-Part forty one-

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14th January
8:56 PM

Bokuto's POV

I looked out the window when I hear someone pull up right in front of our apartment complex, I saw when Terushima and Keiji hugged and I felt a bit jealous but quickly hid that feeling deep down and smiled to myself.
Me and Keiji aren't exactly dating so I can't be that over protective over him, or I can since I'm his guardian and all but that just doesn't feel right.
He is allowed to have his own life and have his own friends.

I saw it how Keiji cupped Terushima's cheek and said something before walking away, I looked down at Terushima from the 3rd floor of my apartment and saw him trying to see me in one of the windows.
When our eyes locked I smiled and nodded, I'm pretty sure he understood what I meant and gave me a thumbs up before he got on his bike and started driving away.

Soon enough I heard the door slide open and close, I turned around and saw Keiji standing there with a weak smile.
''You saw us didn't you?'' he said as he walked closer to me, he had already taken his shoes off.

I hugged him tightly and smiled while putting my head on his head gently ''Yea I saw what you did there but why exactly did you hug him, and why did you cup his cheek?'' I asked not realizing that I sounded very jealous.

Keiji laughed it off and pulled away looking at me ''He apologized and started crying for some reason.'' I smiled at him and nodded, I took a step away from Keiji and walked in to the kitchen turning on the coffee machine.

''I knew he was a good kid'' I sighed as I was putting the mug in the coffee machine to make myself some coffee, I turned and looked at Keiji ''You seem to know each other very well'' I said in a low tone as I looked at Keiji for any reaction at all.
His face flushed slightly pink as he seemed to be lost replaying some memory in his head.

He quickly turned to me and spoke ''We dated once, and from what he told me hasn't moved on and he's pressed that I've moved on'' my eyes widened at that statement and I was in put shock for a few seconds, I realized what was happening as my coffee was ready.

Keiji just smiled at me and went to the living room and sat on the sofa as I made my way over to him, we sat on the sofa not speaking and the only sound that was in the room was the TV.
''Why didn't I know that you two dated?'' I asked as I sipped on my coffee that has now gotten a bit colder.

''What, do you want to know about all my past relationships?'' Keiji asked as he chuckled at the end, I looked at him in an awe as he chuckled quietly.
''That'd be an interesting conversation'' I answered politely.

Keiji went quiet for a second as he thought of something ''Well my first 'relationship' was at the age of 12 I guess, I dated some girl that had confessed to me'' Keiji smiled at the memory before continuing, '' I then didn't date anyone until my first year at Fukurodani, and that was Terushima'' I listened quietly as he spoke.

''Terushima was... one of my firsts I guess'' I raised one eyebrow as I looked at Keiji ''Did you have your first kiss with Terushima?'' I asked curious, Keiji smiled ''The first kiss that wasn't forced, yes'' I watched as Keiji's smiled faded away slowly.

''I would have never guessed that you two dated before'' I said as I looked at the TV now, ''Me neither'' Keiji smiled.
''What about your first kiss?'' Keiji asked me as he watched Astaroth jump on to his lap ''God that was a while ago'' I laughed together with Keiji.

''My first kiss was stolen by a girl in high school, right before I rejected her feelings towards me'' Keiji's eyes widened and we both started laughing hysterically.
''Did she know that it was your first kiss?'' Keiji asked in between his laughter, my laughter died down a bit and I shook my head ''She didn't know'' I paused.

''The funny  part is that she was my sister's best friend, and after she confessed I never saw her at our place ever again'' I smiled at the thought and we continued chatting, I learnt that Keiji even went on his first date with Terushima.

''Then how'd you loose your virginity? Since you already know how I lost mine'' Keiji spoke as he pet Astaroth on the head, I thought for a while before coming up with an answer.
''I was maybe 15? And that was when I knew I was gay, I had a guy over and apparently he was into me or some shit'' I  paused as I was choosing my words.

''So he told me that night that he was into me and one thing led to another I guess, and I can tell you that it was not a good fuck'' I knew that I was being a bit vulgar but it's not as if Keiji cares.

Keiji started laughing a bit and tried to say something in between his laughter but I couldn't understand one word so he had to start over.
Keiji calmed down a bit and took a deep breath ''What about our first fuck? What'd you think of it?'' the smile remained on his lips as he waited for my answer, it took a while for the words to sink in.

As I understood what I was just told I froze for a second before I tried to reply.
''I..I guess it was good? Better than I actually expected it to be'' I admitted honestly as I felt my ears heat up.

Keiji smiled at me softly as he hummed, I waited for him to say something about it but he kept quiet until I asked him.
''And what about you? Your opinion on it?
Keiji stayed quiet for a second gathering his thoughts until he came up with and answer.

''I don't have that much experience but it was good, better then whatever I've experienced'' Keiji chuckled softly before continuing ''You're better then Terushima'' my eyes widened at that and I started at Keiji in disbelief, ''You don't mean-''  he nodded and started laughing at my reaction.

''Wanna know how long his dick is?'' Keiji asked in a quiet seductive tone and before I could answer he responded ''more than 10 Inches that's for sure, you know it's been a while since-'' I cut him off by holding my hand to his mouth.
''I don't want to hear it, Keiji!'' I shouted a bit loudly.

But all I got in response was Keiji licking the palm of my hand and after I peeled my hand off of his face I saw him smirking, ''Don't even'' I demanded which actually made him stay quiet.
''What's gotten into you?'' I questioned.

Keiji leaned in close to my ear and I thought he'd whisper something but what he did next was something I was not expecting, he moaned into my ear ''Ah~'' sending a shiver down my spine but after he got up and said ''That's what''.
Keiji then took one more glance at me and walked away as if nothing happened.

Please go check out the IwaOi book! That'd mean a lot to me!!


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