chapter 11: weed and feelings

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Dean pov

"dean where is cas?" Charlie asked " I saw him walk down the hall, but I can't find him

"he stormed out of class and I'm really worried about him," Dean muttered

"dammit dean you pushed him didn't you," Charlie groaned

"I asked if he was okay,"

"dammit, dean,"

Dean and Charlie went looking for cas and dean went outside whereas Charlie went looking through the bathrooms

Dean wondered around the school finding a group of duggies and there sitting with them was castiel he was laughing dean couldn't hear what there were saying just yet so he walked closer

"you what I think I deserve to be beaten by my father I mean who would want me, I'm useless I really debating joining my sister where ever you go after you die," castiel laughed

Dean frowned


"hello dean," castiel smiled

Dean would love to see cas like this all the time, he looked so carefree so happy,

"come with me," Dean muttered

"what no me and little cassie here are going to have some fun in the shed soon," meg masters said kissing castiel gently

'God I wish I could do that,' dean thought

"what no meg I'm gay," castiel tried pushing her away failing from how high he was

"well you have to pay somehow and my daddy isn't going to like that very much 20 bucks isn't enough," meg smirked she was less high she knows what she's doing, pushed castiel up against the stone wall of the school forcing her onto him

"let him go, he doesn't want to, he's gay meg," Dean said

"well, I can always change that,"

"meg get off him before I make you," Dean growled

M=eg huffed and reluctantly got off castiel

"my dads going to be pissed,"

"ash how many joints did cas smoke?" Dean asked worriedly

"about 3," ash sighed

"shit," Dean sighed

Dean grabbed castiel and led him to his car,

"can we fuck?" castiel asked out of the blue

"what," dean questioned he had to have heard him wrong his face was heating up

"well I'm well and your fucking smoking hot so why not," castiel smiled

"cas I have a girlfriend," dean sighed

"Sorry," castiel whispered and kissed dean quickly on the lip which dean returned

"dammit," dean sighed bright red

"cas lets get you to my place," Dean smiled getting into the car

"dean you know how fucked up I am right," castiel giggled "I hate myself so much on the weekend I cut myself like a lot and my dads right about me I'm screw up I really want to join anna, but like everything's fine," castiel continued talking down about himself

Dean didn't know how broken castiel was, Dean was near tears how much hearing how much castiel hated himself

"castiel your nothing of those things, you're beautiful, kind, caring, you don't deal with bullshit, you're smart,"

Living Next To The Punk: Destel AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora