Chapter 38: fuck off

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Castiel walked home at the end of the day he skipped his last class and smoked, he got his brother ignoring deans calls

"Why are you ignoring dean cassie," Alfie asked

" he's a meany, he hurt my feelings, he kissed someone else,"

"but he loves you, you wanted to get married- that's what mummy said,"

"Alfie I don't want to talk about this, come one,"

They walked in silence once they reached the house castiel ignored his mother

"castiel mary came over today,"


"castiel come here,"




She heard his door slam shut she sighed and walked upstairs she knocked on castiels door

"cas are you okay,"

" go away," castiels voice was strained

"what's wrong darling,"


"can I come in,"

There wasn't a response, the door swung open

"dean cheated on me, with his ex,"

Becky stopped in stunned silence


She followed castiel into his room and he collapsed on his bed

"Did I hear you right, did you say that dean cheated on you,"

"yeah.. he did,"

She frowned and pulled her son into a hug "I'm sorry darling,"

"can I be alone, I just don't want to talk to anyone,"

"Okay, sure,"

She gently kissed castiel on the forehead she shut the door on the way out.

Castiel stood up and found a hidden box of old razor blades he contemplated it he looked at it and looked to his arms should he wase all of his effort on this

"fuck it," castiel muttered and pushed the blade into his arm the tingling finally stopped and he sighed his arms were coating in a thin layer of blood when he was done.

He pulled on a jumper and a pair of sweats and curled up on his bed after hiding his blade.

Becky rushed over to the Winchester household and knocked on the door


"you know what happened,"

"yes I do, Dean told me as soon as he got home,"

"what happened? cause what I know is your son kissed his homophobic ex and my son saw,"

"it a lot more complicated, throughout the time castiel wasn't at school Lisa had been trying to get with him, and he kept on saying no, castiel had to talk with a teacher so Dean was waiting for him when Lisa came up to him and pinned him to the lockers and said ' your mine,' and kissed him and castiel walked out and saw- dean tried to explain but castiel wouldn't listen he ran away skipped the rest of his classes he just disappeared,"

Becky frowned "cas is very stubborn,"

"I don't know how this is going to work,"

Just as mary was talking with Becky dean walked down the stairs and silently handed Becky the ring castiel gave him

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