-Part four-

283 16 1

April 5th


Once Bokuto got back from the store he went to the kitchen to unpack the bags. He had bought some groceries but also some essentials for Akaashi, like for example a new toothbrush, hairbrush etc...

Akaashi was still in his room organizing his clothes in the closet that Bokuto had emptied this morning.

He soon heard a knock on the door and took off his headphones when he turned around and saw Bokuto standing there in the doorway, he held a plastic bag in his hand and said ''I bought you some things I thought you might need'' he went ahead and placed the bag on the messy desk before turning on his heel and walking out the room.

Akaashi was alone again, he was alone yet he didn't feel lonely.. He thought back to the moments when his parents would have to leave him for weeks on end to work overseas, he would either stay with a nanny or maid who never actually paid any attention to him. He somehow felt more alone back then rather than now.. now that his parents aren't here with him anymore he felt kind of relieved knowing that he could stay with someone who actually seemed to care about him instead. Of course it hurt to think about his parents but they weren't exactly around much back then so it wasn't that big of a difference, except now he doesn't have to over think about them being gone for longer than they said they would be.

After Akaashi finished unpacking most of his things he went ahead and took a short nap on his bed.


Akaashi woke up after about 20 minutes all sweaty and out of breath. He had a nightmare again. He saw himself crying in front of the front door after his parents told him they had to go to work again.. He was only 6 years old. Akaashi saw how tears ran down his cheeks and tried to comfort his younger self but was unable to.. he was invisible.

Akaashi got up and walked out of his room to grab a glass of water when he noticed Bokuto sitting on the sofa, so he walked by next to him and greeted him.

''Hello''Bokuto just waved at the younger, who was now in the kitchen taking a glass of water, Bokuto looked at Akaashi and asked him ''What do you want for dinner? I was thinking of ordering take out'' Akaashi drank all the water from his glass in one swift motion before responding ''Uh.. maybe some sushi or onigiri?'' Bokuto nodded imagining all kinds of food he would want to eat.

After calling in to his favorite restaurant he went and put on his shoes and yelled ''I'm going out to pick up our food'' and Akaashi soon emerged from his room looking confused ''Don't they deliver food home?'' Bokuto smiled ''They do but I like to pick it up myself plus a walk has never hurt anyone'' Akaashi nodded and thought to himself 'It kinda has but okay'.
When Bokuto left he put on his earbuds and dialed the principal. He hadn't even walked out the apartment complex before calling him.

''Hello sir!'' He greeted the older man and waited for a response from him before continuing with what he had to say ''I was wondering if you had access to information about past schools from our students.'' the man on the other end grunted and made an approving sound.
''Why do you ask Kotarou?'' He asked Bokuto slowly ''I wanted to see where Akaashi keiji went to school before'' Bokuto had arrived at the restaurant and walked inside and told them what he had ordered, they gave him a bag with his food and he paid whilst waiting for his boss to find the school he was asking to.
When he walked outside he finally got the answer he was looking for ''Akaashi went to Mori junior high school.. If you don't mind me prying, could you tell me why you need to know this?'' Bokuto sighed and wrote down the school in his notes app before continuing the walk home ''Well I have heard that he had been bullied in the past and I've noticed that he seems to still react badly to any contact with new people and I want to resolve that'' Bokuto explained and they spoke a bit about that before hanging up.
They hung up right as Bokuto was taking off his shoes and Akaashi heard him saying goodbye to the principal but didn't react to that.

Akaashi took the bag from Bokuto's hand and walked with it to the kitchen silently, he took the plastic containers out with their food and placed it all on the table before grabbing their chopsticks and placing them on the table.


As soon as they finished eating Bokuto stood up and asked Akaashi if he could clean up since he had an important call to make. Akaashi agreed happy that he finally had something to do instead of feeling like a burden in someone else's home.
Bokuto smiled in his direction as he turned on his heel and walked to his bedroom with his phone in hand.

He Opened up his notes app and copied the name of Akaashi's middle school into his browser, that way he could find the phone number of the principal and contact him.

Once he dialed the number he didn't have to wait long before hearing the voice of the principal ''Hello Nakamura, principal of Mori junior high speaking what can I help you with?'' Bokuto listened carefully before answering ''Hello, my name is Bokuto Kotarou and I'm a teacher at FUkurodani. I have a student who went to your school and I would like it if you could tell me the name of his teacher'' Bokuto spoke calmly with a stern look on his face.
''Of course, may I know what this is about?'' The man asked and got his answer, Bokuto explained the situation and after he got the information he needed he quickly ended the call.

After the call ended he quickly grabbed his laptop from his bed and made his way over to the desk. He emailed the teacher telling him about Akaashi and he also asked if they could meet to talk about this in person.

After he was done sending out the email he closed his laptop and walked out into the living room, he noticed Akaashi had cleaned up the kitchen. Bokuto heard the shower going and realized that Akaashi must be showering so he decided to go and sit on the couch and wait for him.

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