Chapter 40: All I Ask

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The brass horns sounded through Lothlorian once again.

Thranduil looked sideways at Caerwyn who smirked back at him. With a growl his lowered the foul Odger back to the ground.
"If I ever catch you even uttering my wife's name I will string you up in the trees and leave you to the birds."

Odger scampered away without a sound. Probably to go tell his father of the Elvenking accosting him, in hopes of retribution.

Thranduil still shook with fury, so Caerwyn laid a gentle hand on his arm, "Don't you think you over reacted just a bit, beloved?"

"He disrespected you. By calling you with your given name. By touching you without your permission. By insinuating that your only worth was in your title you would give a husband."

Caerwyn's heart couldn't help but soften at her husband's words, "Thank you for defending me. "

Thranduil reached and caressed a tendril of starlight hair that had escaped her braid. "You are my wife, I will always be there for you."

Caerwyn took Thranduil's hand, brushing a kiss across his knuckles. " Come beloved, we better go greet the dwarves."

Thranduil released a long suffering sigh, "If we must."

Caerwyn smirked, " You and your hatred of dwarves, how you must have burned when you learned our son had become sworn brothers with a dwarf."

Thranduil grimaced, "I'm not so hateful as you think. "

Caerwyn shrugged pulling Thranduil through Lothlorian, "I don't think you are hateful at all, I just think you have had so much sadness in your life, that your ability to love has been diminished."

Thranduil nipped at the top of Caerwyn's pointed ear. "You didn't remark so on my ability to love last night. In fact I believe most of your remarks were unintelligible moans."

Caerwyn smacked Thranduil on the arm, " Good gracious, husband. Must your mind always follow your manhood? "

"You don't seem to mind my manhood, Starlight."

Caerwyn snorted, breathing out a sound of annoyance. "The point I'm trying to make, Dear, is that around me you are a completely different person, you are warm and humorous. You are loving, kind and genuine. But. Around anyone else, even our own son, you put up this wall of ice. Would it hurt you to maybe melt it a bit?"

Thranduil sighed as the main square of Lothlorian came into view, King Aragorn was already conversing freely with the dwarves.
"I shall endeavor to do as you wish My Queen."

Caerwyn smiled softly, squeezing his hand. "That is all I ask, My King."

Then a red headed she-elf stepped into view and a seemingly hypersonic squeal came roaring out of Caerwyn's throat. Thranduil raised an eyebrow as his wife raced forward in an undignified manner. He wasn't even aware she could make such a sound.

Caerwyn raced forward to crash against the she-elf, hugging her tight.
The she-elf froze, her eyes going wide. Caerwyn pulled back from her one sided embrace.

"Tauriel, my friend, do you not recognize your sworn sister?"

Tauriel shook her head in a daze, "But you died. Two thousand years ago."

Thranduil walked up behind Caerwyn , clapping her on the shoulder. "Yes, well Tauriel. Eru works in mysterious ways. "

Tauriel shook her head as if she was waking herself from a long dream, a smile slowly growing over her face, "It is truly you, my friend?"

Caerwyn yanked on a small gold bead on one of Tauriel's braids. "You got this when you swore yourself to be my personal guard upon your completion of your sentry training.  But it seems as if you are not good at holding to your promises, as the Elvenking tells me you have abandoned your post some years past."

"I uh, I.. My Queen."

Caerwyn let out a hearty laugh, "Don't get so flustered Tauriel, Legolas told me all about Kili, who am I to judge on matters of the heart. I am happy for the both of you. Though I can't imagine a dwarf-elf marriage to be a conventional one. Though I hear their stature has no bearing on their size."

Tauriel blushed wildly , catching her Queen's meaning.

Caerwyn smirked, "After we have banished these Moriquendi from middle earth, we need to get together and have a very long talk. Though I fear I might not be able to play host, my husband still insists on upholding your banishment."

Thranduil took this moment to speak, "Despite, her being your dear friend, My Queen, Tauriel did abandon her post, and therefore is still deserving of punishment, I cannot make exceptions, even for you."

Caerwyn pouted, "Not even a small exception, so I can have her for tea."

Thranduil, raised an eyebrow, "You neither, drink tea nor host tea parties."

"I could start."

"Last time Nestarion tried to get you to drink tea, you spit it out and said it tasted like mud."

A rather tall dwarf stepped away from his group and took Tauriel's hand in his , brushing a kiss across her knuckles. Her blush deepened. 

Caerwyn smiled knowingly, offering her hand to the dark haired dwarf, "You must be Prince Kili, it is a pleasure to meet you."

The dwarf took her hand and shook it heartily , "It is a pleasure to meet you as well Lady...."

"Queen, actually."

Kili's eyes darted back and forth between Thranduil and Caerwyn, and in a dramatic whisper asked Caerwyn, "If this is a forced marriage, please don't hesitate to tell me, I can help you escape."

Caerwyn couldn't help but roar in laughter, as she placed a hand on Thranduil's arm to stay him from reaching for his sword. "I am quite alright, Prince Kili, I assure you I am quite in love with the Elvenking, your wife can bear witness to this, as she was in attendance at my wedding."

Kili's eyes darted toward Tauriel , she nodded in confirmation, "The Elvenking who held you in his dungeons is...was a very different person, from the one the Elvenqueen married. He was so soft and kind around her. " 

A/N:  So sorry this chapter took a bit longer, with the Holiday's  I really didn't want to put in much work.  Which is also why this chapter has such an abrupt ending. 

Also, I know in previous chapters, I had said that Kili was dead, but I honestly ship Kili and Tauriel too much for her to be left heart broken, so I will go back and change those little details, I mean honestly speaking where I do try to remain loyal to the original works of Tolkien in many details in some I kinda want go my own way. So Kili and Fili are still alive. Thorin sadly, where I love him (and the beautiful Richard Armitage) I have left him in the canon state of deadness. 

As always, I love you guys, you are the best readers in the world. <3


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