Chapter 26: kidney problems

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dean had to go wait outside while the brothers got picked up by a nurse and taken to the there mother who was in the next room

"whats going on?"

" his kidney is filling with blood and failing he needs a replace now, we don't have any," the nurse ranked her skinny fingers through her hair and sighed

Dean needed to see his boyfriend again

"I'll give him mine," dean instantly said

" are you sure because-"

"I'm sure,"

Her face lighted up and stetted dean up,

Mary sadly smiled and hugged his son

"always my little boy saving others," she pinched his cheek

" mum I'll be fine, plus cas will live and that's all that matters,"

Mary smiled and kissed his forehead

"mum," dean whined as a nurse walked in

"okay dean ready,"

Dean nodded and laid down he was rolled in next to castiel who was already under

"okay dean I need you to count down from 10," the surgeon said to dean

"10......9.......8," dean passed out and they started the procedure

Once dean woke up he looked around and looked down at his gown

A doctor walked in smiling

" it went well, he's stable,"

"can I see him?"

"yes, you can,"

Dean stood up and rushed to the room he looked peaceful Becky holding his hand tears staining her face.

"am I intruding?" dean asked quietly

Becky stood up and rushed toward dean hugging him

"t-t-thank you," she muttered

Dean smiled and gave her a quick hug before they broke apart and sat down next to castiels bed

"dean you love my son so much, I can tell," she smiled

"yeah I do I would do anything for him,"

Becky gave a soft chuckle when there was shouting which dean assumed was his own mother dean froze and realized he didn't tell her about the kidney transplant

"dean Winchester," his mother voice rang out of the room

"mum I can explain," dean stood up and looked toward his mother

She immediately pulled dean into a hug and smiled " you fucking idot,"

" you said that like you were proud of me,"

"I am my son, you saved him, I knew you would save him,"

Becky smiled and looked at her son who was twitching

"dean," she whispered

Deans head whipped around and he saw castiel's fingers move, he rushed over and grabbed castiel's hand

"cas baby come on please, I need you please, I love you so much,"

Castiel seemed to hear this and a tear rolled down his face

" cas please opened those beautiful blue eyes,"

It seemed that time stopped as castiel's eyes opened and he smiled

"dean," castiels voice was near to gone from screaming and he face seemed to be relaxed

"is it over did I save them?"

Dean broke tears streaming down his face "yes you did you self-sacrificing bastard," dean gripped castiels face

" dean shut up and kiss me," castiel smiled

Dean chuckled and placed his lips on castiel which castiel returned they stayed kissing for a few minutes before Becky reminded them they where still there but she had to go back to her room and was taking Mary to talk

Dean pulled back and castiel sighed

"dean why are you in a gown?" castiel asked tugging at the plastic like material

"um well you see, you kinda like almost died and I kinda gave you one of my kidneys,"

Castiel froze "w-what, I almost died,"

So that's why I saw Anna castiel thought

"cas baby whats up?" dean said moving a strand of hair away from castiels forehead. Castiel wasn't moving his eyes wide open he looked in shock his face fell and a tear fell it started slow then faster and faster

"cas. CAS, Cas baby talk to me," dean whispered

"I saw Anna she talked to me I-," castiel cried

"o-oh god cas," dean crawled onto the bed and cradled castiel as he cried dean gently rocked them back and forth dean justly shushed castiel.

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