chapter 34: are you sure?

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A/N: I had a big writer's block :)

Dean was still laying with cas as it hit 10 and his phone went off dean saw it was Becky and answered it

"hi, Mrs Novak,"

"oh hi dean, how are you?"

"were good I think were going to get some food then come back, but we've stayed long because cas is quite tired," Dean chuckled and watched castiel sit up and look at him

" Okay I was just calling to let you know I'm going out with Gabe and Alfie cas has some keys," she smiled into the phone

"who is it," castiel asked

Dean mouthed 'your mum,'

Castiel nodded and wrapped his arms around deans back and leant his head on deans shoulders and started kissing down his neck,

"well I let you two go, have fun," she smiled and hung up

Dean smiled and leant his head back so he could kiss cas on the lips castiel ended up crawling on deans lap to deepen it

" cas I want to fuuuck," dean groaned

"Please do," castiel whispered back

Dean groaned and pinned castiel down "can't wait," Dean responded pulling off castiels pants.

Dean loved hearing castiels groans, the way he arched his back in pleasure, the way castiels hips fit perfectly in deans hands, the way castiel was flexible

He just loved castiel

Once they had finished they were awake and hungry

"God I love you," castiel whispered

" I love you too cas a lot,"

They laid down bathing in the bliss of after-sex

"God I'm sicky," castiel muttered

Dean softly chuckled in response

"which means we can go have a quick swim in a pond," castiel replies pulling on his boxers and started to climb down the tree dean following in suit

Castiel walked through the bush track that he made and came through an opening which had a medium pond with a thick bit of rope castiel held onto the rope and swung into the pond landing in it with a splash his head popped out with a big smile and dean got in without the rope swing.

He swam up to cas and hugged him. They stayed in the pond for a few minutes and then got out and got dressed they climbed back down and walked hand in hand

"cas your mum will know that we fucked,"

Castiel shrugged "let her,"

They walked through the path and found his bike the hoped back on pulling their helmets on and drove to the roadhouse castiel shrugged off his jacket as they walked in he got stares his arms covered in scars and a big bandage wrapped around him his arm from the burn.

Ellen greeted them and froze when she saw castiels arms

"castiel what happened?" she asked

"I thought everyone had heard- guessing not," castiel sighed " my father beat me until I was half dead, it was on the news,"

She smiled and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm sorry boy how's your family?" she asked

"Good there good, news stations have been sitting outside our house, but yeah,"

Ellen nodded and sat them down at the booth they had their first date at

"the same as last time?" ellen asked

"yeah, sure," Dean responded

They sat down talking about nothing but everything, they talked about the proposal of promise rings while they looked at them when jo placed the food in front of them castiel instantly went quiet

"you two are so cute," she smiled

"oh?" castiel muttered

"look castiel man, I'm sorry I didn't know what you were going through,"

Castiel gave her a smile

"And besides I worked out I'm gay as fuck,"'

"nice," castiel responded happily

"ill leave you two alone now," she smiled and waved

Cas smiled and held deans hand gently rubbing it with his thumb "god I love you,"

Dean smiled a deep blush showing up on his face "I love you too cas,"

They sat in comfortable silence for a couple of minutes

"I'm proud of you cas," Dean blurted out

Castiel stopped dead in his tracks when he heard that no one has ever said I'm proud of you

"why," castiels voice was small

"everything cas, your father, anna, coming out about self-harm, eating and I just am so happy you're getting the help you need,"

Castiel smiled softy and sighed "thank you, dean. You have no idea how much that means to me,"

Dean smiled up at castiel and lent in to grab his face and gently kissed him on the nose

Castiel let out a giggle while blush coated his face. He reminded Dean of a little puppy.

Castiel finished his lunch and went to pay when Deans hand stopped him from pulling out his wallet

"I'll pay,"

"fine but I'm paying for the next thing,"

Dean looked at castiel confused "there's an arcade next to this place, I wanna play dance, dance revolution,"

Dean shrugged "fair enough,"

Castiel smiled and watched as dean pulled 50 dollar bill out of his wallet and placed it on the table and grabbed castiel hand and took him to the arcade, castiel was having the most fun he's ever had ever in his life but he knew it wouldn't last long- something had to happen. 

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