-Part thirteen-

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3'rd person's POV

Monday 6:26 AM

Bokuto woke up first as always and went to take a shower, after the shower he woke Akaashi up and started getting breakfast ready.


Akaashi was done showering and had just put on his school uniform as he heard Bokuto knock on his door.
''Akaashi are you done? breakfast is ready, come to the kitchen'' Was what Bokuto said and Akaashi just hummed in response and fixed his tie before walking out.
Bokuto was still in his pajamas, which were a pair of black shorts and a dirty yellow t-shirt.
The two handsome men then ate their breakfast and Akaashi watched some TV while Bokuto got dressed.


When Bokuto and Akaashi were in school they gained some looks from people walking by, who noticed that Akaashi and Bokuto drove to school together. It's not that weird that people are staring at them, after all it's not often you see a student and a teacher driving to school together.
Bokuto started walking towards school with Akaashi trailing behind, they were quiet on the way to school.
When they both arrived at school they went to the classroom immediately, Bokuto went to sit at his desk and Akaashi sat in his usual spot that he now knew just like his own pocket.
Bokuto looked thru some tests they took a while ago glancing in Akaashi's direction every now and then.


During their modern Japanese Akaashi fell asleep with his pen dangerously close to his eye which Bokuto noticed.
In the middle of his lesson he walked over to Akaashi and everyone thought that he'd go to him and yell at him for sleeping in class but he only took the pen out of his hand and placed it down next him and continued the lesson, Oikawa of course noticed what his teacher just did which he thought was weird.
Oikawa took out his phone secretly and messaged Iwaizumi


Oinks: Iwa-chan isn't it weird that
 Bokuto-sensei is being that
nice to Akaashi?

Iwa-chan~: I don't
know but just leave
it and ask Akaashi-san
later what is going on

Oikawa went in to his contacts and called Akaashi and let it call two times before hanging up just so that everyone could hear the buzzing phone, and enough to wake him up.
Akaashi woke up and looked at his phone and saw that Oikawa was trying to call him, he looked in his direction and the only thing he earned from him was a angry look.
''Akaashi-kun I think your mom is calling'' someone yelled, Bokuto wanted to say something but Akaashi was quicker at answering ''My mom's dead'' was all he said, everyone was shocked.
Wide eyes looking at Akaashi, the boy who yelled out that his mom probably was calling muttered a ''I'm sorry'' before Bokuto went back to teaching.


After the class Akaashi had to speak to Bokuto for a while, Oikawa and Iwaizumi stood outside the classroom waiting for Akaashi to go out.
''Akaashi you don't have to talk about your family to the students, I'll talk to Terushima so that he will go and apologize to you'' Bokuto told Akaashi, the younger male just hummed and started walking out but stopped in his tracks as Bokuto spoke yet again ''after you last class ends go to this classroom I'll be here, even if there is another class in here just walk in'' Akaashi hummed yet again and opened the classroom door.
''Oi! Aka-chan why is sensei so nice to you? he even let you sleep in class!'' Oikawa said jumping on Akaashi, Bokuto noticed that because they weren't even outside the classroom yet so he walked over to explain. Bokuto walked over to the three teenagers and said ''Oikawa please be careful with Akaashi, and I let him sleep because he has been having trouble sleeping lately'' Iwaizumi nodded an hit Oikawa in the back of his head and called him 'shittykawa'.
Oikawa looked at Bokuto with a suspicious look and then the three teenager started walking towards their next class which was P.E.

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