chapter 32: brothers and dinner

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A/N: I was going through massive writer's block for this but there you go 

 Dean was panting by the time castiel had finished, he quickly put on his boxers hissing as he was sensitive

"wow," dean said once he'd gotten dressed,

Castiel laughed and gently kissed him " come on, let's go down,"

They grabbed each other's hands and blushed "you ready?"

"as ready as I'll ever be,"

Becky pov

It had been a few minutes since she asked dean to bring down cas, the boys were getting antsy when she heard Castiel's door creek open and he came into view smiling at his mum.

"boys your surprise is here," she called out

No pov

The boy came running out of the living room and saw castiel standing there a small smile plastered on his face tears were welling in his eyes

"cassie," they yelled and ran at him castiel knocking him over, he landing the and hmpf but laughed while his brother attacked him with love

"c-cas are you okay," Dean said trying on to laugh

"I'm good that didn't hurt,"castiel smiled up at him

After a few minutes their mother spoke up "come on boys let him breathe," she smiled

They got off him, castiel let out a little groan as he stood up,

"you laughed at me you asshole," castiel said playfully at dean

"It was pretty funny you have to admit, a tall person being taken down by to hip height kids,"

Castiel couldn't help but smile it does sound a bit strange,

Castiel hugged his brothers again and heard a voice "Hey kid,"

Castiels head snapped up and he saw agent morgan smiling at him "can I talk to you?

He nodded and stood up and followed morgan to the lounge room noticing his fathers chair wasn't there, castiel sighed and sat down on the chair and slung his legs over the armrest

"yeah," castiel asked

" last time I saw you, you were almost dead and all you wanted to do was save your family, and I understand the reasons you would think that you do, but why didn't you tell me when I found you in the woods that day?"

" i- my dad he would find out and he would kill everyone make me watch, he does- used to threaten me with that," castiel explained

" oh well, I'm sorry-" morgan got cut off with dean walking in

"hey cas your mothers wants to know if you want sausages or steak," he smiled

"oh umm steak please," castiel quickly responded

" We should go back to them anyway,"

Morgan walked out and dean was still waiting so cas made grabby hands at him, Dean couldn't help but smile while he walked forward and giggled as castiel grabbed and pulled him down to hug him

"wanna watch tv," he asked

"hell yeah," Dean muttered into Castiel's neck

They turned on the tv and it was on the football which made castiel jump quickly turning off the channel

" you okay,"

" Yeah, that's just reminded me of my dad," castiel breathed 

Castiel quickly changed it to ant-man and sighed

"We should move to the long lounge,"

Dean nodded and stood up dragging castiel up and with him falling onto the lounge with castiel landing on his chest

"This is better,"

dean hummed in agreement and they stayed there calm dean occasionally kissed castiel on the head

"I love you cas,"

Castiel blushed "I love you too,"

Dean looked to cas

"cas look at me," he whispered

He gently lifted his head and looked at him

He pulled castiel up to his face and connected their lips, castiel kissed back his hands went to deans hair while deans went to Castiel's ass and gripped it hard,

" shit," castiel whispered into the kiss which made dean smirk.

Once the movie ended they pulled apart "I love you so fucking much cas," dean whispered and kissed down Castiel's jaw and occasionally sucking a hickey then he kissed down Castiel's neckline. Dean quickly flipped them over and pulled castiel shirt off and kissing up to his stomach and across his scars up his chest sucking a hickey again and again over his chest.

"d-dean my mum I hear her footsteps," castiel whispered

Dean flipped them back around so that castiel can lay down and snuggle up in deans arms.

"hey, dean is cas asleep again,"

Castiel moved to look at his mother " no, I was about to fall asleep," castiel yawned

" oh well boys dinners ready," she smiled

Castiel nodded and stood up facing his mother picking his shirt up from the floor and he noticed his mothers face which held a knowing smile

" what?" castiel asked

"you've got something right there and there," she pointed at his lower chest and her jaw

Castiels face burnt up " a bug bit me,"

Castiels mum laughed " he seems like a massive bug," while looking at dean who chuckled

"I'll treat your son right I promise," Dean smiled and wrapped his arms around castiel

"I know you will," she smiled

They walked out hand in hand to sit outside and they all were stared at

"fine dean and I made out," castiel said with a smile and slapped deans ass

The rest of the group laughed

Castiel chuckled he was happy, finally happy he didn't think his life could get worse again.

And what a stupid thing to believe.

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