chapter 22: lunch and homophobes

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TW- homophobia, and just in general people being dicks, suicide attempt

As soon as castiel and dean arrived at the school walking side the gates the jocks walked up to them

"so this is who you ditched us for, him really dude your really going to fuck a fag your would do that, that's unnatural and gross, come on dean lets take you to lisa she'll fix you," they glanced at castiel and noticed the hickey dean left him "you already fucking slept with him, dean come on join again we miss you, your our captain,"

Dean clenched his jaw trying not to punch the jock in the face, he clenched his fists looking to cas who had a mischievous glint in his eyes

"no he will not go with you, yes I did sleep with this magnificent man, unlike you lot who think 'gay' is a insult and only get off to lesbian porn," castiel smirked snarkley

Deans jaw dropped he was in a state of shock and on the verge of laughing

"oh you little fag, fuck," crowely spoke up

"wow creative,"castiel laughed

Which caused dean to burst out into laughter as he couldn't hold it any longer.

Crowley drew back his fist and it collided with castiel's face,

Dean punched Crowley in return " you fuck faces, you wonder why I left you guys you were never my friends. Leave castiel alone,"

"Oh you little shit," crowley lifted his hand and wented to punch dean, he missed because and stepped aside and went to turn to cas and noticed castiel wasn't there

"seems like your 'boyfriend' doesn't care about you," Crowley laughed

" oh fuck you," dean said pushing past the pair

He noticed he had a text from cas

Cas <3: sorry I ran I couldn't see you get hurt, it's my fault you never should have talked to me dean,I'm sorry, I love you, goodbye forever dean

Dean: cas where are you? This wasn't your fault, I love you too

Cas <3: I'll be on a cliff its very pretty, not for long though I'll be at the bottom soon.

Dean panicked, he bolted through the forrest he didn't care about school at this point all he had on his mind was cas his beautiful smile, his little head tilt he does when he's confused, the face he makes when dean kisses him, they've only been dating for a week but dean loves cas and he's sure of it, dean almost went over, and it was steep the landing was just gravel and grass. he looked over and saw castiel standing there, castiel looked peaceful, somehow, blood was slowly dripping down from his nose

" cas baby whats wrong,"

" its my fault, my father won't hurt my brothers, I-I deserve this," castiel hung one leg off of the cliff

" cas please don't I love you cas, I can't function without you please," dean begged slowly walking toward castiel

" dean please don't make it harder," castiel cried

" it can be different you don't have to,"

Castiel laughed sadly "I do, I do have to," and with that castiel dropped off the cliff, dean screamed and dived skidding across the dirtand just grabbed castiel's wrist, with his other hand he was holding onto the stump of a old tree

" dean let me go," castiel said trying to get dean to let him go

" no cas, I won't," dean sighed pulling castiel up.

Once castiel was on the grass under a tree, he sobbed into deans chest,

" shh your okay, I won't say anything, lets go get some icecream huh? Lets go for icecream," dean cradled castiel rocking him back and forth.

They sat there for a bit when dean got a call

" shit it's my mum," dean muttered but answered it

"hey mum,"


"mum-" dean looked down at cas who nodded as to say he can tell his mum


"MUM CAS TRIED TO KILL HIMSELF, I-I SAVED HIM," dean cut his mum off tears rolling down his face

"oh-oh my god is he okay?"

" yes he's fine, we're going out for icecream and a burger," dean muttered looked down at cas who was still shaking and crying

" okay I'll forward you money,"

Dean thanked her and hung up, dean stood up and helped castiel up, he hugged him once more.

"thank you dean , I don't- I don't why I did it, i-"

Dean kissed him, "you're okay now atleast,"dean smiled

Castiel nodded and held deans hand

They walked back past theschool it was dawning and large the clouds were rolling toward them like waves on a beach.

"it's going to rain," dean laughed

Castiel nodded still majorly in shock from his attempt, he was still clung onto deans arm

"hey cas, I love you," Dean smiled

"I love you too," castiel sniffed

They quickly walked to the car

"cas your okay, I'm not going to leave you I promise," dean smiled wiping a stray strand of hair away from castiel face.

"dean I love you so much, I promise I don't want to do that again,"

Dean smiled and started baby hey jude started playing and dean smiled he sloftly sang it looking at castiel who was leaning on his shoulder

Castiel had cracked his first smiled as they pulled into the parking lot

"come on, lets go,"dean got out of baby and opened castiel's door, castiel slowly got out and took deans hand they walked hand in hand into the diner

"welcome- DEAN," a young girl around deans age said

" JO, hi," dean smiled

" so you want a table, who's your friend?"

" um yes a table for 2 and this is castiel, he's my boyfriend," dean smiled

Castiel felt himself blush whenever dean would call him 'babe' or 'my boyfriend' castiel gets giddy

"oh," jo sighed frowning walking to a table and placing two menus down before walking away

"dean, she seemed," castiel said gently

" she has a massive crush on me, she has since we we re kids, I've told her so many times I see her as a sister and when my uncle married her mother it's gotten worse," dean explained placing his hand on castiels

" cas I love you though, I don't love her or lisa, you," dean smiled rubbing castiel hand  

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