chapter 42: home... once again

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It was the morning and castiel decided to put on a hoodie and a pair of jeans he had his backpack on his back and his suitcase in his hand he heard speaking and his mother walk in the door she smiled and looked at him

"mum," castiel whispered and ran up to her pulling her into a hug

"I'm sorry, for doing that, but I'm getting better I promise I still need to see uh Rowena for a few weeks,"

She smiled " I know honey I got told,"

" oh sorry,"

"stop saying sorry dear, your fine now, let's get you home, I know a pair of boys who have missed you- and we have a present for you,"

Castiel smiled his eyes were full of colour and happiness he walked next to his mother and looked around when they reached the lobby, it was a quick process for him to be signed out when the sun hit his face he squinted his eyes but followed his mum to the car.

When they got in

"How have the boys been?" castiel asked

"Good, I'm glad your better honey- promise me, you'll say something okay- I don't want you to do that's again please,"

"Okay, I promise,"

She smiled. The house soon pulled into view he got out his grippy socks still on. He grabbed his stuff and walked up to the door it was swung opened and his brothers smiled at him he dropped his stuff and pulled them into a hug

"I missed you boys so much," he whispered

"we're just happy your back," they smiled

He gently kissed both of their heads

"gross," they whined

"you love me,"

Castiel stood up and rubbed their heads

"honey your surprise of over here"

Castiel walked over and saw a tiny kitten it was a black tuxedo cat he had green and blue eyes

"oh my god, are you serious?"

"yes, sweetheart,"

He picked up the little kitten and looked into its eyes

"I love the eyes,"

"I thought you would,"

"I'm stealing him up to my room,"

"hey, cas,"

Castiel turned "yeah,"

"I've taken all of your blades and pills from your room, they are in the medicine cupboard down here- if you need them you come down here and take it," she explained

Castiel nodded and walked up the stairs the kitten was curled up in castiels hands. He made his way to his room and gently placed his cat on the bed he looked out his window and saw dean staring at him he waved a bit and turned back to putting his stuff back on the bookshelf.

A few minutes later a bang on his window scared him he looked up from his bed and saw dean kneeling at his window

Castiel swung it open and dean jumped in



Great it was awkward

"thank you, for you know saving me," castiel smiled

"hey anytime- cas you said I wouldn't care-"

"dean you told me if I would die, you wouldn't care,"

Dean sighed and pulled castiel into a hug he was still thin but not life-threatening he knew not to comment on his body.

"I regret that I'm so sorry cas, I shouldn't've said that I shouldn't've done a lot of things, I shouldn't have let Lisa pin me down or let her kiss me, I didn't cheat on you please " dean gently place a hand on castiels cheek

Castiel sighed and grabbed deans hand pushing it away from his face " I'm sorry Dean, I can't with us I'm just not sure about trusting you just yet- it may be a few weeks, maybe a month, I just I'm sorry,"

"it's okay cas, it's fine, I love you I all ways will I'll wait for you, I promise,"

"Okay, also I love you too, but I need to expand my wings have a few dates but I promise I'll come back to you, I always will,"

Dean nodded feeling his heart shatter "have you got a date set up with someone already,"

"yeah, his name is eric,"

"oh, okay. When will you be back at school,"

" I'm going to go next week," castiel smiled

"Yeah, I'll see you then" castiel cut him off

"or do you want to hang out with me tomorrow?"

"I'm busy," Dean responded " I should be going now anyway- bye castiel,"

Castiel looked down as dean left he was so stupid he should've just said yes to deans advance he wanted to kiss him, but he just couldn't trust him, but he's got eric now..... 

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