chapter 45: Aftermath

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TW: drugging,  threatening of rape 

When Becky arrived two police cars were out the front she rushed inside

"WHERES MY SON," she screamed

"Becky come with me, he's safe,"

They saw two police officers interviewing joe and two interviewing Eric who was denying everything

They walked through the crowd of truckers and into the back safe room they found dean holding castiel

"he's asleep,"

Becky nodded sat down

"I just don't believe it,"

"Eric was a dick to castiel all the time,"

"I know, I heard the fights but it just reminded me of Jason,"

Dean frowned "I love him still,"

"he still loves you,"

Dean looked down at castiel and two paramedic

"look we just need to work out what drug eric used on this boy- so ah could you wake him up,"

Dean gently shook castiels shoulder

Castiel woke up with a large jump

"hi, castiel we just need to take a blood test,"

Castiel groaned but threw his arm out. They took the blood and Dean helped him walk

"let's get him home," Dean whispered

"I'm sorry ellen I'll make up my shift,"

"no, bother hun,"

Dean carried castiel through the bar


Castiel quickly hid in deans arm


Ellen walked up to the boy " YOU, YOU FOUL LITTLE BOY, YOU HAVE DRUGGED HIM,"


The bar went silent

One of the cops walked up and put Eric in cuffs

Castiel was put into Becky's car and Dean got in with castiel

"I'm sure baby will be fine," Dean whispered

Castiel stayed latched to Dean

"your so warm," castiel muttered

"and your completely smashed," Dean reminded himself

The drive was quick dean felt his phone buzz he pulled it out

"I have footage, you can easily see castiels table,"

"show me when we get home- I'm filing an assault case,"

Dean muttered a quick okay and pulled castiel closer to him, when they arrived castiel was slightly asleep.

"cas were home,"

"mm no," cas mutter digging his head into deans chest

"I'll pick you up hey,"

Castiel nodded

Dean sighed and picked up castiel he was light too light, dean carried cas through the door and up the stairs into his room he took of castiel shoes and jeans and tucked him into his bed he went to walk away when castiel hand intertwined with deans

"stay please,"

"I promise I will I just need to show your mum footage,"

Castiel let go and rolled over and dean saw a small little kitten jump onto castiels chest and curl up

Dean smiled and wished castiel was his, he quietly walked out of the room and walked down the stairs he saw Castiel's mother sitting at the table

"I can't believe this happened,"

"would you like to see the footage,"

"yes please,"

Dean sat down next to her pulled out his phone and started to play the video the video showed eric ordering two beers

"It was the second drink that was drugged,"

He slammed it in front of castiel castiel was saying no and shaking his head when eric reached out across and pulled castiels hair, Becky let out a gasp and then castiel took the smallest of small sips and put it down eric then downed his own and sat next to castiel he grabbed the beer and held it up to castiels lips and kept it there for castiel to drink once cas had finished he walked off and got more beers

"this time look,"

Eric pulled powder from his pocket and poured it in one of the drinks and stirred it quickly with his finger and wiped it on his pants 

"oh my god," Becky whispered

And the same repeated then castiel slowly started to fade that's when he made his way to the bar he was stumbling and dragging his feet eric was trying to get him to leave and that's when the footage ended

"oh god, thank god you guys have the angel shot," Becky cried


She pulled Dean into a hug and whisper for Dean to go back to him

Dean walked upstairs and creaked open the door castiel was snoring dean smiled and pulled off his shirt and jeans he got into the bed with cats and cuddled up next to castiel

"my dean," castiel grumpily said

"Are you awake?"


castiel snored

"forgot you sleep talk,"

Dean fell asleep a proper sleep for the first time in months 

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