chapter 35: the phone call

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Tw- mental abuse, mentions of rape

Castiel and Dean finally got home dean going into his house sealing the date with a gentle kiss castiel walked in and had a quick shower and changed his wrapping on his burn it was still red and welted. He sighed and laid down on his bed, he was home nothing could hurt him anymore- he had a few more days at home before he had to go to school, he rolled around and saw he had a hoodie from dean which he wanted to pull on he stole it from him a day after school he pulled it on and it smelt like dean he smiled and hid in it.

After a few hours his phone went off he picked it up and he noticed it was a phone number he didn't recognise so he answered it "Hello?" he said

"you little bitch,"

Castiel's blood ran cold- it was his dad

"da-" castiel started he was shaking

"you have ruined me, you are worthless fag, that boy doesn't need you, he's using you, he DOESN'T LOVE YOU, soon as he gets dick from you he will leave you, the things I wish I could do to you. Thanks to you I'm stuck in a small cell I don't deserve this you deserve this and you know what happens the abused becomes the abuser huh can't wait for you to whined up in here, you worthless fuck your gonna start hitting your dear dean you fucking fag,"

Castiel was sobbing he wanted to throw his phone across the room and scream so he did he screamed

"SHUT UP,"castiel scream

"there we go I can't wait to get out of here and fucking rape you to hear those screams again god I missed them,"


Becky had just got home when she heard castiels screaming she rushed upstairs and opened his door she saw castiel sobbing screaming for someone to shut up he was curled up in a ball as far away from his phone as he could it was sitting on the bed in front of him

"what's wrong sweat heart,"


She could hear laughing from the phone

She quickly rushed up to his phone and hung up

"How did he call you,"

"i-I don't know," castiel cried grabbing a pillow and hiding his face

"why, why me mum, why did I have to be born with him as my father, why did he have to be a drunken bastard be my father mum why?" castiel asked he sounded so broken, so hurt

And that just broke Becky

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," she whispered

Castiel nodded and looked into her eyes " I'm tired mum, I tired of everything, he ruined me, I broken, not loved, hell I don't understand why dean even cares, he's probably using me or it was all a fucking dare,"

Becky sighed and pulled her son into a hug " I'm sure dean loves you, your brothers love you, I love you, you are loved,"

Castiel nodded and pushed away " I'm just gonna watch some tv- I need to distract myself,"

Becky nodded and left she knew she shouldn't when castiel turned on an episode of doctor who and he stood up and climbed out his window leaving a note saying he was going to visit dean the window was left open so he climbed into the room as Dean opened the door a towel loosely around his waist when dean saw cas he dropped his towel as he jumped

"Jesus cas,"

Castiel smiled and walked up to Dean and wrapped his arms around Dean and swayed them around his room

"cas I need to get dressed,"

"But I like you naked, it's hot," castiel smiled

"oh is it, my mum isn't home y'know,"

"oh really what a shame," castiel smiled

"how about I destroy that ass of yours?" dean whispered while their lips hovered inches above

"I'd like to see you try"

"is that consent?"

"yes dumbass."

Dean pushed castiel to lay on his bed while kissing him Castiel removed his shirt as dean undid castiels jeans and yanked them down leaving castiel in his boxers he gently nips and kissed up castiels thigh castiels hand went to deans shoulder and gently tapped his shoulder

"yes, sexy bitch,"

"t-tie me up, with my belt,"

Dean hummed "I have just the thing I'll be back, don't touch yourself,"

Castiel nodded and watched as dean grabbed the towel and wrapped it around his waist he walked down his stairs and found the rope that he used to make sams swing in their back yard he walked up stairs and walked into his room he saw castiel waiting breathing  heavy

"I'm back,"

Castiel smiled and felt the thick rope up to his torso, dean tied him up

"We need a safe word," dean gently whispered stroking  castiels face

"how about impala?" castiel whispered

Dean nodded and moved down Castiel's body 

Living Next To The Punk: Destel AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang