-Part twenty six-

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Happy new years! This is my new years gift for y'all love you!

9:38 AM

Bokuto's POV

After what happened yesterday Keiji stayed in bed all day, my mom was worried about him and she asked me all the time about what happened. I never told anyone what happened just that he didn't feel well, I myself was worried sick too because he hasn't eaten since we hung out with my family.
When I woke up Keiji was still asleep so I got out of bed and went to the kitchen, I wanted to help my mom with cooking so that I could forget about Keiji for a second.
''Koutarou you seem really worried, what's wrong son?'' My mom asked me ask I placed down the frying pan in the sink.
I sighed before answering ''I'm worried about Keiji, he hasn't been eating anything ever since we hung out yesterday'' my mom looked at me and tilted her head slightly, ''Something did actually happen then huh? Was it something you did, or something in between you two?'' She asked me as she walked closer to me.
I sighed and looked down at my hands ''It's something between me and him, but at the same time kinda my fault'' I said feeling regret fill up the pit in my stomach.
She tilted my head up with one of her hands and said ''I don't know what you two did or what happened but go talk to him, it's probably for the best'' I nodded and answered her, ''thanks mom'' I gave her a smile before walking away to my room but was stopped when I heard Yua yell.
''y'all really can't read the mood, they probs fucked but didn't enjoy it or someone or something interrupted them'' I looked at her when she was sitting in the sofa grinning in my direction.
''Yua shut up that's not what happened, god what's wrong with my family?!'' I said glaring at her,
''Keep telling yourself that'' she yelled back to me but I ignored her and walked down the stairs to my room.When I opened the room I saw Keij curled up in a ball under the blankets in the middle of our bed, I walked over there and sat on the bed.
''Keiji, You should get up'' He looked up at me and laid back down, ''Hey please tell me what's wrong, you've been acting like this ever since yesterday and everyone is worried even my family is worried'' I looked at him with pleading eyes but he only looked at me with a bored and dead look.
I patted his head and said '' If you don't get up I will pick you up and carry you to the kitchen so that you at least eat'' but Keiji yet again only looked at me with an empty look, I think he forgot how I carried him once because he didn't want to eat.
I stood up and took the blanket off of him then picked him up starling him by the sudden touch, ''I told you I would pick you up'' I said looking at him and trying to make him calm because he wouldn't stop breathing heavily as if he was scared.
I started walking out of the room but stopped mid way when Keiji spoke, ''Put me down'' he said with a sad tone in his voice. I looked at him and asked ''why? give me a good reason to why I should do it'' Keiji looked away and started speaking again.
''You said you wouldn't touch me if I didn't want you to'' That sentence broke me a bit because I thought I had gained his trust but apparently I hadn't, I put him down on his feet and myself looked down at my feet trying to fight tears that had now blurred my vision.
''Sorry Koutarou but, after last night I can't stop thinking of how I ruined the mood and wasted your time'' Keiji said walking back to our bed, I walked up to him quickly and grabbed him by his arm and turned him around so that we were facing each other.
I let the tears stream down as I spoke, ''I told you not to worry about it! Plus you didn't waste my time, the fact that I enjoyed it should already tell you enough!'' Keiji looked at me with wide eyes as he listened to what I said.I let go of his arm and was about to turn around but was stopped by a pair of arms around my waist, Keiji was hugging me.
I hugged him back tightly, after I felt Keiji pull away I let my arms slide away from his back.
'' I don't want to leave the room just yet okay?'' Keiji asked me looking me in the eyes, I sighed and nodded before speaking up ''But I'll bring you something to eat'' now it was Keiji who nodded.
Keiji headed to bed and took my laptop on his way, I walked out of the room and closed the door.
I walked up the stairs and to the kitchen until I heard Yua yell ''So, y'all fucked just now?'' I sighed and face palmed, ''Yua just stop, it's making me uncomfortable. Keiji is my student and nothing else'' Yua looked at me and started speaking again as she stood up from the sofa ''I have never heard a teacher use a student's first name, unless they either felt something towards them or they had something in between them'' she took a deep breath before continuing ''and Koutarou let's be honest here, you are in love with him and everyone can see it. Your just easy to read'' she had now walked up to me and started walking towards the kitchen.

''You said that Keiji is easy to read yesterday?'' I said and got a hum in response from Yua, ''Then tell me something that you can't bring up around him, that's an easy one so don't try to run away from it'' I looked at her as she took the bottle of milk and poured some into a glass.
''He said yesterday that his family is dead, so for him a painful topic is his family life and his love life, and let me just throw in self harm and panic attacks to that'' I raised an eyebrow.
''Now you know what to not talk about when you're around him'' I said and went to make a sandwich for Keiji.


I walked in to my room with a plate in one hand and a mug of hot chocolate in my other hand. When I opened the door I saw Keiji shirtless, I have no Idea why but I could only stare.
Keiji was looking into the mirror and saw the few hickeys I left the day earlier, ''Seriously Koutarou?!'' he said as he looked at me now pointing at the few hickeys he had.
''at least they're not on your neck'' I said as I closed the door behind me, I put the plate and the mug on my desk and walked up to Keiji.
I hugged Keiji while he was still looking at the hickeys I had left on his chest, and I might've left one on the back of his neck but he didn't have to know about it just yet.
''Keiji, would you get mad if my sister knew about what happened yesterday?'' I asked hesitantly, ''Do you mean that you told her or she found out?'' Keiji asked turning around to look at me.
''Somehow she guessed it, today when I was walking to the kitchen she asked if we were fucking and of course I said no but she didn't believe me'' I stated looking away shamefully, Keiji pushed me away and walked up to my desk taking one sandwich.
I sat down on our bed sighing loudly catching Keiji's attention, ''What's wrong Kou?'' he asked tilting his head slightly to the right as he chewed on the sandwich.
''I can't get the thought out of my head'' I answered pulling at my hair with my hands and sighing yet again, ''What thought?'' Keiji asked walking up to me and sitting down next to me.
''Of what would've happened if I couldn't stop myself yesterday, and what would've happened if I didn't listen to you'' I answered truth fully, but I also didn't say the whole thing I was thinking about because if I told him that I was thinking of what would've happened if we went all the way he would've forced himself to try and show me, which was not what I wanted.
''That would've been rape, and you would've lost all my trust. plus I would probably hate you and like commit suicide after it, I don't think I'd be able to go thru that again'' Keiji laughed softy after saying that which was surprising to me.
''I probably wouldn't be able to take it if you stopped trusting me, I worked so hard for you to like me and trust me'' I said throwing myself onto my bed with my back facing the bed.

[Next chapter is probs gonna be a time skip, because the Christmas eve is gonna be drama;)]

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