Chapter 25: Hospital

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Soon as dean pulled up to his house there was police tape around Castiels house there was ambulances and finally Castiel being rolled out on a stretcher a oxygen mask over his face and some man the agent on top of him doing chest compression dean heart broke when he saw a second stretcher rolled a older woman a woman dean believed was Castiels mother oh god where are his brothers he rushed to the closest uniformed officer

"whats going on officer?" dean said smiling

"well his father beat the poor boy half to death there not sure he'll make it, its so sick that someone would do this?"

"well how was he abusing the boy?"

" I shouldn't tell you but," the officer glanced over to watch he assumed was the lead

" I wall anyway, one thin g I saw was he burnt the boys arm one a stove he cute bits off his ear and carved his skin with a knife,"

Dean felt sick this was his fault he shouldn't have let castiel walk home he did the only thing he could think

dean burs ted through his door and saw Sam playing with gable and Alfie

"hey boys how are you?" dean awkwardly asked sitting down next to his mum

" I heard it, castiel screaming I called the police but a fbi agent was already there, gabe hear called him," Mary

" can I go to the hospital?" dean asked looking up at his mum

" yes honey of course take gabe and Alfie with you okay?" mary smiled

"of course," dean quickly grabbed the boys and ran out

"are we going to see Cassie?" Alfie asked

"yes we are,"

The car ride was filled with tentison and everyone was on edge, the younger boys didn't know that castiel might not make it, but he was,

"he's going to be alive, my honey bee isn't leaving me this early," dean repeated not knowing he's near shouting

" what do you mean is Cassie dead?" Gabriel asked tears welling up in his eyes

" n-no he's not, he's fine," dean said smiling at them

Dean didn't say anything else and just turned up the song and by chance arm tonite by mother mother started playing it was the song castiel chose out on there playlist they made together

"fuck," dean whispered as tears ran down his face. Soon as they ran into the hospital Jo was standing there shaking as a leaf

"dean can we talk?"

" oh. My. Fucking. God. Jo really?" dean growled

" no no I'm not going to ask you out, I'm just really sorry about how I acted castiel deserves you I don't I'm sorry,"

" oh," dean smiled " text me later,"

"yes, yes of course," Jo smiled and walked of the hospital

" can I please see castiel Novak?" dean asked smiling at the nurse receptionist

" I'm sorry its only family,"

" well I'm the one looking after his brothers and they want to see him so.." dean persuaded

"okay I will warn you he looks terrible he won't be the same castiel you've known," she nurse smiled sadly

Dean nodded and grabbed the twins hands and walked them to the room

"Cassie hi," Gabriel smiled

But Cas didn't respond he was in a sleep, pale as chalk no black nail polish, it scared dean this wasn't the castiel he fell in love with. They sat there silently dean grasping into castiels hand he looked over all was bandages on him

Two around his arm one for the burn and one for his own cuts that were opened in the fight, there was paste over his ear from the cuts and finally there was some on his legs the bullet was finally removed and probably stitched up.

It was all silent until it was 7 pm visiting ours were almost over and suddenly castiel started shaking and nurses started surrounding castiel. 

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