Chapter 43: Eric

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TW: relapse of eating disorders,  mental abuse 

"I don't like him," Dean said looking over to castiel and eric sitting at the corner table castiel leaning on erics shoulder looking at his phone

"yeah me neither, he screams raging asshole," Connor sighed looking over at castiel "man he looks bad like its obvious he not eating,"

"yeah," dean whispered "I heard shouting last night his mother was shouting about him not passing his weight check,"

Charlie sighed she hadn't heard from cas- none of them has it like castiel was cut off from them he looked tired all the time

"look guys we know what's happening- eric's toxic but castiel doesn't see it, as Dean said he didn't pass his weight check, he was doing fine- holy shit," she cut herself off and pointed to the couple

Eric had grabbed castiel around the neck and forced them to kiss castiel looked uncomfortable when they pulled back castiel looked down, he wiped his lips and excused himself he rushed out of the eating hall

"I need to speak to him, something is happening with this eric dude and I need to keep him safe,"


"no, I'm going,"

Dean glared at eric who was smiling like he just won the lotto

He heard throwing up and rush into the downstairs bathroom

"cas?" Dean asked

The vomiting stopped and he opened the stall

"dean," castiel responded walked past Dean and walked up to the mirror " what do you want?"

"We haven't talked in a bit and well- I wanted to catch up,"

Castiel sighed and let tears escape his eyes "I've fucked up,"

"what's wrong?"

"eric he's- he reminds me of my dad but I can't get out, he threatened to hit me,"

Dean sighed and pulled castiels small form into his chest

"your so warm," castiel smiled

"Maybe that's because I'm pissed at your boyfriend for forcefully kissing you,"

"he's not- it's not official, I just feel trapped,"

Dean nodded and gently kissed castiels head "I will help you,"

Castiel nodded and smiled

"castiel where have you gone," erics voice called

The door swung open he the footsteps stopped

Castiel had shoved dean off of him "eric this is dean, dean this is eric,"

"oh castiel, I told you I want to be the only person you hang out with,"

"he was just checking up on me okay?"

Eric scoffed and called castiel over with a hand and walked off

"shit dean I gotta go,"


"no," castiel rushed out leaving dean angry and worried

When he walked into history he saw castiel wasn't there.

After school, he saw castiel walking down the street

"cas you wanna ride,"

"no I can't he doesn't want me to, I'll see you tonight," castiel shouted


" we're going on a date to the roadhouse," castiel smiled looking down at his arm

Once castiel got home he got changed and got stopped by his mother

"he's abusive isn't he,"

"what n-no."

" cas honey your acting like me before me and your father got married,"

" I can't escape mum help," castiel broke down " I'm sorry I'm failing, I threw up again today, he walked in on me talking to Dean- he dragged me behind the school and shouted at me for talking to him, I just want dean back," he was sobbing

"Oh honey," she whispered and pulled castiel into a hug

"Why do all bad things happen to me?"

"I don't know honey you deserve something better though,"

Castiel nodded and jumped away when there was a loud knocking on the door

"he's here,"

"don't go,"

"I have to mum, I'll be back, I promise,"

Castiel grabbed his jean jacket on his way out 

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