-Part twenty seven-

195 12 5

24th December
10:41 AM

Akaashi's POV

So it is finally Christmas, me and Koutarou have had some more bonding time lately especially ever since the incident a few days ago. But to my surprise he has been more touchy and you know just been trying to hug more, cuddle some and it honestly feels nice, I've been trying my best to show Koutarou more affection than before to make sure that he doesn't get the wrong idea just like the day after the 'incident' when he thought that he lost all my trust because I didn't want to eat nor talk.
Koutarou's mom was really worried about me when I didn't eat for almost two days so now she has been giving me food almost every hour, which is not the best thing in the world but who cares right?

Koutarou has been trying to make sure that she doesn't give me too much food because he is worried that I will either end up really really fat or sick because of it, but I don't mid because Miss Bokuto makes good food.
I was now sitting in the living room with Koutarou's sisters: Yua and Yui, Yui and I have been sitting on the floor and setting the volleyball to each other while Yua was on the sofa just reading some manga.

Yua spoke up after a while of silence '' Has any of you ever been high?'' Yui set the ball and I didn't catch it because I was looking at Yua, the sudden question caught me off guard. Sure Yua does like to ask weird stuff in the weirdest moment but seriously?
I got hit by the ball and Yui chuckled a little before answering Yua, ''I've been high like twice, I don't really like the taste of any kind of drug'' I looked in Yui's direction but soon looked at Yua again as she spoke.
''And you Akaashi?'' Yua wasn't looking at me, she was still reading her manga so I just reached for the volleyball that was laying behind me and answered.
''Yeah unfortunately I've been high, but not just a few times I guess. Why are you wondering that all of a sudden?'' I asked Yua after answering her question, '' I was just wondering, and does Koutarou know about the fact that you've smoked?'' Yua answered but with another question after it.
''Yes he knows, once I landed in the hospital and since I haven't touched any kind of drug'' Yua looked at me for a second before muttering under her breathe a ''interesting''.

I set the ball to Yui again and we threw it back and forth as we made some small talk that was just quiet boring until Yui started the topic of virginity and how she thought that kids these days lose their virginity too early.
''I know that it's like their body and their life but isn't it like too early to lose your virginity at the age of like 12 or 14?'' Yui asked watching as the ball flew over to me, ''Some of those kids didn't want to lose their virginity and maybe got raped or something'' I said setting the ball back to Yui.
''Well yea that's not their fault that they lost it in such a young age but still'' I listened as Yui spoke, ''I have a friend and her sister is around 12 and she thinks its a flex that she lost her virginity at the age of 10, like sorry to break it to you but no its not a flex'' I set the ball back to Yui as she spoke.
''Well yes that is just quiet dumb in my opinion'' Yua spoke, and after her started Yui speaking yet again ''When did you guys lose your virginity?'' that was straight forward.
Yua shrugged and thought for a second before answering ''I was maybe 16-17? I think, don't really remember it because I was drunk. I'm not saying that it was bad but I don't think your first time is something you have to remember'' now it was my time to answer.
''You?'' Yui asked setting the ball to me, ''I lost it when I was around 13 I guess'' I received the ball and set it back to Yui but she didn't throw it back to me but instead she grabbed it and held it in her hands.

Yua looked at us and waited for Yui to speak up, Yui looked at me after keeping her gaze at the volleyball.
''Did- did you get uh.. raped?'' Yui asked whispering the last part probably not wanting to get her moms attention who was sitting int he kitchen chopping vegetables.
I looked her straight in the eyes and sighed, ''Yeah,'' I let a laugh escape my mouth as I thought of the time I got raped by my teacher, I didn't think it was funny I thought I was pathetic for not fighting back when he did it plenty of times ''By my teacher actually'' I ended my sentence.
Yua looked at me with shock, ''is that why you were defending the kids that lost their virginity at a young age, and were raped?'' I nodded in response and looked in Yua's direction.
''Yeah that's why'' Yui spoke up right after I spoke, ''You must've been in middle school then right?'' I yet again nodded and laid my back down on the wooden floor, I could see the Christmas tree from the corner of my eye.
''Don't things like that leave like trauma?'' Yui asked but shut up when Yua bonked her on the head with her book.

''Baka! of course it does! stop asking stupid questions and don't talk about it anymore, I don't think it's any fun for him.'' I sat straight up and looked at them, ''It's alright, and yes it does leave trauma. If you don't get help from professionals then it can get worse, which in my case is kind of what is happening'' Yui tilted her head slightly to the right while Yua tilted her head to the left.
''Why don't you talk to a therapist then?'' Yua asked me taking her manga back from Yui, ''Because I feel like I should suffer with it alone, plus I don't want to waste Koutarou's money on a therapist since I can't afford one myself. I'm still 17 it'd be hard for me to get a job'' Yui raised one eyebrow and crossed her arms.
''Shut up, you deserve to get help and I don't think Koutarou would mind helping you afford a therapist, and you've got us now too you know?'' I smiled softly at Yui before looking down and letting the smile become more of a sad one.

Koutarou walked up to us and threw himself on the other sofa as he asked what we were talking about, ''So what are you guys talking about? talking shit about me?'' Yui and Yua looked at me for a spare second but then looked at Koutarou with a serious and stern look, they really were scary.
''Something wrong?'' Koutarou asked as he rolled himself off of the sofa and crawled over to sit next to me on the wooden floor, he put his arm around my waist and I slightly stiffened up before relaxing, but it took me a while longer to relax than usually and of course Koutarou noticed it and looked at me confused.
Yua got up and walked next to Koutarou and whispered into his ear as she left the room.
''Talk to him. Fast.'' was all she said, I don't think she wanted me to hear it but it was too late by now.
Yua walked over to the kitchen and started talking to her mom.

I was still sitting on the floor with my gaze at the wooden floor, I was really scared to meet anyone's eyes but mostly Koutarou's, I didn't want to talk to him.
While I was sitting there lost in thought Koutarou and Yui talked a little, I didn't hear what they said because my mind was somewhere else but I came back to my senses as Yui said my name twice.
''Akaashi? Akaashi you there?'' Koutarou tightened his grip around my waist and looked at me worriedly as I looked up quickly at Yui. They both seemed to look worried for me and I didn't know why since I didn't listen to their conversation earlier.
''What's wrong?'' I asked changing my gaze in between Yui and Koutarou.
''Didn't you hear us?'' Koutarou asked catching all my attention, I shook my head a few times before stopping and looking down at the wooden floor again.
''I was thinking about something else, I'm sorry'' I said, ''It's fine, we were talking about where everyone was going to sit at, at the dining table during Christmas''  I looked up yet again an shrugged.
''I can sit where ever I don't care'' I got up and said ''Sorry, I'll be back '' and started heading down to the basement AKA my and Koutarou's bedroom.

So I was going to write another fan fiction but idk which ship I should write about please comment which one you would want to read about: KuroKen, IwaOi or Oikawa x Reader.
Please answer because I'm really having a dilemma.

Just wondering something, when the next smut comes do you guys want it to be Bokuto's point of view or Akaashi's point of view? I need to know XD

[Alright guys so this is just the begging of the Christmas chapters I know that I'm posting this after Christmas and even after new years but yeah sorry for that.]


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