chapter 24: is it over?

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t.w: bad bad bad bad evil father

They both quickly drank it and went to the primary school picking up the boys

" dean I really appreciate for today but I should walk home from here, I don't want my father to hurt you," castiel rubbed the flannel

" oh yeah sure no problem bye baby," dean smiled and gently placed a kiss on Castiel's lips

Castiel smiled and walked down the street to their house. Once they reached the house his father's car was sitting out the front

"fuck," castiel muttered

He looked down and saw his brother scared "go to your rooms," castiel whispered

They nodded and ran inside up the stairs in their room shutting the door

Castiel took a deep breath in and looked over to deans house. No impala castiel swallowed and slowly walked up to the door opening it his father pulled him in holding him up against a wall

" dad please I can explain,"

" you can explain what, you skipping school, one of my building buddies see you with that boy kissing and hugging at the roadhouse?"

Castiel whimpered as his father slammed him on the wall lifting him by deans flannel

"you fucking fag," castiel was dropped on the floor his dad kicked him in the chest where he was shot many weeks ago then he dragged castiel by his hair across the kitchen floor and grabbed a knife

"I thought getting shot would stop you but know all I can is carve it into you huh," he growled

Castiel groan and was forced to lay on his back the knife dug into his chest dragging down castiel sobbed and cried out as the blade pierced his body once again blood was covering the floor

"Are you still a fag?"

"I still and always will love dean,"

Jason gasped and dropped the knife kicking castiel in the chest

"get up, COME ON GET UP,"

Castiel got to his knees before he got kicked again and fell back to the floor grunting he saw Gabriel poke his head through the railing he looked at. Castiel looks to his phone and back at Gabriel

He seemed to understand and slowly walk down the stairs and grabbed castiel phone and ran away.

Castiel was pulled to his feet and thrown into a wall before his dad started to hold him by the neck and punch him in the face breaking his nose that's when his mum walked in

"mum,"castiel whispered

"HONEY STOP," she screamed

"NO, HE DESERVES TO DIE, TO ROT IN HELL," he screamed back

His mother dropped her bag and ran at him trying to get him off of castiel

He lashed out and hit his mum in the head sending her to the floor pass=out

"MUM," castiel shouted struggling

Jason kicked him punched him again and again under his nose broke with a satisfying crunch

"dad..." castiel whispered

Castiel couldn't function his eyes were shutting.

Gabriel pov

Gabriel ran up back into his room and looked through the contact

And saw one contact that stood out


So Gabriel called after three rings there was an answer

"Hey, kid,"

"umm hi I'm Gabriel Castiel's brother, our dad he's hurting cassie please help,"

Morgan stayed silent he could hear Castiel's pleads for help he knew the kid was lying about his father

"I'm coming," Morgan said and hung up

Castiel was laying on the floor crumpled up trying to breathe as his father slammed him against the cupboard a gash forming under his eye blood spouting out of the wound

I deserve this

He then grabbed castiel and dragged him back to the kitchen turning on the open flame stove

"dad wait," castiel struggled

He held castiel up and placed castles forearm above the flame heat stinging his arm

Castiel cried out in agony as his father placed his arm on the stove

Castiel screamed flames running all over his arm tearing open his scares, fresher cuts and making some of their own the smell of burning flesh was filling the house causing him to gag

Once his father thought that was enough he grabbed the knife again and held it against Castiel's ear

" Please don't," castiel begged

His father gave a cynical smile and sliced down carving little peace's of flesh out of Castiel's ear

"STOP BEING A GIRL," his father shouted

castiel passed out after being thrown into a wall slamming his head once again slamming into the wall cracking open. Once his eyes opened again the was a man pointing his gun at his father

"morgan?"castiel whispered

His father was dragged out of the house shouted racial slurs at morgan, he seemed not to care and he darted straight to castiel

"Hey kid, there's an ambulance coming okay,"

"my mum is she okay, please help her I'm fine,"castiel wheezed moving toward his mum with much pain

"cas don't move,"

" I have to, my brothers are worried, my mum help her," castiel cried reaching her grabbing her face

It wasn't pale but cas could tell something was wrong

"Please help her," castiel cried

"cas," she whispered

Castiel gasped in relef and smiled

"mum..." castiel smiled hugging her sobbing

"cas she okay, now I need you to stop moving," morgan whispered

Castiel nodded collapsing into his mother's arms head resting on her chest listening to her heartbeat. She looked at her son and saw the burn she sobbed 

"how could he do this to you gad cas,"

It was still bubbling. Castiel felt cold and tired

" castiel stay the fuck with me okay," morgan shouted slapping his face

"I can't I can't it's too hard I want to rest please," castiel whispered

" When will the damn ambulances arrive," morgan cursed himself

Morgans voice go muffled as castiel was greeted with death it lulled him to sleep wrapped in his mothers embrace

At least I protected my family  

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