chapter 10: therapy

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"mum what are you doing?" castiel asked playing with the sleeves of his jacket

"I know you'll hate this but I'm taking you to therapy, now before you get mad, it's for you, I can't make you say anything I won't know anything you say, I just want you to get better," she sighed

"o-okay=," castiel sighed

"what no 'mum I'm fine'," she looked at him and noticed the guilty look in his eyes

"you cut on Friday didn't you," she sighed

"i-I'm sorry," castiel whispered

"it's fine honey I wish you'd tell me after," she smiled

Castiel nodded

They arrived at the building and castiel got out

He walked in and signed and was brought into a room and started

Dean pov

'What did I do wrong, I messed this up was it the jumper or telling him that his dead sister was hot' dean thought he was worried about castiel

" Hey you dean Winchester," a girl with orange hair said walking up to him

"yeah I am," Dean replied confused

" I don't know what you have done to castiel but I will hurt you," she said

" Charlie I d-don't think he knows whats going on?" a boy behind her said

"oh well castiel isn't here and I know it's something to do with him,"

"Charlie I swear I have no idea last time I spoke to cas is when I dropped in his room to give him a jumper and he said his dad was home so I had to leave, you don't think his dad did something " dean explained

Charlie froze

"you don't think, how did you?" charlie whispered softly

"I was looking out my window and I saw cas get punched by his dad," dean worried

" We can't do anything, he probably just late,"

"fine how about we just get to know each other and hang out?"

They walked out to the tree they normally hang out at and sat down.

"so you know my name how about I know yours?"

"I'm Charlie and this is Even Hansen,"

They chatted until the bell and they went to class and about 30 minutes into the lesson castiel showed up, it was obvious he was crying.

"here's your note," he sighed shoving the note in the teacher's face

Castiel silently walked up to the back everyone staring at him

"oh come on I'm a little late so you all stare," castiel said sniffing

He sat down next to dean leaning his head on the desk

"cas you good?" dean whispered

"I'm fine dean," came a muffled voice of cas it broke so often

"Okay dude," Dean sighed looking back to his notes

Castiel didn't say anything apart from the occasional sniff

"cas you sure you're okay?" dean asked pushing cas more

"DEAN I SAID I'M FINE LEAVE ME ALONE," castiel shouted "YOU KNOW WHAT I'D RATHER BE HOME RIGHT NOW," castiel stood up and ran out of the classroom


"FINE DO IT, I DON'T CARE," castiel grumbled castiel stormed out of the school and ran around the back and found the druggies

"ash can I have a joint?" castiel asks

"sure dude here," ash chuckled handing him a fresh joint

"Thanks, actually hand me ten," castiel added handing him a 20 dollar bill

"oh wow, here bud," ash smiled lopsided and handed cas 20 instead of 10

Ash handed him a lighter

"Thanks, dude," castiel smiled

Castiel lit the first joint and took in the special smoke

After a couple of puffs, he felt better instantly

" you know what's funny," castiel sniggered

"what dude,"

"having a petty crush on a jock like honestly what is wrong with me," castiel laughed

" I don't know man but that's stupid how could you like one," ash and the rest sniggered\

"More importantly how could anyone like me?" castiel laughed taking another drag

Castiel continued to talk down about himself laughing 

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