' I asked and got a nod in response.
Oikawa looked to the side as I was taking care of the bruises he had on his face, Keiji was still sitting on the desk chair looking down at his phone.

I was done putting on the bandages gently trying to not cause any more pain to the boy in front of me.

I was done with his face so I asked ''Oikawa can I see you knuckles?'' since I knew that the boy did probably fight back and I also knew that he probably used some of his strength to do so, Oikawa slowly nodded and brought his knuckles up to me.
I looked at them and saw just a bit of blood, there were some small scars and bruises but nothing serious so it didn't need bandages.

All I did was clean the blood off and then I was done, ''Who even did this to you?'' I asked looking over at the boys face.
Oikawa looked at me with guilt visible in his eyes ''Terushima'' after Oikawa said that Keiji looked up from his phone with shock in his eyes.

''Oikawa I told you to not meet up with that piece of shit!'' Keiji spat out as he raised his voice a bit out of anger, I looked at him glaring a bit to make him stop and it worked luckily.
''I called your mother earlier, I told her that we'll drop you off at home later, when you feel like it that is'' I spoke with a soothing voice, Oikawa looked up at me and smiled while nodding his head.

Astaroth walked in to Keiji's room and looked at us before jumping on to the bed, she walked over to Oikawa and laid down on his lap.
''She likes you'' Keiji said chuckling a bit, all of us smiled.
Oikawa was smiling while looking at Astaroth who was making herself comfortable on his lap, me and Keiji were looking at Oikawa with smiles on our faces.

I took the aid kit and walked out of the room not closing the door, I went to the kitchen to leave the aid kit where it belongs and then I decided that it was time to give Astaroth her food.

I sat on the sofa later on and took my laptop off of the coffee table and opened it, I immediately went to check my email and noticed an email from the principal.

''Hello Bokuto, I have to tell you that it is now 100% sure that we'll have online school.
Since school starts next week I'd love it if you started planning the lessons, I know it might be hard at first with the online school but hopefully it'll be alright.''

I responded with a '' Hi boss, I was just wondering since I have Akaashi Keiji in two of my classes does he have to be on a different device or would it be okay if he was sitting with me in the same room while I have classes? (since he lives with me)'' I then got off of the sofa while placing down the laptop on it.

''Oikawa when do you want me to drop you off at home?'' I asked as I walked towards Keiji's room, I looked at Oikawa who shrugged.
''When it's alright with you Bokuto-sensei'' He said while smiling back at me, I thought for a while before speaking again.

''We'll start with online classes instead of the normal ones next week'' I walked towards the kitchen as i heard Oikawa and Keiji start talking about how excited they were about it.

I started making sandwiches which took me around 20 minutes.
''Oikawa, Akaashi I made breakfast!'' I yelled to the boys and soon enough heard them walk to the kitchen.
All three of us ate and after that we dropped Oikawa off at his house, his mother ran out of the house and hugged him tightly.

While Oikawa and Keiji were talking I spoke to Oikawa's mother.

''Oh god I'm so sorry for causing you so much trouble!'' The woman spoke as she looked at me with a sad expression, I shook my head and smiled warmly at her ''Please don't worry about that, apparently Oikawa has had panic attacks a few times am I right?'' I asked her.

She nodded at me with a frown on her face ''I know about his panic attacks and I want him to get help but he doesn't want to listen'' I looked over at the boys and spoke quietly ''I'll try to help'' the woman smiled at me and thanked me.

We said our goodbyes and I left with Keiji.

Mafia story or a I-Have-a-girlfriend-but-i-fall-in-love-with-my-best-friend kinda story?

[Hopefully y'all liked this chapter :) ]


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