-Part twenty eight-

211 12 6

24th December
1:21 PM

Bokuto's POV

After Keiji left I've been sitting in the living room with Yua and Yui a little, we were mostly chatting until my mom came and yelled at us to get dressed and ready for the Christmas eve.
I went to my room where Keiji was already at, when I opened the door I saw Keiji sitting on my bed with my laptop on his lap.

''I see you've taken a liking to my laptop'' I chuckled earning Keiji's attention that was earlier all on my laptop, ''What are you even doing on it?'' I asked hoping that he didn't check other students grades since I have them on there.

''I'm watching some videos of StrayKids on YouTube.'' Keiji said while turning the laptop to me so that  I could see.
''Anyway we gotta change and go-'' I was cut off with my mom running into my room, not even knocking.
She opened the door panting, ''Mom you could've knocked you know?'' I said while covering my face with my hand out of embarrassment ''No I could not!'' she said stomping with her right foot on the ground, yea I live in the basement so the floor is literally cement.
''Ow god! I hate the floor in here'' she said while walking over to Keiji who was still sitting on the bed, she was looking in to the basket in her hands so she didn't see Keiji's terrified face.
I quickly walked over to Keiji and sat beside him putting my arm around his waist to comfort him.

My mom put the basked on the bed and took out two pairs of red pants and two black button up shirts.
''What do you think you're doing?'' I asked confused, but only earned a glare from my mom who then left the room closing the door.
''I'm guessing she wants us to wear this?'' I said unsure while grabbing the clothes in my hands.
I gave the smaller pair of pants to Keiji and the smaller button up shirt to him, as I took the bigger ones.

Keiji went to the bathroom to change and probably make his hair, so I just changed in the bedroom.
I put on the button up shirt and put on the red pants, I tucked in the shirt in to my pants and went to check if I had some fitting jewelry.
I found a nice black belt and a bracelet that I put on my right wrist and then put on my wrist watch on my left wrist.
When I was done Keiji walked out of the bathroom so I went in after him not closing the door if he needed anything, I took my hair gel and styled my hair.
I sprayed cologne on myself and was done.

Keiji had the same outfit with the same black button up shirt but he didn't tuck it all in to his pants but just the half of the front of it, I'm not sure if that made any sense but yeah.
He had different accessories too: Keiji wore a bracelet on his right wrist and a thin necklace, he had chains hanging off of his belt too and his button up was slightly unbuttoned.

''Who're you trying to impress?'' I asked walking over to him still trying to fix my hair up, ''The person that is literally walking towards me.'' Keiji said as if it were nothing, I stopped in my tracks and blushed.
''Agaashi, don't say that! That was supposed to be my line!'' I said making Keiji look at me, ''Did you just use my last name? Sir I thought we were using our first names now'' he said raising one eyebrow.
''Don't call me sir, I feel old.'' I pouted ignoring the other thing he said earlier, ''Kou come on they're probably waiting for us'' Keiji said as he started walking past me towards the door of my room.
I quickly reacted and grabbed him by his arm and turned him around smashing my lips onto his, it was a short kiss but it was full of emotions and passion and it was enough to make Keiji flustered.
Keiji quickly put his hands to his face and crouched down (He sat like L from death note XD) and just sat there flustered until my sister Yua came.

Yua opened the door and opened her mouth to say something but instead pointed at Keiji and looked at both of us confused to why he was sitting like that, ''what did you do to him Koutarou?'' my eyes widened and I started rambling off about what happened but I never actually intended on telling her what actually happened.

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