-Part eighteen-

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9:21 AM

Akaashi's POV

I woke up on the sofa in Bokuto's arms, I wasn't that startled because that had happened to us quiet a lot recently. I laid there for 5 minutes before I felt the gulp in my pants growing, I had probably been staring at Bokuto's abs for too long, they were showing because his shirt was slightly lifted up.
I haven't had any in a while, ever since I moved in with Bokuto I haven't been able to hook up with people as often as I used to. after all I've been raped many times, so for me sex was just nothing more than a stupid desire.
I hurriedly woke Bokuto up and as soon as he moved I ran to the bathroom not being able to take it, he probably wondered why I ran that fast but guessing by the way he looked at me he was way too tired to care.


I went to the kitchen after taking care of my business, I made coffee for me and Bokuto.
After Bokuto's cup of coffee was done I went to wake him up, I placed the cup down on the coffee table in front of him and said ''Bokuto wake up I've made you coffee'' I soon saw how his eyes fluttered open.
Bokuto nodded and sat up immediately stretching his arms.
Me and Bokuto drank our coffee and went our separate ways to get changed, I went to my room. Yes I call it my room now, I've been here for so long that I just started calling it mine.
I picked out a black t-shirt with a white print of a moon on, a pair of slightly ripped black jeans (skater jeans?) I choose a nice black belt with two chains hanging off of it and on top of that some accessories.
A chain necklace with a owl on it ( you know these chains with crosses? yea one like that but a little thicker chain and a owl instead of the cross) I had a black face mask because now we had to wear masks, I chose earrings that hung loosely from my helix to my lobe (i don't know what I just wrote but google says that's what these earring placements? holes? whatever are called)
and I couldn't forget about my glasses of course.

I got dressed and got out of the room to wait for Bokuto, I grabbed a glass of water before I heard his room door open.
Bokuto was wearing a white button up shirt with a bow tie, a coat that was the same color as the bow tie: Dark blue and a pair of skinny black jean.
Bokuto wore also a mask that fit with his outfit, it was white with a small owl print in the left upper corner.
We both put on our shoes and walked out of the apartment, Bokuto locked the door behind us and we went straight to his car.


Me and Bokuto were on the parking lot in front of the shopping center, I sat in the passenger seat in his dark grey Toyota CH-R.

''So I checked the website and we have three hours before the movie starts'' I said still looking at my phone, we were supposed to watch a movie at the cinema.
''Alright, want to go shopping?'' Bokuto asked me and I looked at him shocked, ''Sure but I don't have much money left'' I said scratching my neck.
''That's not a worry, lets go'' Bokuto said walking out of the car.
I went after Bokuto in to the shopping center.
It was huge, to my left there was a Levi's shop and to my right there was a supreme shop, I'm guessing that Bokuto likes some expensive clothes.
I walked after Bokuto as he went in to the Levi's shop, we looked at some clothes and started choosing some, I wanted to have a matching outfit with Bokuto. You know just for fun and he laughed a little, after that we went to choose a matching outfit.


It's been two hours of us walking around stores, we were just in Bokuto's car and left the bags with our stuff.
We walked in to the shopping center and Bokuto suggested that we go to a restaurant and eat something because we never ate breakfast, of course I agreed and so we went and looked for a good looking restaurant.
We walked next to this cozy sushi place that caught my attention, I tugged on the sleeve of Bokuto's coat and said ''Hey Bokuto-san, this sushi place looks nice'' Bokuto looked at the place and looked at me again smiling and nodding.
We went in and ordered, ''Two portions of twelve pieces, four with Salmon, four with avocado four roll's'' Bokuto said and smiled, he asked me ''What do you want to drink?''
''Two Ramune drinks'' I said to the person behind the cash register and smiled brightly, me and Bokuto then went and chose a place to sit at. It was a table right next to the window, we sat there and chatted for 10 minutes before out food came.


We just watched Jurassic park, we were now on our way home talking about the movie.
I'm not gonna lie, I had fun today. It was fun spending time with Bokuto, it made me forget about my past for at least a while.

I would really appreciate it if you voted on this! <3

[Not gonna lie this is a filler chapter but I enjoyed writing it]

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