chapter 31: home

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The car trip was silent castiel was scared even though his dad wasn't there the house still held those memories

"Cas are you okay?" his mother asked

"y...yeah, I'm fine," castiel answered he wasn't okay,

"cas stop lying to me," his mother responded

"I'm not-" cas got cut off

"I raised you castiel, I know when your lying,"

"I'm just scared to go in, I know it's stupid,"

His mother sighed and swept her hair behind her ear

"cas,"she started placing her hand on his knee in a comforting way " he's gone, he's not coming back, the house is safe, I've cleaned it, I've bleached your carpet, there was no way that it could hurt you,"

Castiel gently nodded and got out of the car the house was tall its was intimidating like his father almost he took a deep breath and slowly walked inside. His mother was right, there was no blood stains or bottles anywhere castiel sighed he was home but something felt off

"Hey mum," he called

"yeah, sweetheart,"

"I'm just going to have a rest in my room,"

"Okay," she smiled

Castiel made his way upstairs and went to his room, the carpet didn't have stains of vomit, alcohol  or blood he smiled and collapsed in his bed, he was almost asleep when there was banging on his window which startled him he sat up and looked at it seeing the deep green forest eyes, castiel quickly opened the widow and dean jumped in

"welcome home cas," he smiled and connected their lips

"dean," castiel smiled "I love you,"

Dean smiled and mumbled it back they laid down and their legs tangled together, and castiel fell asleep while dean gently held cas and softly sang hey Jude.

After a while Castiel's mother checked on castiel and saw him curled up with dean, he was laying on top of dean, both of them snoring, she smiled and slowly shut the door.

She was happy that Jason was finally gone, she wouldn't have to watch her sons getting scared every time the door opened, she walked back to the lounge room and watcher her favourite show, finally, she got to watch her own shows, no more football, no more drunken fits when Jason's team lost, and most of all she won't hear Castiel's pleas for help when he beat him half to death. Then there was knocking on the door, she looked at her watch which read 4:00 pm, she walked up to the door and opened it and there stood the rest of the Winchesters and morgan

" Hey um we were wondering if cas wanted company," mary suggested

" oh well he's upstairs asleep, with dean but yeah stay for dinner,"

the door squealed out as the opened to let the people at the door in including her sons who had been at school

"mummy mummy," Gabe pulled at his mother's shirt

"yes honey," she responded chuckling

"Are we going to see cassie at the big building," her son asked

" you will see cassie, soon,"

The boys nodded and ran to show Sam their room

Castiel pov

He heard speaking downstairs and didn't want to go down, dean was gently running his fingers through castiel hair

"We don't have to go down angel," Dean whispered "we can wait,"

"I want to wait, just for a bit,"castiel muttered looking up into deans eyes

"you're so handsome," dean whispered bringing his lips down to castiel gently kissing him

Castiel kissed back eager for it to escalate

"eager are we," dean pulled back to breath

Castiel let out a laugh "I haven't been able to kiss you for weeks," he trailed his finger under deans lip

"Beautiful," he muttered to dean

They connected their lips again both fighting for dominance which castiel won.

He climbed on top of dean and pulled his shirt off

"holy shit," dean reached out and touch Castiel's chest trancing a scar castiel let out a shuttering breath

They when back to kissing,

Dean pushed himself up against the back of his bed and sat up

" I need to take my s-shirt off," Dean muttered into the kiss

Castiel grumbled and pinned dean to the bed, and moved to his neck kissing down and sucking hickeys.

" cas please," Dean grumbled

Castiel quickly pulled back and took off deans shirt and started kissing deans neck

"fuck," Dean muttered looking toward the door knowing it isn't locked

he felt castiel slip his hands in deans pants

" Are you sure dear?" castiel asked looking into Dean's eyes they were blown

" yes, cas I w-want it,"

Cas smirked and slowly took off deans pants and threw it somewhere then took off his own leaving them in their boxers, castiel slowly kissed down deans chest "so fucken hot," dean lent his head back and noticed the handle moving before cas palmed dean

"fuck cas the door," Dean choked out while letting out a breathy moan.

Castiel looked up as the door creaked open

Castiel threw himself around dean and lent into his shoulder

"play along," he whispered

"hey dean, is cas awake? His brothers want to go see him, I wanted it to be a surprise," Castiel's mum asked

"sure I'll wake him up," Dean smiled

"dean, you look flushed is everything okay?"

"y-yeah,"Dean cleared his throat

Castiel was gently kissing and licking deans neck where he was sitting, Castiel's hand was gently wandering closer to deans crotch

"We both need to get dressed so ah, ill bring him down in a couple of seconds," dean smiled

Becky nodded and shut the door

"come on cas, we need to get up," Dean said kissing the side of Castiel's head

He let out a groan and rolled off of dean he pulled on a clean pair of jeans and one of deans old shirts that he left in Castiel's room before

"seems like you got an issue, I could help y'know," castiel turned around and smiled innocently,

"God please," Dean asked

"I'll just turn on the shower I'll be right back," castiel smiled

Dean quickly jumped off the bed and locked the door, and took off his boxers. 

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