chapter 7: charlie

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how do you know," castiel looked up "Charlie?" castiel smiled

"how are you dude?" Charlie asked

"could be better," castiel said handing the stack of comic books to her

"whats wrong is your dad still-"

Castiel nodded

"castiel I'm so sorry I should never left you alone," Charlie started rambling

"Wait show me your arms?" Charlie said

Charlie knew about his issue because she walked in on him cutting once.

"i-I did it again last night," castiel whispered

"oh cassie I'm sorry,"

"it's not your fault, mum know now she understands," castiel put on a fake smile

"I should go to class now," castiel sighed

"okay text me sometime?"

"yeah we need to catch up," castiel smiled

Castiel walked down the hall to the art classrooms

"evan hey!" castiel smiled

"hi c-castiel," evan smiled

"so who was the girl?" evan asked smiling

"oh Charlie, don't even try,"

"she's gay," castiel edded

Even shrugged "worth a shot," they walked into the class after they finished they went to there next class and dean sat next to him

"did you do the hamiltin research?" castiel asked and dean froze

" no I forgot sorry," dean grumbled

"its fine dean I did it for you cause I knew you'd forget," castiel smiled softly and place the sheet of paper on the desk. Cas forgot that there was a blood stain in the paper from his father

"cas what's that," dean muttered pointing at the blood

Castiel blood ran cold "that's blood I had a nose bleed and I didn't have enough paper to print out another," castiel lied

"huh okay," dean muttered staring at castiel noticing little things about him like the little brusis hiding under is hoodies and the details of his tattoo's just around his wrist that he could see and the little cuts on his face like little glass cuts and how he smiled just for his brothers and his eyes that are full of light and yet somehow dull,

"dean you okay?" castiel asked

"huh yeah," dean blushed

"okay?" castiel said

He turned back to his book and continued to work

"so cas you wanna comeover today after school and work?" dean asked

"sure would it be okay if gabe and Alfie come aswell?" castiel asked worried for his younger brothers

"oh yeah sure," dean smiled " Sammy would annoy us," dean joked

Castiel smiled as the bell rang

"bye dean," castiel smiled

He quickly left the class and put his stuff away and went to walk to the tree

"hey novak," he heard a jock yell

"what smith what do you want?" castiel grumbled

"how about you stop being a fag and trying o steal dean from lisa," he shouted

"first I don't CARE about the Winchester of yours and second I don't get whats so good about lisa she's a bitch," he shouted

Before castiel could register what happened he was pinned up against the lockers

"you dicks let me go," castiel struggled agansit them

"I knew it, your just all talk you cant actually fight," they laughed

Truth is castiel is strong but he was weak and sore from the beating he got last night

Castiel struggled and froze when he saw Crowley walk up

"oh look my plan worked," Crowley smirked

Crowley lent up next to castiel's ear and whispered

"heard it's been 4 years since your sister killed herself wouldn't it be good if you joined her huh,"

"you ABOUSLUTE FUCKEN DICK LET ME GO BEFORE I KILL YOU," castiel shouted tear menacing to spill

Crowley delivered one last punch before they dropped castiel on the floor.

Castiel stood up and ran out to the tree and collapsed tears falling "WHY," castiel screamed puching the ground

"c-castiel?" Evan said scared

Castiel froze and tried to cover up the fact that he'd been crying

"hey Evan, charlie," castiel whispered

"whats wrong?" Charlie asked

"I tell you later," castiel sighed not intending to tell them

"cas don't shut yourself out again please, look where it got you last time," Charlie begged sitting down next to him and tugged at his sleeve

"you can tell us we won't judge," Evan added

"fine I'll tell you guy but if you tell anyone I will hurt you," castiel grumbled

Even sat down and castiel started telling everything to them about his selfharm, about his sister and his dad. Castiel had tears slowly falling from his face

"Cas I'm so sorry, you need to go to the police," Even gasped

"I-I Can't I've read the probablilty of him goting to jail, it's really low,"

They continued to talk while castiel was mindlessly picking at the grass. The bell rang not too long after and cas went to class. Eventually that day ended and before castiel could leave he was stopped by dean

"hey cas you okay?" dean asked worried

"y-yeah," he lied

"cas I heard Crowley talking about what they did, why didn't you fight back I saw you fight three jocks the other day," dean whispered

"I just didn't care," castiel mumbled

"castiel look at me," ean said

Castiel slowly lifted his eyes up to dean, dean saw his eyes red from crying and he looked scared

"cas have you been crying?" he asked softly

"n-no I'll see you later," castiel turned away and ran

He quickly saw the primary school come into vision and grabbed his brothers

"cas wait!" dean yelled outside the primary school

"what dean," castiel responded

"I can't do my house how about yours, I just remembered my house is a mess," dean smiled

"oh umm yeah I think it'llbe fine I'd just have to check," castiel responded 

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