chapter 8: working together

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Castiel rushed home and burst through the door

"mum! When is dad home," castiel asked worriedly

"why honey bee," his mother asked

"my friend dean he wants to come over to study,"castiel said

"oh about 6 be quite and have fun," she smiled

"thank you," castiel rushed upstairs and got changed and threw his bag on his bed setting up his medium-sized tv and watched doctor who before he heard a shout from his mother he walked downstairs in a black three cheers for sweet revenge short sleeve shirt with a pair of grey sweat pants

"cas your arms," his mother whispered

"some dick pinned me to the lockers, I'm fine," castiel grumbled

"cas that's not what I'm talking about," she sighed

"oh, yeah," castiel sighed grabbing a zip-up jumper with some rips but it was fine

"darling he's at the door," his mother added

Castiel smiled and walked to the door he quickly opened it and deans face immediately went red

"h-hey cas," dean smiled

"hello dean welcome to my home," castiel smiled

"I hope it's okay if Sammy stays here my mum and dad aren't home," dean rubbed that back of his neck

"oh yeah Darlin that's fine," Castiel's mother smiled

"come in," castiel smiled

"here Darlin there are some snacks and would you like to ask Dean if he'd want the pie we made the other night," his mother suggested

"oh can I?" Dean asked with a smile

"Yeah okay," castiel smiled before quickly walking into the kitchen and cut a piece for Dean and slid it across the bench and go up on the bench. They had a conversation.

" cas your house is amazing," dean complemented

"it's nothing really," castiel mumbled staring at the floor where there was a red stain

Dean sighed 'why can't he take a compliment?" dean thought

"hey cas," dean smiled "you look nice today," dean complemented

"no I don't I'm nothing," castiel whispered

'dammit' dean thought

Afer dean finished his pie they walked upstairs to Castiel's room, Dean had seen an apart of Castiel's room but not the side with the window, he saw posters of bands but the there was a picture of a girl she was hot wow

"hey cas," dean smirked and picked it up "who's this hottie," he asked

Castiel froze up and shook with anger =he quickly turned around and snatched the picture from dean's grasp

"don't say that about her," castiel grumbled and put it back

"c-cas I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you like if she's your girlfriend I'm sorry," Dean apologized

Castiel sighed and mumbled "she was my sister,"

"i-I'm sorry?" Dean asked

"I said," castiel said louder tears slowly welling up in his eyes "she was my sister, her name was Anna,"

"cas what's going on? what happened to her?"

"she died four years ago and it's my fault," castiel finally let tears fall down his face

"How is someone's death your fault?" Dean said slowly walking toward castiel

"she slit her wrists while I was home but I didn't stop it I couldn't save her," castiel sobbed

"Hey it's okay," dean softly whispered and wrapped his arms around castiel small body not noticing castiel jump and eventually wrapping his own arms around dean and crying into his chest. After a couple of minutes, they let go of each other.

"Alright," castiel cleared his throat "lets actually work," he laughed softly hiding his blush

"Yeah okay," Dean added also hiding his blush

They sat on Castiel's bed and began working talking about random shit they come up with they had fun and soon it reached 5:50 but it only felt like minutes

"hey, look at the time," Dean smiled "I should be going,"

Castiel sighed in relief and nodded

"do you want me to walk with you?" castiel asked

"Nah I'll be good,"Dean smiled grabbing his leather jacket

"I'll see you next week hey," castiel smiled


They walk down the stairs and Sammy ran to them

"Alright I'll talk to you later," Dean smiled

"Yeah you will I meet you on the roof 10ish," castiel whispered so his mother won't hear

Dean nodded

Dean quickly gave cas a hug and noticed his parents staring at him

"Alright bye," dean waved and took sams hand as they walked to the next house 

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