Chapter 9: Decisions

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Thranduil's POV

After making sure General Telcontar was soundly back asleep, I quietly left her chambers. Her unholy screaming as Lady Galadriel wiped her memory was still seared in my brain. 

I made my way to the council room to meet with Lady Galadriel and Lord Elrond once again. We must come to a decision on what to do with General Telcontar, some part of me wished that she would remain here in Mirkwood.  I felt inexplicably drawn to her.  

 But. I could not allow myself to become attached. I still did not know if she posed a threat to my people.

 I looked at the bowing servants as I passed them in the halls. Still much fear shone in their eyes. My father having a glorious death on the battlefield was far too generous for the cruelties he inflicted.  In the past two years since I became Elvenking my hardest task has been regaining the trust of my people, proving I am not my father.  But due to our immortality , I fear that I will forever remain in his shadow. 

I pushed open the ornate doors to the tastefully decorated council room. Lady Galadriel and Lord Elrond were waiting seated at the long table, seating myself at the head, I peered at them both, the deadly enchantress and the kind healer. 

I laced my fingers together , trying to muster my most kingly glare, "So have you decided what is to be done with my guest."

Lord Elrond bowed his head, "She is to remain in your care, since that it where she seems to have landed."

I fought to control my rapidly beating heart. She was to stay with me. The best news I've had since the demise of my father. 

Lord Elrond continued, "I will seek out the council of the wizards to see if they have any clue as to her identity and how to return her to where she belongs. "

I bowed my head , hiding the joy that ran through me. "Very well, then I will keep her in my care." 

They both rose and I bid them safe journeys. After escorting them back to the dock and their waiting ships , I found myself wandering back to General Telcontar's chambers, I slipped quietly inside, Mistress Briala was sitting by the fire, trying to mend the holes in the General's armor padding, and tunic. She stood as I entered, I pressed a finger to my lips to quiet any greeting. 

Curtseying  politely, she returned to her sewing. 

I calmly walked across the carpet, that somehow servants had already managed to replace since it no longer held foot shaped holes. 

There she lay , still slumbering, he bright white hair glowing in the moonlight. I didn't care what manner of creature she was, elf or goddess. She was a beautiful mystery. And I would protect her.  

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